For the purposes of this post I'm going to add numbers to your questions.
Acy Poo...prepare for questions:
1) Why is your voice so deep...did you hit puberty 3-4 times?
2) Can you give me tips on pickin' up the chicks, as I know you're a winner with all of the ladies?
3) How many spoons does it take to eat a bowl full of hrth?
4) I have a picture of you in a cheerleading uniform...I threaten to post it on GBAtemp: what can you give me that will make me not show it to everyone?
1) Good genetics?
But no, I actually hit puberty 23-34 times, by the time I was done hitting... he was dead. I buried the body in old man Jenkin's back yard with my old pet hobo. Of course, now that you know that... how would you like to see old man Jenkin's yard?
2) Pickin' up chicks is easy, they love a bad boy and a funny man; I happen to be both. Unfortunately I also have a strict moral code of honor, so it conflicts. But the real secret to picking up chicks? Be in the right place at the right time. And remember kids, they call me Ace Gunman because I like to "bang" the ladies! Heh, get it, bang? Laugh!
3) It takes approximately 88521 spoons to eat a bowl of hrth and get to the crunchy trgh center. And I wonder if anyone will notice the easter egg hidden in this answer.
4) Well I can give you the rest of the photo collection! My photographer Amelio did a wonderful job with the pictures but ultimately they just weren't right for my portfolio.
YAY! ace KYT session
1 -who's your favorite anime character aside from that blonde dude from trigun ?
2 -what's your catch-phrase ?
3 -how do you start your day ?
1- Oh wow, that's really tough. There are so, so many. But really, I can't definitively answer any one character besides Vash, because I have multiple favorites per series. And to list out every series and character... that would just be far too much trouble. I will say this though, I'm particularly fond of Beyond the Grave from Gungrave.
2- "Love and peace!"
No, I'm just kidding, my actual catch phrase is either "stay frosty" or "cooliosis is my diagnosis".
3- I start my day in a groggy haze which fades very gradually over the course of the next few hours. I'm not really a morning person, or a "whenever I wake up" person. More of a night owl, really.
1. JPH was right when he said you're good at "picking up the chicks". Who did you have sex with first ? Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones or Natalie Portman?
2. Have you ever lied to me?
3. What's your favourite movie ever?
4. What's the name of your cat?
5. Have you given up on your current secret "project" for GBAtemp (you know what I mean) ? I haven't heard about it for some time now.
1. Your mom never told you..?
2. Not that I'm aware of... hm, oh wait have I ever told you you were good looking? Heh, I joke, I joke.
But no, I don't think I've ever lied to you, I don't lie often, really. Only in the most extreme cases. For example one time back in the 7th grade a friend and I did something (I can't remember what) and got in trouble. We were both going to be suspended for a few days and banned from a dance that very week; but I didn't see the need for both of us to miss it so I took the fall and said it was only me involved.
3. It's... you know I really don't have one. I tend to have multiple favorites broken down into genres. So favorite comedy, action, etc. So lets see, my favorite comedy film... way too difficult to answer, but probably Groundhog day. I can watch that film on TV, then see it on another channel an hour later and watch it again, and that just continues; it just never gets old. Favorite drama film, the one that still hits a note with me is Dead Poet's Society, if that's even "drama".
My favorite action film would be Spider-Man 3, I waited 13 or 14 years to see Venom in a Spider-Man movie. My favorite "romance" film is a foreign film called "Show Me Love". Favorite cartoon movie would be either A Goofy Movie, Disney's (cartoon) Robin Hood, the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, or the first Balto film. Favorite scifi... Serenity, you can't stop the signal. Favorite anime films (in alphabetical order) would be: Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Escaflowne: The Movie, Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Tokyo Godfathers. I'm sure there's more, but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.
4. His name is Caleb, my mom is a bit obsessed with names like that. Although come to think of it, I may have come up with it to match her specifications. I really can't remember.
5. The "secret project" is still going on, it's just hit a wall at the moment. Also I haven't worked on it in a few days. But soon I'll figure out how to get around these issues! Oh yes! Soon! Muwhahahaha!
1. Favorite anime of all time?
2. Mario or Sonic?
3. What was your first videogame experience?
1. Trigun, clearly. Quickly followed by Gungrave and Cowboy Bebop. And just for the hell of it a list of some of my all-time favorite animes (once again, alphabetical order): .hack//LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, Claymore, DragonBall/Z/GT, Fruits Basket, Gundam Wing, Gunslinger Girl, Naruto/Shippuden, and Yaiba!. And before you ask oh how can you like DragonBall? It was because it was my first. I was watching the original DragonBall dub before I knew what anime was. In fact, I remember watching it at age 4 or 5. It's one of my earliest memories in life, so I look back on it fondly.
2. I've always been more of a Sonic man, but that doesn't mean I prefer SEGA over Nintendo (far from it), or that I prefer Sonic games over Mario games. I like them both in different ways, and for different reasons. I just find a speedy spikey quippy blue hedgehog to be a bit more endearing than a short stocky hairy obese balding plumber.
3. Hm, I believe it was either with my childhood neighbor's/baby-sitter's NES or SNES. I can't remember which came first. But if it was SNES then my first experience was Super Mario World. Not a bad way to start out. And even though it's not part of the question, my first game system was an original GameBoy.
1. Silvester Stallone or Chuck Norris?
2. Porn or Celine Dion?
3. I thought we were getting married... :'(
4. Ace Punman?
5. So you must realize that you have millions of fans in Austria, who would do anything to spend the night with you... So, what do you say to those
6. So how many springs does an official ball have?
7. Testing area or /b/?
1. In a fight? Chuck Norris. As an actor? Silvester Stallone. Although it took the recent Rocky Balboa film to reminded me of that.
2. Compromise: Celine Dion porn.
3. We were until you did
that! You know what you did!
And the cake is a pie.
4. Costello is very punny.
5. I say fellas, I'm flattered, but I... don't have sex with Austrians!
6. My balls have no springs.
7. Testing. TESTING!
TESTING! Does that answer your question?
Great! But why is it called KTY?
Since Ace is a favorite of mine, I will not copy my previous questions:
1) Name origin?
2) Favorite and least favorite country?
3) A cup of lulz with a little
or a bowl of
4) Do you (like/hate/don't care about) me?
Shaun & Costello are heading for a party at 4chan, probably at /b/ . Wanna come?
6) Can you please bombard me with questions in my KYT session?
7) If you can pick up chicks easily, does that mean we will not get married? :'(
8) If not, does this mean you will marry Chuck Norris?
9) hai! bai!
1) Good question, my name comes from a line in Trigun where Vash the Stampede calls himself an "ace gunman".
2) Canada is pretty damn awesome. We have all of the benefits of all the other countries, and none of the downsides (such as the draft, or a lack of healthcare). And my least favorite... any country that has snow all year round.
3) I wake up in the morning and I drink a hardy cup of lulz with a dash of grog before chowing down on a bowl of hrth with my 88521 spoons.
4) You're totally extreme to the max!
5) PARTY! I'm a bit of a partay animal, so the answer is hell yes. But only if I get to drive... backwards... with a blindfold on.
6) I'll see what I can do, but it's hard enough coming up with answers, let alone questions.
7) Well now that my engagement to Westside is off... who knows.
8) Chuck and I would never work, he's too much man for me. For anyone, really.
9) kthnxbai
1. Whats your favourite movie?
2. Whats your favourite Anime? (Trigun not included).
3. hrth or grog?
1. Answered above.
2. See my last answer.
3. Grog, hrth is great... but it can't get you drunk.