Gaming Important Notice From the Super Mario Maker Team

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Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
Just now when i noticed a update for My Super Mario Maker game, i downloaded and installed it. Only to be greeted with a "Important notice" I'm Sure everyone has seen it and wonder why i decided to post it here, well let me read the quote first.

"Please Note that we may delete uploaded courses, reset total number of stars a user has earned, and/or restrict their access to Course World in the following cases:

  • The user intrusively requested stars from other users, either in game or on Miiverse.
  • The Course Included content that Super Mario Maker team judged to be a bug in the game.
  • The user took advantage of bugs that were unintended by either the course creator or the developers to obtain new World Records.
  • Any other behavior in violation of the code of conduct.

We hope you understand that these rules are in place to make sure everyone is able to fully enjoy Super Mario Maker."

The first thing to address is begging for stars on comments left in game, or on miiverse, is now likely to get your star count reset and banned from online services. You must earn your stars fairly, if you want stars, create a course worthy of them not ask for them. Make courses people will like, it doesn't mean any course too easy (ESPECIALLY AUTOMATED) Or too hard (And i mean no where near nintendo standards, like random leap of faith blindly into pits, booby traps, trolling invisible blocks, annoying time paitent sections, and enemy spam as well as "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO FIGURE THAT OUT" stuff and other not fun elements) But can put up unique challenge and satisfaction. Don't be a jerk basically.

Second, no more glitches in courses. Just make a normal course intended as you would with basic knowledge of the course editor. No more going through objects, and other stuff. There been a few stages i had reported, Yes i said i reported, that couldn't be completed cause, when i played it i found no way to complete it. According to some people, the updates required to use online services such as downloading levels and playing 100 mario challenge is mandatory, and will fix (Patch) the bugs or glitches and since the level is still on server and were completeable in previous version due to exploit in bugs or glitches, will most likely not be playable. Please report any levels you find unplayable, and do not make any more of them.

Third it mentions players taking advantage of exploits bugs or glitches used to obtain world records in some courses that wasn't intended by either the course creator or developer (course creator being players like you and me and developers being Super Mario Maker team judges) It is asking you to complete levels fairly, no cheese, or bugs or glitches. While i personally never had this problem, i had one that is annoying and that is what i like to call the "DEV ROUTE" Basically its when someone creates a full course and then hides a door near the start of a course that leads to the end for a instant win. My guess why people do that is cause of the requirement to clear the course before having to upload it. Also if you add any checkpoints to the course, Additional clear flags are required. (From the start, and after each check point, Up to two checkpoints may be used in once course, one in main room and one in subroom) Simply having a door leading to the end is lazy, if you want someone to complete the course as intended fairly, don't make shortcuts and don't use any glitches or bugs, your records or restrictions may be followed if any supisicous activity deem unfair by moderators.

Fourth and last is any behavior in violation of the code of conduct, which i hope everyone is familiar with. If you need to be reminded please check the game manual or online information if necessary.

What this means basically is no more begging for stars, you must create courses and earn them by fairness and player appeal, do not make courses that aren't intended to be of the Course creator standards, which to be honest mostly i figure glitches and bugs, but any Tool assisted skills should also be excluded for safety, don't use shortcuts or cheat using any bugs or glitches for world records and respect Terms of service. (Otherwise known as code of conduct)

Please leave any comments regarding your opinions respectfully. :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
Gambia, The
are you kidding my ninty???
what a warning...........
all parts of the warning are known
i missing the important part ......
and the realllllly important Part?!!! : do not upload to many courses to fast... or a miiverse admin delete all your courses and stars (reason) miiversespamming
i cannot understand why ninty dont make a warning about this
as I suggested it

thanks ninty for reading my mails or the mails from
that ninty dont learn about his mistakes. thats your biggest mistake ninty

plz make more fans angry!

"Please Note that we may delete uploaded courses, reset total number of stars a user has earned, and/or restrict their access to Course World in the following cases:
  • The user intrusively requested stars from other users, either in game or on Miiverse.
  • The Course Included content that Super Mario Maker team judged to be a bug in the game.
  • The user took advantage of bugs that were unintended by either the course creator or the developers to obtain new World Records.
  • Any other behavior in violation of the code of conduct.
  • Don´t upload to many courses to fast (with using miiverse)
  • dont use names like pouh for your levels;)
  • We hope you understand that these rules are in place to make sure everyone is able to fully enjoy Super Mario Maker."

The Course Included content that Super Mario Maker team judged to be a bug in the game.

ähm one question about this point....
i build a level load it up and i dont see any bug in this level,but the level include a bug
its my mistake and ninty delete all my efforts?????????????? stars and levels????
sry that i dont play levels 1000000 times to see its no bug here...............
sry that the game have bugs .....its my mistake indeed

when ninty would add this warning Don´t upload to many courses to fast (with using miiverse)
i would play it again...
but without fu
Last edited by loler55,

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I think they mean bug as in the glitches that people have been exploiting in the game that wasn't intended to be the basic necessity to complete. Like the go through walls, or that anti gravity, and some others.... You seem really upset. If you have problems with nintendo. Sorry, i was just reporting information. :ninja:


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
Gambia, The
ninty make the warning not you.. im not aigainst you....

The Course Included content that Super Mario Maker team judged to be a bug in the game.

ähm one question about this point....

when i build a level and load it up and i dont see any bug in this level,but the level include a bug
its my mistake and ninty delete all my efforts?????????????? stars and levels????
sry that i dont play levels 1000000 times to see its no bug here...............
sry that the game have bugs .....its my mistake indeed

and why make nintendo no warning about this???
Don´t upload to many courses to fast (with using miiverse)

to much work for ninty to include this in a warning ...
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Active Member
Aug 10, 2016
United States
Honestly, Nintendo's intentions with all of this are nothing but good. they're trying to get more people to make high quality stages, rather than just gimmick levels or simply low-effort levels. That would make a better gaming experience and overall a better community.

However, the one issue I'm having with this is a lack of warning to each of the players. For instance, if a glitch or bug was included in a level, then it seems odd to flat out delete the course. If someone asks for stars on Miiverse, they may just be trying to get more publicity for their high quality levels. If Nintendo could contact these players and say something along the lines of "Hey don't do that" before hand, then this sudden change in policy could be cushioned a bit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
Gambia, The
Cool. None of the mentioned cases can be applied to my 10 deleted tracks. Some of them quite popular.
They're just doing it out of nowhere and randomly.
thats right
the real problem is that the miiverse admins can do what they want they do not have to justify anything no control from above
°ohh lolers lvl sucks its to hard for me° lets delete all stars and all levels harhar°
and another problem is that nintendos support any problem not fully investigated
then in the eyes from ninty the miiverseadmins have in fact always right
miiverse admins are all perfekt and they can not make any mistake

probably they must banish a certain times to not to lay of....
at least 50 bans per week to check that they are working well
or 1 dollar per ban??
fu fu fu

Honestly, Nintendo's intentions with all of this are nothing but good. they're trying to get more people to make high quality stages, rather than just gimmick levels or simply low-effort levels. That would make a better gaming experience and overall a better community.

However, the one issue I'm having with this is a lack of warning to each of the players. For instance, if a glitch or bug was included in a level, then it seems odd to flat out delete the course. If someone asks for stars on Miiverse, they may just be trying to get more publicity for their high quality levels. If Nintendo could contact these players and say something along the lines of "Hey don't do that" before hand, then this sudden change in policy could be cushioned a bit.

then that must indeed work properly thats a no go to much work for the admins....
they could in the time where they warn better bann a few more levels and stars
Last edited by loler55,
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GBATemp's Resident Evangelion fanboy.
Jan 4, 2016
United Kingdom
So Ninty Isn't getting rid of level copies levels that literally "remakes" of other people's levels and don't change anything in the level.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2012
Gambia, The
If I'd get a dollar for every deleted level...
I would also want to work there i would work 1 half hour at the week and ban a few player

the reasons for the bans I think of
the levels that I delete can not be restored anyway
So one can not be understood if it was justified
nice:) i can do what i want
and play other games in the same time wow dreamprofession
i wish i would to meet the admin there delete my efforts in real life...

then I would argue out properly....

I get a thick neck when i think of the reason for my ban..
I was supposed to have shared all my 100 level excessively in Miiverse
i dont ..... dont ..... dont post anything anytime in miiverse

many levels I uploaded only once

I have copied so many identical level from the top list

and no one has done anything against!!!!
for that there is no ban
not fair!
5 pages paint for a level copy hard work i can say!
so many people have reported
more than 50 of which I know
and no one has done anything against!!!!
nobody at Nintendo can do something when doing admin something unjust
what is that ?=
Last edited by loler55,

Sonic Angel Knight

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
New York
United States
I dunno what is going on, and i am sorry people levels are getting deleted and other negatively impacts, but for whatever reason they decided to do this may have been cause of players complaints.

To be honest, most of the levels (Mostly in expert and super expert) Are very bad, and its just my opinion. When i play Mario games, i shouldn't have to be losing 100 lives each time, cause those games aren't a "IMPOSSIBLE MODE" Where the levels people create are nothing like the ones nintendo course designers create. There never been a mario game were i get lost, fall into traps, hit hidden blocks leading to pitfalls, placing power ups in unsuspecting obvious places only to find out hidden blocks trap you. (For people who don't know. There is a retry button that starts you at the beginning of the level with one life lost. Exactly like Sonic Adventure 2, even if you touched a checkpoint, you lost it using that option) So imagin falling into one of those with 500 second on the clock? You just gonna wait till time run out to start from checkpoint or start over from beginning?

Then there levels that just spam enemies, levels where you can get yourself stuck if you dunno what to do, Forcing you to lose a life, levels with no power ups and so many hazzards, levels with glitches that people exploit as the only way people are supposed to complete the stage (One of the biggest problems, if you don't know the glitch exist, how would you know what to do) Levels that just has fustration of precise movements, levels that complete thereself (As known for auto level, which means you don't do anything for easy clear. You have fun watching that or would you rather have been playing instead?) Levels with very low timers that only Frame precise movements can clear in the purposly lowered time limit, levels that have starting points where enemies are placed above you out of sight only to kill you if you didn't know before, jumping blindly into bottomless pits to reach a unknown area of the course, and last but not least, a door or shortcut hidden somewhere leading to the end of the level easily if you didn't know those existed.

There is so many things that is uploaded like that, Those people at nintendo would be very offended or shamed to think these are the kind of levels players wanted, they aren't nintendo standards. Never have i played a mario game where your constantly forced to lose lives through a trial and error process cause the course is meant to be unfair to unsuspecting player or purposly try to kill them. Courses can be challenging, and they do have them. Super mario lost levels, Super Luigi U have challenging levels, that are accessable as you progress so you are prepared for them. No player was prepared for the levels that exist in expert or super expert.

Perhaps is their way of rebalancing the game fairness. I'm not defending anyone here, just speculating the reason for the announcements and decisions. That is all. :unsure:
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