Export Retail Card with CFW and SDF:
Note: As for CFW works only with FW4.5, 6.x encryption will fail.
1. You need
CFW (part 2) and installed SafeDataFiler on a spare SD Card
2. Start your CFW and insert your Cartridge
3. Start SafeDataFiler and highlight CTR Card
4. Press Y and then A to export the Savegame
5. Turn off your 3DS and move the 'filer' folder to your PC
6. Switch over to your Gateway (emuNAND) SD Card and add the 'filer' folder from PC
7. Insert your Gateway (emuNAND) SD Card into your 3DS
8. Start your 3DS, execute Exploit and start SaveDataFiler
9. Now you can follow A8 for eShop or B5 for .3ds/.3dz