Do you have Arm9LoaderHax?i just installed homebrew launcher now what?
You can back those up with homebrew. As said tho you would also need access to a system on 10.7 or lowerIm willing to shell out just worried about my saves tho thats all i care about
That is a DSiWare game called Fieldrunners. Guide: willing to cash out some $ to buy a $5 dollar eShop game and have access to a system on 10.7 or lower
What about them?what about sky3ds or GW?
If you buy a new one then hope it has 10.7 or lowerkoo koo ima see if i buy a new 3ds and mod it straight if not just use a friends 3ds to restore mine
use a different one. JKSV is bestOne more thing in trying to use save manager on my 3ds using hombrew launcher and it just gets stuck in the yellow screen do i use a different one or am I missing somthin