At some point over the past week the outer cameras on my hardmodded Luma new 3ds xl stopped working. Obviously, my warrenty is voided so I cant go to Nintendo. I'd also prefer to avoid purchasing a fresh console as it would mean going though the process of grabbing the neccesary files for arm9 again but without the extra security of a hard mod. Given that, my options appear to be fix it myself or send it to another hardmodder and not see it again for another 3 months. The problem likely lies with the camera cable. I figure it's either dmaged or displaced. Does anyone with experience fixing this sort of issue have some sound advice or a tutorial I can make use of? I've seen guides for doing this on an old 3ds, but none on a new 3ds xl. My understanding is that the internal makeup of the systems is different enough to lead me into trouble if I try to follow the wrong instructions.