I have a wii that I have procted my games from kids sracthing them. I use uloader still works great. Any recently I accidently deleted my backup of the wii that I made with priiloader. I went to go make another one upon trying to I get an error that says it can not find bootmii. I tried to redownload this althogh I always get the same error I did so long ago that I do not remeber to reinstall everything I am looking for someone who can tell me the steps I need to take to fix this. I only a backup of the wii again cause there is a new wii menu out there and unkowningly my children may have some kid here that decideds to to wii system update and possibly brick our wii. Please someone help so this has no chance of happing. I thank you all for everthing you have done already you have saved me from games getting ruined and have allowed to protect them.
System menu that I am using is 4.2 came as 4.2 never upgraded it
System menu that I am using is 4.2 came as 4.2 never upgraded it