Homebrew In need of help with BlueMSX (adding games)


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2021
United States
I need help with BlueMSX on the Wii, issue is trying to add games.
Ive heard that you had to edit .xml files for roms for BlueMSX but ive been confused on how to do so.

Like do i keep the (Game rom) files in the SD Card for it to work?
What .xml files do i need to edit, or do i need to create different .xml files for games?
What structure do i need to make in order to put games in BlueMSX?
What MSX files are compatible with BlueMSX?

If possible, please help me with these questions here. Ive recently gotten into the Wi Homebrew scene and i want to try out alot of emulators, mainly this one. But ive never been able to get other games to show up on BlueMSX. Help about this program would be nice
Last edited by NecroNova,


I like Yoshis and the Wii/Wii U scene.
Feb 6, 2019
I need help with BlueMSX on the Wii, issue is trying to add games.
Ive heard that you had to edit .xml files for roms for BlueMSX but ive been confused on how to do so.

Like do i keep the (Game rom) files in the SD Card for it to work?
What .xml files do i need to edit, or do i need to create different .xml files for games?
What structure do i need to make in order to put games in BlueMSX?
What MSX files are compatible with BlueMSX?

If possible, please help me with these questions here. Ive recently gotten into the Wi Homebrew scene and i want to try out alot of emulators, mainly this one. But ive never been able to get other games to show up on BlueMSX. Help about this program would be nice

Don't know if these help but here's some guides for blueMSX-Wii.
Taken from the WiiMSX website (now dead, taken from https://web.archive.org/web/20191202021917/http://wiimsx.com/ :

Adding gamesCustomize controller buttons

  1. This page describes on how to add your own games to the gamepack.
    BlueMSX-wii needs a directory structure on your SD-card. Games are stored under SD:/MSX/Games/
    In this folder, there should be a dirlist.xml OR gamelist.xml, only one of these files may be present.
    • The contents of dirlist.xml
    as an example, I will take the contents of the dirlist in the gamepack which is installed with the application
      <Item Name="MSX1 Demos" Directory="MSX1Demos"/>
      <Item Name="MSX2 Demos" Directory="MSX2Demos"/>
      <Item Name="Remakes" Directory="Remakes"/>
      <Item Name="MSXDev '08" Directory="MSXDev08"/>
      <Item Name="MSX Machines" Directory="Machines"/>
    The "Name" items specify the name as shown in the emulator, the Directory is the directory on the SD-card. Please keep in mind that the filesystem on the wii is case sensitive, and thus these need to be specified correctly.
    Each directory can have other dirlist.xml files.
    • The contents of gamelist.xml
      <Game Title="01 Deep Dungeon">
        <CommandLine>/machineMSX /rom1 msxdev08.zip /rom1zip 01-DDUNGEON.ROM</CommandLine>
      <Game Title="02 I Need Speed">
      <CommandLine>/machine MSX /rom1 msxdev08.zip /rom1zip 02-ineedspeed.rom</CommandLine>
        <Settings KeyboardJoystick="true"/>
    A game element should always specify the Title, which is the name that is shown in the emulator.
    • Commandline
    The CommandLine specifies settings to start the emulator, it basically specifies the machine, disks, roms and cassettes.
    It is possible to specify the following:
    /machine MSX
    /machine MSX2
    /machine MSX2+
    /machine "MSX2 - No Moonsound" (default)
    /machine MSXturboR
    These machines are the most commonly used machines, the MSX and MSX2 are european, MSX2+ is japanese
    It is possible to supply any machine available in the SD:/MSX/Machines/ folder.
    NOTE1: Filenames with spaces need to be double quoted, otherwise the XML file is invalid
    NOTE2: Default machine is without moonsound because it adds noticable loading time. If a game supports moonsound, use /machine MSX2.

    To load roms:
    /rom1 file.zip or file. (rom, ri, mx1, mx2, col, sg, sc)
    /rom1zip file.rom (necessary when you have multiple rom files in your zip, makes it possible to disk-change using a hotkey (default key = F11))
    /romtype1 name (most of the romtypes are autodetected, if it is not working you need to specify the romtype, see list of romtypes below)

    To load disks:
    /diskA file.zip or file. (dsk, di1, di2, 360, 720, Sf7)
    /diskAzip (necessary when you have multiple rom files in your zip, makes it possible to disk-change using a hotkey (default key = F11))

    To load cassettes:
    /cas file.zip or file.cas

    To make things extra clear, an example:
    <CommandLine>/machine MSX2 /diskA Magnar.zip /diskAzip Magnar-1.dsk</CommandLine>
    • Settings
    The Settings element can only have the attribute KeyboardJoystick="true", to map WiiMote 1 as keyboard control and WiiMote 2 as joystick 1. More about this mapping can be found in the guide "Customizing controller buttons"
    • KeyMap
    Not shown, but also possible is a KeyMap element, to customize the controller buttons, read the guide "Customizing controller buttons" for more information.
    • Screenshot
    The Screenshot elements specify which screenshots are shown when the game is selected in the emulator. The maximum number of screenshots specified is 2. Screenshots can be generated via the home-menu, when running the games.
    For these screenshots, there must be a folder named "Screenshots" (don't forget the capital).
    • List of available romtypes:

    System roms:

    SG-1000 roms:

    Romtypes unsupported by media database:

  2. As current keyboard layouts and the WiiMote, Nunchuck and classic controller buttons are different from the keys and buttons of the MSX, some keys have a different function than they used to have.

    As far as it is possible, all keys will be the same.
    There are some differences:
    F6-F10: current keyboards have F1-F12, the MSX only has F1-F5, F6-F10 map to the buttons that are on the same place, which are: Select, Stop, Clr home, Insert and Delete.
    F11 is mapped to quick-change disk (an emulator feature).
    F12 is mapped to the 'home' button of the controller to make the GUI fully controllable using the USB keyboard.

    WiiMote buttons A and 2 are mapped to MSX button 1
    WiiMote buttons B and 1 are mapped to MSX button 2
    The nunchuck button Z maps to button A (of the WiiMote)
    The nunchuck button C maps to button B (of the WiiMote)

    It is possible to make a custom keymapping for each game.
    This is done in the gamelist.xml files, which can be found in the /MSX/Games folders
    by supplying a <KeyMap> element.

    Supplying the <KeyMap KeyboardJoystick="true"/> will result in the following mapping:
    WiiMote 1 will map to keyboard:
    Button A and 2 to space
    Button B and 1 will be unmapped
    The direction arrows go to the corresponding directions on the keyboard

    WiiMote 2 will map to joystick 1
    Button A and 2 to MSX Button 1
    Button B and 1 to MSX Button 2
    The direction arrows go to the corresponding directions of joystick 1

    It is possible to make a different keymapping for each key.
    A custom keymapping example:
    <KeyMap buttonA1="space" button11="left" button21="right"/>

    List of names/values for the buttons (these are the values BEFORE the '=')

    WiiMote 1 buttons:
    Classic controller 1 buttons:

    WiiMote 2 buttons:
    Classic controller 2 buttons:

    USB keyboard keys:

    NOTE: Since revision r123 (not release V1.0) the names of the numbers, keypad buttons and symbols are changed, the old names are not described in this guide anymore, because they are unusable in V1.0!

    direction: "up", "down", "left", "right"
    letters (must be lowercase): "a" - "z"
    Numbers: "key_0" - "key_9"
    Keypad buttons (are in brackets): "num_0" - "num_9", "num_period", "num_slash", "num_asterisk", "num_minus", "num_plus", except for "num_enter" and "num_equals"
    Function keys (also lowercase): "f1" - "f12"
    Symbols: "exclamation", "doublequote", "hash", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quote", "open_parenthesis", "close_parenthesis", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "minus", "period", "slash", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "open_bracket", "backslash", "close_bracket", "caret", "underscore", "backquote", "open_brace", "vertical_bar", "close_brace", "tilde"
    Other characters: "space", "return", "backspace", "tab", "escape", "insert", "delete", "home", "end", "page_up", "page_down"

    List of actions to which the keys can be mapped (quoted values AFTER the '=')
    MSX Joystick 1 buttons:

    MSX Joystick 2 buttons:

    MSX Keyboard keys:

    Direction keys: "up", "down", "left", "right"
    Letters (should be lowercase): "a" - "z"
    Nnumbers: "0" - "9"
    Keypad: "num0" - "num9", "numperiod", "numdiv", "nummul", "numsub", "numadd" and "numcomma"
    Function keys (also lowercase): "f1" - "f5"
    Special keys: "stop", "cls", "select", "ins", "del"
    Symbols: "neg", "circomflex", "backslash", "at", "leftbracket", "semicolon", "colon", "rightbracket", "comma", "period", "div", "underscore", "graph", "torikeshi", "space", "jikkou"
    Other keys: "esc", "backspace", "tab", "return", "ctrl", "leftshift", "rightshift", "caps", "code", "pause", "print"

    ColecoVision keys: "coleco1-0", "coleco1-1", "coleco1-2", "coleco1-3", "coleco1-4", "coleco1-5", "coleco1-6", "coleco1-7", "coleco1-8", "coleco1-9", "coleco1-star", "coleco1-hashmark", "coleco2-0", "coleco2-1", "coleco2-2", "coleco2-3", "coleco2-4", "coleco2-5", "coleco2-6", "coleco2-7", "coleco2-8", "coleco2-9", "coleco2-star", "coleco2-hashmark"

    Hotkey functions:

Hope this helps ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
United States
I added many games some time ago. I cannot recall exactly what needed to be done. If you have the original release of the emulator Folders/Files structure I can upload my files so you can differentiate the changes I made to what and where.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2018
United States
The link @SaulFabre provided is what I used some time ago to help me with this emulator setup. Thankfully it is still available, but I am providing my updated .xml files in a link so others will know what is also compatible. I am in no way an expert using the command lines but what I have does work. I have very few games left to test and will make a compatibility list available when completed. Then only add to your existing .xml files will be necessary. If anyone has more to add, it would be appreciated. I would hate for all the prior long work be lost.


  • MSX.zip
    4.2 MB · Views: 148


I like Yoshis and the Wii/Wii U scene.
Feb 6, 2019
The link @SaulFabre provided is what I used some time ago to help me with this emulator setup. Thankfully it is still available, but I am providing my updated .xml files in a link so others will know what is also compatible. I am in no way an expert using the command lines but what I have does work. I have very few games left to test and will make a compatibility list available when completed. Then only add to your existing .xml files will be necessary. If anyone has more to add, it would be appreciated. I would hate for all the prior long work be lost.
Thanks for this database of MSX games for BlueMSX-Wii @RunningSnakes

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