You guys need to relax – for the billionth time, it’ll be done when it’s done
Progress is still being made, in fact I just added 2 new instructions to the existing recompiler core and we’re still making (albeit slow) progress on the recompiler re-write. I have been making small optimizations to the emulator, bug fixes, keeping it up to date with libOGC, etc.
We’re all busy with real life, two of us have mortgages to pay off now, real life isn’t as abundant with free time as it used to be, but we still manage to take the time to discuss wii64 progress and optimizations let alone get some lines of code written.
If you can manage to make a civilized thread over at gc-forever, I’m more than happy to answer questions regarding progress or thoughts/etc. Just don’t make it a blatant “WHERE IS WII64 IVE BEEN WAITING 2 LONG omgponiez” thread and it shouldn’t get shut-down.