Hi, thank you in advance. Yesterday i downloaded RetroArch on my psp 2000, tired of exploring it i turned off the psp, but IT WON'T TURN OFF (black screen, lcd on but nothing displayed, and the green light on), so i removed the battery and my psp won't turn on no more, tried the battery with my psp 3000 and works flawless. Tried ALL the tricks to get it boot (r-trigger, l-trigger, square-triangle-select-start-home, home, even tried to boot with all the buttons pressed), but my psp won't turn on, BLACK screen, green led for like 6 seconds and then turns off. Yesterday night i got it to boot, but blank screen, nothing displayed and after 6 seconds it switched off.
I didn't try a pandora battery, as i'm not interested in spending money on this POS.
I may seem angry but i'm not lol, i just don't know how to express myself.
I didn't try a pandora battery, as i'm not interested in spending money on this POS.
I may seem angry but i'm not lol, i just don't know how to express myself.