Here are my questions to you, Brian117:[*]Do you like rock music? How about rap music? -
Both actually[*]Do you like comedy TV shows and movies/films? -
Love comedy[*]Do you like Hadrian? -
Yes, me and him have been friends for a while now[*]Are going to be a moderator of GBAtemp now? -
I don't think I'm that well liked to become a moderator[*]What's your age? -
17, going on 18 on November 17th[*]Do you have a Wii, PSP and iPod touch? -
I only have a Wii, DS, PSP, and an original Xbox. Hopefully this year an iPhone will be born in the collection
Thanks for the questions Anton!
ifish said:
so yeah question time
1) is trolley dave awsome? -
Hell yes
2) am i awsome? -
3) wouldnt life rock at a 2-d side scroller? -
I prefer 3D
4) all hail ifish? -
Could it be all hail icat?
5) have you ever licked a tree? -
Hmm, *thinks of my old crazy past time*...No, I don't recall
6) ever had your toung stuck on a popsicle? -
No, but I have had it stuck on a frozen spoon someone left inside an ice cream carton in the freezer overnight
7)are you getting boerd reading thei yet? -
Not one bit
Thanks for the questions ifish!
ZPE said:
All I can ask is, will there be snacks? - Oh, absolutely. No doubt about it. Snacks are what makes the world go round
Thanks ZPE!
QUOTE(Domination @ Oct 24 2009, 11:49 PM)
When do you plan on having coitus with me instead of being occupied with Hadrian all the time?
*googles coitus* Ah. Whenever you want to, you hot stud. Give me a ring anytime. I am available for all.
Do you love me as much as my future wife will love me? -
That depends...what IF I AM your future wife?
Why emo punk and not psychedelic hippy? -
Emo punk describes my lifestyle and how I feel on life. I hate all people . And psychedelic hippies are so 70's.
Led Zeppelin or some modern crappy alternative band?
Modern crappy alternative band. Don't really listen to Led at all. *hides*
Dommy or Domination? -
I like Dommy because it's shorter on my fingers and it just all sounds kinky.
Babe, I'm Gonna _______ You; Complete the sentence. -
Gonna take you out on the town to live the life we always wanted to. Be free of all human beings and after that, I'm gonna raep you.
Did you enjoy my interrogation? -
Should I come back for more? -
If you don't I will shave off your fake mustache in your sleep. Got me?