no networks found issue both of my windows machines (8.1 and 10) on any network


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
What in the actual fuck are they doing over at micro$hit these days ?
( I mean besides sexual harassment ,adultery and conspiring to release deadly bioweapon on the global public)
I have 2 laptops and I can not get wifi to stay up for more than a few minutes on either one of them now ,this all started a couple months ago
and no it is not my network it happens with any networks, my network, my phones hotspot ,neighbors wifi , public wifi
tried all suggested fixes but none of it works
mouse starts getting fucked up glitch and jumpy sometimes when it happens too ,
internet stops working , says no networks available does not detect any networks after it drops
I have to go to the wifi signal strength icon ,right click, go to troubleshoot problems, it completes and says "default gateway not found" fixed.

Sometimes I have to do this literally every 10 seconds, sometimes I have to do it 3 times in a row ,but sometimes it stays up for minutes or hours
but lately it won't stay up for more than few seconds now.

this has been happening on both my lenovo win 10 laptop and my vaio 8.1 ultrabook(much worse on this machine) for about 2 or 3 months now

I have done every troubleshooting step watched every video read all support articles nothing fixes this god damn shit.

I uninstalled all drivers and reinstalled them, re-sat cards in slot after cleaning with 90% IPA ,ended up buying new wifi cards just to be sure, disabled all power management and set all profiles to max performance for the wifi adapter and in general power management setting , (in at least 3 different places).

I flushed DNS 1000 times, reset winsock 1000 times, disabled /enabled network adapter,
uninstalled it and let windows reinstall it.

I tried setting it to use a custom DNS.

I am really at my wits fucking end now, this OS is just a fundamentally flawed piece of fucking shit and is no longer useable AT ALL anymore.
how in the fuck do you fuck shit up this badly? how do you fuck up wifi , it's le current year , how can you not have mastered something as basic fundamental to computing as fucking WIFI on your OS?
This is just fucking ridiculous.

I have made no changes to my system at all , and I am not the only one having this issue, when I search for this issue I see a bunch of comments under the articles or videos that say they tried all steps in said article or video and that none of it worked ,different articles ,different suggested solutions , always the same comments, "I tried all of this and the issue persists" or "none of this worked"

People have said they even did fresh installs of their OS and bought new network adapters and they sill have the same problem. ( I can't even imagine how this is possible, i feel like this started after a windows "update" a couple months ago.

WTF computing is fucking dead , deader than shit, you can't even get a video card without paying 400% markup and even if you could you have no OS that you can even us it on to game on anymore.

Maybe this issue is only affecting laptops though, I have no idea I just know that I can no longer use this fucking piece of worthless shit of an OS anymore and I will never buy (or build even if I could afford it) another windows machine ever again , and I am not willing to learn mac OS or linux and you can't game on them either so I guess I will just become a fucking luddite and go live in a shack in the woods then.

BTW had to reset my WIFI adapter no less than 65 times while trying to type this and having my mouse freeze and jump all over the fucking place

Now I have had both of these issues forever (mouse/glidepoint glitches and dropping wifi/no networks availaib/e) in the past but not to this extreme ,every single winblows laptop I have ever owned or used has had fucked glide point drivers, the fucking shit just fucks up all the god damn time , clicks do not register the first time, mouse frequently becomes unresponsive unstable and jumps around, it's just fucking trash how do you not figure out a fucking mouse driver (or maybe it's just their fucking unstable turd of a kernel) ,none of this acceptable.

So are there any geniuses here that have any ideas on how to fix this, short of going out and spending 8k on a mac book pro?
Last edited by weatMod,


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Does it happen on Linux? Get a liveCD/liveUSB and try on that.

Mouse being taken out too makes me wonder if something inside the computer maybe went bad, possibly after having used a dodgy USB drive.

If another OS has it working fine (and it is presumably easy enough to check here as it is not like it happens randomly after a lot of use or something) then that would speak to some form of software issue, if it continues in that then more likely hardware.

Do you have a USB network card (preferably a different manufacturer to the onboard but even if it is it could tell you something valuable) you would try instead? That would help narrow down hardware, possibly driver and OS level network stack failures.

Also macbooks only cause further issues, and wait until the next wifi standard comes out or its otherwise same chips as PC fail and you get the repair bill for that one (as a hint you are not going to be removing it like you did there to clean yours and buying another from your chosen online tat merchant).

Deleted User

These both are Laptops, so while I don't have any immediate answers, I do have suggestions to troubleshoot and hopefully get to the bottom of this via Method of Elimination.

In your position, I would do the below, in order and stop whenever the trouble is fixed:
  • First try moving the Laptops closer to the Router to eliminate the possibility of signal strength and check;
  • Second try to connect the Laptops to a different Wi-Fi Network within the house, probably using the Smartphone's Mobile Network and Shared Hotspot feature; and
  • Third bring the Laptops outside of the house and connect to any available Wi-Fi Network, probably some Coffee House.
If after all of these the problem persists, then I doubt it has anything to do with Wi-Fi signal and more a problem with how the Laptops are acting during Internet use.

If that is the final result, then as long as your Data are safe, it may be time to consider either Downgrading to Windows 7 or using Linux on those Machines.
Last edited by , , Reason: Wording.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
What in the actual fuck are they doing over at micro$hit these days ?
I have 2 laptops and I can not get wifi to stay up for more than a few minutes on either one of them now ,this all started a couple months ago
and no it is not my network it happens with any networks, my network, my phones hotspot ,neighbors wifi , public wifi
tried all suggested fixes but none of it works
mouse starts getting fucked up glitch and jumpy sometimes when it happens too ,
internet stops working , says no networks available does not detect any networks after it drops
I have to go to the wifi signal strength icon ,right click, go to troubleshoot problems, it completes and says "default gateway not found" fixed.

Sometimes I have to do this literally every 10 seconds, sometimes I have to do it 3 times in a row ,but sometimes it stays up for minutes or hours
but lately it won't stay up for more than few seconds now.

this has been happening on both my lenovo win 10 laptop and my vaio 8.1 ultrabook(much worse on this machine) for about 2 or 3 months now

I have done every troubleshooting step watched every video read all support articles nothing fixes this god damn shit.

I uninstalled all drivers and reinstalled them, re-sat cards in slot after cleaning with 90% IPA ,ended up buying new wifi cards just to be sure, disabled all power management and set all profiles to max performance for the wifi adapter and in general power management setting , (in at least 3 different places).

I flushed DNS 1000 times, reset winsock 1000 times, disabled /enabled network adapter,
uninstalled it and let windows reinstall it.

I tried setting it to use a custom DNS.

I am really at my wits fucking end now, this OS is just a fundamentally flawed piece of fucking shit and is no longer useable AT ALL anymore.
how in the fuck do you fuck shit up this badly? how do you fuck up wifi , it's le current year , how can you not have mastered something as basic fundamental to computing as fucking WIFI on your OS?
This is just fucking ridiculous.

I have made no changes to my system at all , and I am not the only one having this issue, when I search for this issue I see a bunch of comments under the articles or videos that say they tried all steps in said article or video and that none of it worked ,different articles ,different suggested solutions , always the same comments, "I tried all of this and the issue persists" or "none of this worked"

People have said they even did fresh installs of their OS and bought new network adapters and they sill have the same problem. ( I can't even imagine how this is possible, i feel like this started after a windows "update" a couple months ago.

WTF computing is fucking dead , deader than shit, you can't even get a video card without paying 400% markup and even if you could you have no OS that you can even us it on to game on anymore.

Maybe this issue is only affecting laptops though, I have no idea I just know that I can no longer use this fucking piece of worthless shit of an OS anymore and I will never buy (or build even if I could afford it) another windows machine ever again , and I am not willing to learn mac OS or linux and you can't game on them either so I guess I will just become a fucking luddite and go live in a shack in the woods then.

BTW had to reset my WIFI adapter no less than 65 times while trying to type this and having my mouse freeze and jump all over the fucking place

Now I have had both of these issues forever (mouse/glidepoint glitches and dropping wifi/no networks availaible) in the past but not to this extreme ,every single winblows laptop I have ever owned or used has had fucked glide point drivers, the fucking shit just fucks up all the god damn time , clicks do not register the first time, mouse frequently becomes unresponsive unstable and jumps around, it's just fucking trash how do you not figure out a fucking mouse driver (or maybe it's just their fucking unstable turd of a kernel) ,none of this acceptable.

So are there any geniuses here that have any ideas on how to fix this, short of going out and spending 8k on a mac book pro?
Does it happen on Linux? Get a liveCD/liveUSB and try on that.

Mouse being taken out too makes me wonder if something inside the computer maybe went bad, possibly after having used a dodgy USB drive.

If another OS has it working fine (and it is presumably easy enough to check here as it is not like it happens randomly after a lot of use or something) then that would speak to some form of software issue, if it continues in that then more likely hardware.

Do you have a USB network card (preferably a different manufacturer to the onboard but even if it is it could tell you something valuable) you would try instead? That would help narrow down hardware, possibly driver and OS level network stack failures.

Also macbooks only cause further issues, and wait until the next wifi standard comes out or its otherwise same chips as PC fail and you get the repair bill for that one (as a hint you are not going to be removing it like you did there to clean yours and buying another from your chosen online tat merchant).
no the mouse issue has happened on every single windows laptop I have ever owned it is just bad drivers or a bad kernel I think.mouse goes shut house sometimes especially when the HDD is working hard, the OS just plain sucks, can not handle glidepoint and HDD at the same time I think , pretty mush all modern versions of windows do this .
I think if I plug in a mouse it doesn't do it, seem to be the gliepoint drivers or the kernel just sucking

Some issues just never go away no matter what no mater the machine or the winblows version ,they are just winblows issues , mouse (well not mouse but glide point/touchpad) ,acting up is definitely one of those issues, every machine I have ever owned has done it (mouse going haywire especially when the HDD is active) on every windows version,I have 3 laptops one is on 7 one is on 8.1 but came on 8 another is on 10 they all do it , did it on all versions, same problem with windows auto hide taskbar , on every machine I own the taskbar gets stuck in the up position or stuck in the down position a lot of the time usially which ever is most inconvenient for me at the time, also every machine I have ever owned refuses to populate thumbnails in file explorer
it's always an intermittent problem with no rhyme or reason to it, but most of the time it it doesn't generate/populate thumbnails or it takes literally hours to do it , other times it just works every winblows machine I own does this crap all the time,I always expect it to work normally when Ibuy i new machine bit it just always does the same shit time after time, even 10 plus years on, no improvement it still just sucks

I bought a new AX WIFI 6 card it was cheap enough like $13 ,but I could not install it because it only has one notch and my socket has 2, I don't know the name of the different sockets , I must have ordered the wrong one
and it was from ebay not Amazon so in guess I'm stuck with it .

I am 99.999999999999999999999999999999% sure this a a winblows issue and nothing to do with software but I will try and create a bootable USB with linux and see if it works but this shit is persisting across 2 different machines and I see other people having the same issues across both windows 8.1 and win 10 and there is no solution.

I swear to god they are doing something deliberately to make people buy new machines and making it seem random to obfuscate their involvement , I think they are pushing out updates that are updating the BIOS of the IME
to make this shit happen so you go out an buy a new machine, what else could explain this when I see people in
the comment sections saying they tried everything including a fresh install of winblows and changing out their wifi cards
and then saying that the issue still doesn't go away .

I really love this machine (Sony vaio flip/fit 13) it has an amazing 13.1 inch Sony IPS Triluminous display and a great n-trig digitiazer stylus
I just replaced the fan for about the 6th time now and the charge ports (really weird and expensive proprietary one that is a nightmare and has springs)
they both had to be replaced but i was wondering if the issue was due to dirty power cause the adapter would not work unless you put pressure on it or from overhearing because the fan was bad and sometimes made a horrific screeching noise till you slapped the keyboard a few times
I replaced both part and it still happens so definitely not that
but it happens on my 17 inch POS TN panel lenovo too but just not as bad
drops wifi ,no networks available , have to do troubleshoot problems and let it rest the adapter then it works again then it does it all over again

Like I said this happed before in the past but only once in awhile but now it happens CONSTANTLY
an the mouse acts up when it happens, usually the first indication that the wifi is fucking up is the mouse stuttering an jumping around or the cursor stuttering or freezing while trying to type, before my browser stops working even.

I really think they are fucking up peoples machines on purpose and they have shuttered all their brick an mortar stores too and there is no more phone support either , both M$ within 1000 miles from me have close and are never re-openeing

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

These both are Laptops, so while I don't have any immediate answers, I do have suggestions to troubleshoot and hopefully get to the bottom of this via Method of Elimination.

In your position, I would do the below, in order and stop whenever the trouble is fixed:
  • First try moving the Laptops closer to the Router to eliminate the possibility of signal strength and check;
  • Second try to connect the Laptops to a different Wi-Fi Network within the house, probably using the Smartphone's Mobile Network and Shared Hotspot feature; and
  • Third bring the Laptops outside of the house and connect to any available Wi-Fi Network, probably some Coffee House.
If after all of these the problem persists, then I doubt it has anything to do with Wi-Fi signal and more a problem with how the Laptops are acting during Internet use.

If that is the final result, then as long as your Data are safe, it may be time to consider either Downgrading to Windows 7 or using Linux on those Machines.
Yes as I explained in the OP I did do all of that the issue is definitely not related to signal strength
like I said it says "no networks available " it will not detect any of the 80+ detectable networks in the area until it resets the networks adapter
I don't think downgrading to 7 is an option, the machine came on 8 and then they pushed a 8.1 update for it
they also pushed out a 10 update that i never did because of all the complaints about it
while there are l lots of issues on 8.1 the issues with 8 and 20 are even worse ,this machine needs some very specific drivers because it is a convertible and has an n-trig digitizer as well as some other things
any attempt to update or downgrade will be met with worse issues, if anything I would buy another ssd for it and clone my drive and try updating to 10 on the new drive and see if that helps but I doubt because I read on Sony's site about this machine and the people who update to 10 had all kids of issues

Deleted User

I don't think downgrading to 7 is an option, the machine came on 8 and then they pushed a 8.1 update for it

It is interesting that both the Windows 8.1 and 10 Laptops suffer from the same problem, but I'm in no position to diagnose from a distance.
I do, however, have several Windows 8.1 Laptops that I did downgrade to 7 hence my suggestion, but your mileage may vary.

I have found that 8.1 Drivers work well for the most part on 7 and if the problem you're facing ever becomes too frustrating and costs more than it should, then I would recommend trying to install Windows 7 whilst still keeping the hidden Original OS Partition intact, just in case you want to revert to Factory Settings Windows 8 in the future.

As for your Windows 10 Laptop, this might be a bridge too far to downgrade, but I will recommend running Linux on a USB Drive just to see whether the difference in Operating System also provides different results for your Wi-Fi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
It is interesting that both the Windows 8.1 and 10 Laptops suffer from the same problem, but I'm in no position to diagnose from a distance.
I do, however, have several Windows 8.1 Laptops that I did downgrade to 7 hence my suggestion, but your mileage may vary.

I have found that 8.1 Drivers work well for the most part on 7 and if the problem you're facing ever becomes too frustrating and costs more than it should, then I would recommend trying to install Windows 7 whilst still keeping the hidden Original OS Partition intact, just in case you want to revert to Factory Settings Windows 8 in the future.

As for your Windows 10 Laptop, this might be a bridge too far to downgrade, but I will recommend running Linux on a USB Drive just to see whether the difference in Operating System also provides different results for your Wi-Fi.
Yeah I think I will try Linux and see what happens even though I think it is a software issue.
I called Intel again and the agent I spoke with this time thinks it is because the network adapter card is discontinued
and that the windows update has broken compatibility with it, because the driver is no longer receiving updates to match the Windows updates, my driver is from 2019 on the 8.1 machine I haven't checked the other one is a awhile.
the new Windows update does not support the old driver for my card (Intel N 7260) and the card is no longer supported ,that is what Intel is telling me.
they also said trying to find a card that is compatible is a crap shoot ,, i already messed up and ordered the wrong m.2 key
now I have an AX card I can't use, but even if it does fit it might not work with my motherboard and there is no way to tell since Sony sold off their vaio division and there is no support, my only option might be to try an external wifi dongle
and I think the win 10 machine, the lenovo is using the same N7260 card too so I think that might explain it.
but who knows , it still might no work even with a USB wifi dongle .

Deleted User

I've voiced my opinion on Windows 10 before, so I understand your frustration.

I hope you can salvage your two, perfectly-good Laptops and keep them running, on a fair Operating System until they actually do stop without Planned Obsolescence.
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Dec 26, 2015
United States
You should be able to use a wireless dongle if there is problem the wifi card, if there is a problem and there is no driver support from the manufacturer, there is not much you can about the wifi card, How long you have these two computers, model number would help you to troubleshoot.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2013
United States
You should be able to use a wireless dongle if there is problem the wifi card, if there is a problem and there is no driver support from the manufacturer, there is not much you can about the wifi card, How long you have these two computers, model number would help you to troubleshoot.
the 8.1 one I had since 2014 it is a Sony vaio flip 13 , SVF13N17PXS
I don't know about the win 10 lenovo , it's a 7th gen i5
I salvaged and fixed from a friend was going to throw it away.
i don't really care as much about that one since it is so slow thanks to lenovo bloatware and plus it has a go awful 17" TN panel that rapes my eyes

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