I'm on system 4.2, I installed the Home Brew Channel, DVDX and BootMii Boot2, I did a backup of my NAND to my SD card successfully. My next step was to beable to play some backup games so I followed steps 1-5 for the Restoring the Trucha Bug (4.2) guide, then installed Waninkokos cIOS (249 and 250) I went back to step 6 in the Restoring the Trucha Bug but when I scroll over to IOS70 its not there. I was able to get NeoGamma to run in my HBC but wasn't able to load a backup game on DVD. I've only tried 1 game so far (Mario Bros Wii) and it was from DVD not a USB loader as I don't have a USB drive big enough yet. My main question is how do I complete step 6 for Restoring the Trucha Bug??