Importing installed 3DS games and dupe prevention


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
United States
I just set up Launchbox a while ago, and I have a few questions.

For starters, I'm a little confused on the best way to import my 3DS games. All my games are in cia format. I know you can convert them to cci to be used with Citra, however Citra is able to install the cia files, for games as well as their dlc and updates, much like a real 3DS. That seems like the more simple and cleaner approach. I don't wish to have two different copies of the same romset taking up space when I can just use one.

So that leaves the question of how to import a game that has been installed? I've found that if you import the, then it launches like any other rom. Unfortunately, then you're left with having to rename each game you've imported from within Launchbox, as they all read as 00000000, and are unable to obtain their data. Is there something I'm missing?

I'm also having an issue where it's importing the same game from all regions of a console, when I don't have that option selected. Is that option broken, or did I mess something up?

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