Make your exploitable SysNAND 99.9% foolproof from updates

Ok so i found a little way to make your systemNAND a lot safer..

this guide works best for those who have a offline exploit ready (Android or PC tether)
Also:its always a good idea to have a nand backup handy
As for me i use the 3ds X-Loader app from android playstore to load up my exploit.

(3ds X-Loader Setup)
  • so first ready your offline exploit rater it be the android tether method or a PC offline method.
  • In 3ds X-Loader settings Make sure that execution mode is set to auto
  • also check disable wifi automatically and automatic hotsopt (i think it starts checked by default)
  • set up your ssid to a name you want, i used 3DS and used no security
  • As recommended by lemanuel its a good idea to format you systemNAND WITHOUT YOUR SD CARD IN THE SYSTEM before you start, that way you can have 2 completely separated NANDS. As long as you have your nand backup which everyone should theres no problem with system format.
  • Now startup 3ds X-Loader WITH YOUR PHONE DATA OR 3/4G TURNED OFF
  • In your 3ds add the hotspot connection you made in X-loader e.g ssid 3DS
  • connection should fail and if so thats good, click save and dont test connection
  • Now to foolproof, go to parental controls in 3ds settings and set it with a pin of your choosing
  • now in set restrictions select software rating and go all the way right & select rated EC and hit ok
  • Now exit settings and open the internet browser and add the address it says on 3ds X-Loader once you start server to your bookmarks
  • then load the exploit page.
And automatically by enabling the parental controls it will ask for a pin when trying to add a new internet connection meaning that only you have the ability to edit connections list and setting it to EC will make it that every game that is not rated EC will ask you for a password before launch..why do you want this you ask? well if you or someone pops a new game in and it installs a update from the card, no internet is required to do this update. Overall your goal is if your a gateway owner you dont ever want to use the SYSnand ever again
always use Emunand.
TIP: Now on each reboot or powerup have your 3ds X-Loader ready and click the internet browser and it should automatically load up the last page you loaded which should be the exploit so hands free launching!
TIP 2: if you want internet setup in your 3ds for online boot into EmuNAND and setup a new internet as usual
TIP:3 as recommended by Team Fail, you should make dummy internet connections in your system nand below the x-loader profiles to prevent overwrite when you make new internet profiles in emunand
TIP 4 :optional) If you want to know the difference between the folders made by the sysNAND and the EmuNAND
in the Nintendo 3ds folder in your SD card
depending on how many 3ds's your SD card has been in or how many times you formatted in your 3ds's sd card you should find folder(s) with random characters in the Nintendo 3DS folder.
if theres more then 2 or 3 BACK UP THE Nintendo 3DS FOLDER TO SOMEWHERE SAFE and delete it from your SD, DONT loose the folder you just backed up as it contains your DLC, Some savedata from digital games,settings, CIA installs, themes and a lot of system settings. mostly all of that stuff can be retrieved from the eshop again but still... anyway put the SD card back in the 3ds now with the Nintendo 3DS folder empty and boot up and power down after you see a prompt saying creating home information.
then you should only see one folder with random characters in the Nintendo 3DS folder. put a empty text file called SysNAND inside the random character folder so you know this your SystemNAND's folder. place the card back in 3ds and boot into EMUNAND and power off and repeat, this time another random character folder will be in the Nintendo 3DS folder make a test file named EmuNAND.
if your really technical you can restore the Nintendo 3DS folder contents you backed up earlier
and you can leave your wifi on if you want because the only connection should be the tethered one you added from 3ds X-Loader.
And that will make your 3ds a lot safer to use, no more worrying a accidental update.
now the reason its 99.9% foolproof is if for some reason someone comes across a modern game that's rated EC it could possibly update..but rated EC games are very hard to come across.
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Maxconsole's All-Knowing Lurker
Dec 11, 2014
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Sep 1, 2010
WARNING!: For some reason setting up a internet in emunand also sets it up in sysnand too so when your done setting up you wifi in emunand just go to boot into systemnand turn wifi off and simply delete the profile that was created in emunand. it will not delete from your emunand.

A good way to work around this is to create two dummy internet connections in your settings so that they can't be overwritten by the emuNAND. It's what I'm using to ensure I still have my Android access point for the exploit while not worrying about having a new connection made without my knowledge. Do be aware though, keep your system off around known Nintendo Zone hotspots unless you're in emuNAND. Nintendo Zone hotspots will automatically connect to your system and connect it to the internet without having to save the connection details and will allow the system to download updates.


Overseer of bad luck
Dec 30, 2010
Dystopian Earth
United States


Overseer of bad luck
Dec 30, 2010
Dystopian Earth
United States
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