Hacking Question Help updating SX OS


Sep 16, 2019
Hi, this is my first update for SX OS and I think I need help...
SX OS 2.9 BETA got released, it works with the Switch fw 9.0.

How do I update SX OS?
My Switch is on version 8.1.0.
I downloaded the new version of SX OS from the "Update SX OS" option in the SX OS V2.8 menu, it says that I must reboot the sistem for changes to have effect.

I understand that I must reboot the Switch, but my real question is, how will it work? I mean, as I sayd, my Switch is on version 8.1.0, will the SX OS v2.9 also update my console? or should I update it now? but if I update it I will have no way to enter de cfw again so how will v2.9 install? help!!!

PD: SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH!, I'm really sorry :(
PD2: if this question is not valid here I have no problem deleting the post, but first please someone help me :(

I have the XS OS dongle, how does it affects this process?
Due to an error in my Switch I had to restart it, so now I have SX OS v2.9 installed, I downloaded and installed it the way I sayd on the post (install was automatic), but I still haven't updated my ofw, should I start the ofw, update the console, then reboot using the dongle to access the SX OS menu and start the cfw like normal?
With v2.9 installed everything stills works fine because I haven't updated the ofw yet.
Last edited by Stallion,


Sep 30, 2019
I'll tell you what I do and never had any kind of ploblem. First you need to download the "boot.dat" 2.9 beta from the official page, copy paste and remplace from the one on you SD, you can start normally and see if you don't have any problem. After that, I enter the original fireware, how? When i send the Payload with Tegra from a pc press the bottom "+" on the switch, you'll see a menu and you can boot either OriginalF or CustomF. After entering Original Fireware you update like normal, right now it's the version 9.0 so no problem. After the update your console will boot directly to Original Fireware , it's okay, all you need to do it's put a jig on you right joycon rail , press "power and +" at the same time and boot the payload from your pc , when the SX OS icon apears, press "+" again, and go to options, "AutoRCM" and install it if you want , it'll be easy to boot from a pc without a jig , but in contrast if it will drain faster the battery and enter in slumber mode if you forget to charge it, it'll take you at least one day charging without been able to start before you can send the payload, but well , your choice. English it's not my first lenaguage either, but i hope this help you a bit, if you have more questions please ask . And like I say at the beggining , this is only the way i do it, and until today whitout a problem , because of that, i don't use another method. Anyway good luck!


Sep 16, 2019
I'll tell you what I do and never had any kind of ploblem. First you need to download the "boot.dat" 2.9 beta from the official page, copy paste and remplace from the one on you SD, you can start normally and see if you don't have any problem. After that, I enter the original fireware, how? When i send the Payload with Tegra from a pc press the bottom "+" on the switch, you'll see a menu and you can boot either OriginalF or CustomF. After entering Original Fireware you update like normal, right now it's the version 9.0 so no problem. After the update your console will boot directly to Original Fireware , it's okay, all you need to do it's put a jig on you right joycon rail , press "power and +" at the same time and boot the payload from your pc , when the SX OS icon apears, press "+" again, and go to options, "AutoRCM" and install it if you want , it'll be easy to boot from a pc without a jig , but in contrast if it will drain faster the battery and enter in slumber mode if you forget to charge it, it'll take you at least one day charging without been able to start before you can send the payload, but well , your choice. English it's not my first lenaguage either, but i hope this help you a bit, if you have more questions please ask . And like I say at the beggining , this is only the way i do it, and until today whitout a problem , because of that, i don't use another method. Anyway good luck!

I have the XS OS dongle, how does it affects this process?
Due to an error in my Switch I had to restart it, so now I have SX OS v2.9 installed, I downloaded and installed it the way I sayd on the post (install was automatic), but I still haven't updated my ofw, should I start the ofw, update the console, then reboot using the dongle to access the SX OS menu and start the cfw like normal?

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Do not update to 9.0 or 2.9 right now, 2.9 SX OS is broken. No games will require 9.0 for probably a month or two so there shouldn't be a rush.
I had to restart the console, so it got updated to v2.9, but it stills works perfect because I haven't updated the ofw yet, should I wait a little more until a more stable SX OS?


Sep 30, 2019
I have the XS OS dongle, how does it affects this process?
Due to an error in my Switch I had to restart it, so now I have SX OS v2.9 installed, I downloaded and installed it the way I sayd on the post (install was automatic), but I still haven't updated my ofw, should I start the ofw, update the console, then reboot using the dongle to access the SX OS menu and start the cfw like normal?

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I had to restart the console, so it got updated to v2.9, but it stills works perfect because I haven't updated the ofw yet, should I wait a little more until a more stable SX OS?

The only difference is that instead of using a pc to boot the payload you use the dongle, I used to have and it stop working so I changed for the pc method, it's the same. You can wait a few weeks or update now, your choice, if you don't really need a feature of the sx os 2.9 you can wait, as the other poster says, games right now only need until 8.10, so you're good, if you wish to have the most recent ofw and cfw you can update, in fact I did that earlier today and didn't have any problem


Sep 16, 2019
The only difference is that instead of using a pc to boot the payload you use the dongle, I used to have and it stop working so I changed for the pc method, it's the same. You can wait a few weeks or update now, your choice, if you don't really need a feature of the sx os 2.9 you can wait, as the other poster says, games right now only need until 8.10, so you're good, if you wish to have the most recent ofw and cfw you can update, in fact I did that earlier today and didn't have any problem
I see.
So, when I want to update my console I have to do it with the ofw and then enter to the cfw with the dongle like usual, the SX OS sw / hack will not be deleted, right?
Also, do you speak spanish? I do and I see a mexican flag in your profile.


Sep 30, 2019
I see.
So, when I want to update my console I have to do it with the ofw and then enter to the cfw with the dongle like usual, the SX OS sw / hack will not be deleted, right?
Also, do you speak spanish? I do and I see a mexican flag in your profile.
Yeah I fact I do speak Spanish.
The sx os will no be deleted if you have the boot.dat file on your SD, and of course your license file. The way it works it's that you don't really install the hack in your console, a least you have an emuNand of course, all you do it's entering the recovery mode (with a jig or rcm mode) send a payload (with the dongle or a pc with an USB cable) and activate the boot.dat that is on your SD, it works that way more o less. And let's say you delete by accident the boot.dat file, you can always download it from the official page as many times you want, copy to a SD and keep loading the hack. You can talk in Spanish if you want, I'm Mexican :)

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

I see.
So, when I want to update my console I have to do it with the ofw and then enter to the cfw with the dongle like usual, the SX OS sw / hack will not be deleted, right?
Also, do you speak spanish? I do and I see a mexican flag in your profile.
And yeah, if you aren't banned from Nintendo servers, you can do this, or at least it's what I do since a year ago, I never have any problem, I just enter the ofw, deactivate plane mode, connect to the network, download the update, forget the network and activate plane mode back, next you turn off your console, enter recovery mode (jig on right joycon rail with power and bottom + at the same time, the screen will be black without the Nintendo logo, if you see the logo it means it only turned on and not in recovery mode, so do it many times until the screen it's just black, enter the dongle, see the sx os loading screen, and you are in. As I told you before, if the dongle doesn't work, there is always the option to boot it from a pc, with a type C USB cable, Tegra, and the Payload, it's the same

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