Hacking Homebrew Channel not working after 3.4 update


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
United States
Apologies in advance for the small wall of text, as it is not my intent to do anything other than provide all the relevant information.

I have a rather perplexing problem. Up until three days ago I had a working, although outdated Homebrew Channel (beta 9) installed on my Wii, which had already been updated to 3.4U. That is when I got a notice saying there was an update available, so I downloaded and installed the update as usual. No problems. Wii reboots and I attempt to run the Homebrew Channel. Music plays, screen comes up, I confirm, and...Wii resets back to channel menu.

First assumption is that perhaps the update was glitched, so I deleted the channel and attempted to install 1.0.1 manually, and that returning the same result, beta 9. Next assumption was that it was the 3.4 update that was somehow blocking HBC from running since for all intents and purposes it is installed--it just won't run. So I google for 3.4 downgrade and found several guides that all require HBC. Further searches yielded information saying that HBC 1.0.1 should have no problems running on ver3.4.

Frustrated, I decide to attempt the downgrade without HBC, manually loading up each of the dols and wads in order using the latest Twilight Hack. Everything works fine until I hit the IOS51 and Wii Shop install. I have a working Internet connection, so this is not the issue. I have no GCN or items of any kind inserted or attached to the Wii save for the required connections in the back and the SD card in the front either, and even double checked and ran the installer again to make sure. I attempted to skip this step and downgrade using three different methods. AnyTitle Deleter revealed to me that I don't even have the IOS51 update (so obviously it doesn't need patching) and running the Wii Shop Channel confirms this, asking me to upgrade, which of course I don't. Any Region Changer won't work, of course because I couldn't run the IOS51 installer. And cISO Downgrader 1.2 just plain doesn't work, citing the expected errors.

So...that failing, I'm stuck. I don't know which is the problem or which I should pursue in solving first. I assume HBC since it should work on 3.4, but it just doesn't.

So yeah...any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

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