Hello I hope you are well first I am 14 years old and I am very interested in learning or knowing how Ps2 games are translated because obviously programming, programs, guides or some other idea is needed I also know that the files may not be the same in all same games (file format) or to what extent the games are extracted, it would help me a lot if you gave me an idea of what it is like.
How Could It Start?
Do I just need a PC or a ps2?
I would like to Translate into Spanish Grandia II for ps2 (USA version)
I hope nobody makes fun of it x, D apart this is my first post thank you very much for reading
How Could It Start?
Do I just need a PC or a ps2?
I would like to Translate into Spanish Grandia II for ps2 (USA version)
I hope nobody makes fun of it x, D apart this is my first post thank you very much for reading