Hey everybody! I'm a new user here and new to this hacking thing. Go easy on me okay? lol
I have a Wii which i JUST hacked a few weeks ago (using Letterbomb) I have Homebrew and Bootmi for it as well.
For Christmas I got a Wii U and i know you can play Wii games and use the Wii menu on it but i have a question. I warn you it may sound stupid but as i said i'm new to this.
I'm wondering if i can use the SD card i have that has my Home-brew, Bootmi information on it that i used to hack my Wii on my Wii U. It would be used for the Wii menu (the Wii side of the Wii U). Or do i have to do something completely different? I've read the forum and saw the Wii U hacking is in progress so i don't want to do anything to the Wii U side yet until more comes out.
I'm holding onto my old Wii just in case I can't, and as a just in case something happens.