Hacking (little) Announcement : working on a cover loader tool for window


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
A simple post to announce, i'm working on a windows software which will automatically download covers.

Because i'm using USB Loader GX without intenet connexion and for now, i download covers and discs png manually, i decided to create my own tool to do it.

> i'm not looking for "hey dude, it already exists !" messages
because, for me, it's a raison to study wbfs format

because i didn't want to simply use the Kwiirk library, i decided to create my own one in a different language (delphi) - to be sure to really understand it

So, for now, i understood the wbfs header format, i successfully list games on a wbfs partition - i'll see for wii disc format later, for my first tool, i don't need it

Modules that's work now :
- Windows Logical Device list
Logicals Drives are associated with physicals one, so it detect when logicals drives are on the same physical one : it is able to detect WBFS partition and Fat one one the same physical drive.
- WBFS partition : list games
- Auto-detect cover and disc folders : look for 2 folders in a the same one, containing png image, if no empty, look if png are squared => disc folder else cover folder. if empty, look for 2 folders named "%cover%" and "%disc%" in the same one.

Work on :
- detect physical drive serial number ( !?! WMI, register database ...)
- download PNG cover / disc from web database site

To do :
- configuration option (3d covers, download cover sequence : EN, FR ...)
- use previous preview download, search another covers / discs
- finalyse application to get a "pro" rendering
- found an icon and a name

Next feature (classical WBFS ones) :
- rename game / disc id
- remove / add / extract game

- defragmentation tool (if needed - don't know for now if it is needed)

Do you see feature i forgot ?
Any ideas, comments ?

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