ntrboot wasn't available until May 30, 2017. His hardmod date (2 years + some leeway of several months) falls within the timeline where he might have only been left with hardmod.
Maybe he's one of those people who break their electronics, put it away in storage, and come back to it on another day with more financial security to buy replacements and enough courage to muster tackling (to getting it) fixed, despite the shameful failed hardmod attempt.
I think we beat him over the head enough with how bad his hardmod was.
@pacemaker76 or anyone too embarrassed about sharing their fucks up in hardmod, I once hardbrick my GameCube trying to pull off the region switch mod... And hardbricked Game Boy Advance with a failed Afterburner backlighting mod... And also a PSP-1000 phat that had firmware 1.50, stupid disk reader died on me. Grrr.