I tried using the config disc 1.3, but its not loading up. Is it because I have the 1.9g patch?
How can I play SSBB dual layer version if my wii isn't region free?
How can I play SSBB dual layer version if my wii isn't region free?
I tried using 1.2, but it still had the same error. My backups work fine, so I know I installed the chip right. I ran the config disc before and it worked, but this was before updating my wii for galaxy, and before 1.9g.
you could patch the ssbb image with regionfrii to make it pal/ntsc-u? Am i right?
Can I patch the DL img too? Does regionfrii work on dl imgs?
In that link I gave you look for 'Recovery v1.9b', have a go at that.
I'm not 100% sure but i applied regionfrii on brawl. I'm not sure if it worked, because I also have that regionfree on in wiikey settings.you could patch the ssbb image with regionfrii to make it pal/ntsc-u? Am i right?
Can I patch the DL img too? Does regionfrii work on dl imgs?
In that link I gave you look for 'Recovery v1.9b', have a go at that.
Yea, I tried that disc too, but it still had an error. Is it because I have the 1.9g patch and galaxy update?
true, but if the hacked doesn't work you might's well try GCOSmanias. If you use the "hacked" 1.3 Config disk you dont need a Gamecube controller.
If you use the GCOS you need a Gamecube controller.