Hacking getting errors when trying to install wads


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
United States
I have had my wii soft modded since 3.4J. I am now on 4.2J. I followed the instructions of a certain site that says to do this:

Click on the Database button and download the following (one-by-one). The IOS's will (obviously) be in the IOS sub-menu. The Shopping Channel and System Menu will be in the System sub-menu.
IOS9 (v778)
IOS12 (v269)
IOS13 (v273)
IOS14 (v520)
IOS15 (v523)
IOS17 (v775)
IOS21 (v782)
IOS22 (v1037)
IOS28 (v1550)
IOS31 (v3349)
IOS33 (v3091)
IOS34 (v3348)
IOS35 (v3349)
IOS36 (v3351)
IOS37 (v3869)
IOS38 (v3867)
IOS53 (v5406)
IOS55 (v5406)
IOS56 (v5405)
IOS57 (v5661)
IOS60 (v6400) *optional: will install as a stub IOS*
IOS61 (v5405)
Shopping Channel (v17) *optional: do you use the channel or not?*
SystemMenu 4.2 (v481 for USA) *make sure you choose the region of your Wii *

i did that, followed all the DoPIOS instructions which were these:

# Go into the Homebrew Channel on the Wii and run DopIOS. Download and sig hash patch (trucha) IOS70. Follow these steps:

- First "Press A to continue"
- Select "IOS 250" to use for installation
- Press the B button when it asks you the first question to bring up IOS selection screen
- Now select "IOS 70"
- Press A on all following questions

# Now in the Homebrew Channel, run WAD Manager 1.4. Use it to install each .wad file that you downloaded with NUS Downloader EXCEPT IOS60. Make sure to use IOS70 (hit the right button on the wiimote to get there when asked which IOS to use in WAD Manager) to install the wad files! NOTE: If you do not need or use it, skip installing the Shopping Channel.

and finally i did this:

Go into the Homebrew Channel and run the cIOS intaller. Select to install to IOS250 and use the network installation method. You should now be able to put your favorite USB Loader back onto your SD Card in the Apps folder (e.g. \\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol) and run it normally.

when I ran signcheck .3b, here is the data that was output to the CSV file:

SignCheck 0.3b aka loveSexWii build report
Wii region Japan

IOS number "Trucha bug" "Flash access""Boot2 access" "Usb2.0 IOS tree"

IOS250 (ver 65535) Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
IOS249 (ver 14) Enabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
IOS70 (ver 6687) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS61 (ver 5405) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS57 (ver 5661) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS56 (ver 5405) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS55 (ver 5406) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS53 (ver 5406) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS38 (ver 3867) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS37 (ver 3869) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS36 (ver 3351) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS35 (ver 3349) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS34 (ver 3348) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS33 (ver 3091) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS31 (ver 3349) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS28 (ver 1550) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS22 (ver 1037) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS17 (ver 775) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS14 (ver 520) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
IOS13 (ver 273) Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled

naturally usb loader GX works just fine and i am on the latest version (rev 843 at the time of writing this, and i always use the update all option), however I am stuck on rev 516 of the channel. I cannot update to rev 600, anytime I do i get error ret -1035 no matter what IOS i choose. Also, whenever I try to install the internet channel I get an error. I have tried installing via the shopping channel and i get an error. I have tried installing via a wad file, and depending on the IOS i use, the errors i get are 1022, 1035 or 2011. Can anyone help me get this working correctly? Should I just do a system reset and start from square one?

The SD card I am using is a sandisk blue 2gb card. I had more problems with the sandisk extreme II that I was using so i switched cards and most of the problems seem to have vanished with the exception of these. Thanks in advance.

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