GBAtemp Extraordinaire: 5 questions to a legendary Temper - x65943


GBAtemp Extraordinaire



Since 2002, GBAtemp has been a community-powered site, and nothing is more important to the site than its user base. With this new editorial feature, we're bringing the spotlight to you! We've decided to ask a set of simple questions to a Legendary Temper: a long-standing member of the community, someone who has made important contributions, or who bears significance to the history of the site or the forums. This may include staff and non-staff members. We'll try to make this a weekly feature, but with over 500,000 members now, it may take a while for you to be featured :bortz:

In this week's edition, we've decided to pay a visit to our mysterious Overlord x65943, who has been a member of our staff for several years, and slowly climbed up the ranks to the supreme position of Supervisor.

  • Who are you, and what do you do in real life?
Hey everyone I'm X, in real life I work as a doctor. I've officially been doing the job for a few years, but the road to MD was much longer. Most days are spent working in the hospital, but I like to spend my (admittedly somewhat limited time) making sketches or out in nature having a hike. I have a lot of other hobbies like 3D sculpting, 3D printing, language learning and of course playing video games. My favorite series is Zelda (and I just recently re-played through A Link to the Past).

  • How did you find yourself joining GBAtemp?
Like most of you guys I initially had a question about a gaming console. I was hacking a WiiU and wanted to know what SD cards were good options. I had lurked here a few years before that, mostly reading about the DS and DS flashcarts. My first cart was the M3i zero. I got more involved over time by making sketches for people, and eventually became pretty active in the GBAtemp discord server and IRC channel. I always thought it was cool to talk to Smea and Costello on IRC.

  • What's the most exciting/interesting/crazy thing or event that you've witnessed throughout your GBAtemp years?
Admittedly one of the craziest things that's happened to me occurred very recently. I ran into a GBAtemp member in real life. I was driving down the street and saw someone I was sure I recognized from the temper pics thread. I was downtown buying something from the mall when I saw @The Catboy. I swerved over 3 lanes to turn and drive down the street before I lost sight. I parked my car and called out "This is going to sound weird, but are you Catboy?". It's worth noting Catboy was with his wife at the time - and I think I spooked both of them a bit. We had a short conversation before we were interrupted by a stranger asking about Catboy's tail accessory (he asked if it was real, we said yeah). Anyhow, keep an eye out, the world is smaller than you think and you never know who you might meet.

  • What part of the video game industry are you currently interested in, or excited about?
I must admit I'm a huge nintendo fan boy. And who of us isn't, on a site named after the GBA. Anywho, I mostly follow nintendo developments. I am always super interested to see new betas drop. I've also been really excited by all of the recent decompilation projects. I'm hoping Majora's Mask is next. The thing I'm most excited for is the new Zelda Tears of the Kingdom game - and I'm hoping we get more information on that soon. I have a hunch it will launch simultaneously with whatever we are getting after the switch (it will be 6 years post launch at that point at the earliest, so we will definitely get a reboot or outright successor).

  • Do you have a message for the staff, an opinion you want to share with the community, or anything else you would like to say?
My message to the community is this, thanks for all the fun times. From the avatar hijinks, the vinsclones, the hunger games and fun with new religions like skiddoism - I am always thoroughly enjoying myself. Even the trolls brought us all good times here and there, who didn't love a good Xathya thread reading about our pal Costales, or Xx_darkness_xX and his hijinks in the EOF KAMIK. Most of all thanks for your engagement with my (sometimes very silly) projects like my pokemon rom hack, or my temper tantrum comics. We started a gaming website but created a (gaming?) community.

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed this new editorial feature. If you think you qualify for Legendary Temper, feel free to leave a comment in this thread and your turn may eventually come.

:arrow: Make sure to check out last week's edition here (Jayro)

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Admittedly one of the craziest things that's happened to me occurred very recently. I ran into a GBAtemp member in real life. I was driving down the street and saw someone I was sure I recognized from the temper pics thread. I was downtown buying something from the mall when I saw @The Catboy. I swerved over 3 lanes to turn and drive down the street before I lost sight. I parked my car and called out "This is going to sound weird, but are you Catboy?". It's worth noting Catboy was with his wife at the time - and I think I spooked both of them a bit. We had a short conversation before we were interrupted by a stranger asking about Catboy's tail accessory (he asked if it was real, we said yeah). Anyhow, keep an eye out, the world is smaller than you think and you never know who you might meet.
This right here still feels like a fever dream. Like, knowing how close I live to him is fucking wild.
We were a little spooked. I had no idea if they were a friend or a foe but I decided it was worth playing along to figure it out since they did know my name. Fucking the weirdest birthday ever, but definitely the most interesting as a result.


Lost philosopher... searching for a way out...
Feb 3, 2020
Nautilus (under) Lake Como, Italy 🇮🇹
@x65943 , are you really a doctor? 😲 I remembered you were very young and still studying. If so I congratulate you heartily, and you have gained an admirer. And I apologize for sometimes calling you "lad".
Among your hobbies you forgot to mention russian literature; I remembered it instead. 😉
  • Haha
Reactions: x65943


pronouns big/pingus
GBAtemp Patron
Jun 23, 2014
United States
@x65943 , are you really a doctor? 😲 I remembered you were very young and still studying. If so I congratulate you heartily, and you have gained an admirer. And I apologize for sometimes calling you "lad".
Among your hobbies you forgot to mention russian literature; I remembered it instead. 😉
Yeah that's true, it's my favorite by far. I have been busy lately, but I have some Pushkin I have been meaning to finish.

The translation doesn't do the poetry justice but alas my grasp of Russian is very poor
  • Like
Reactions: Flame and Nikokaro


GBATemp's Funeral Director
Feb 2, 2008
I nominate @dernettemann1983 'cause if it comes to legendary, it's not always about XP and Level, it's also a point of how much Impact someone gave to the Scene....and as i remember, he had much impact to the early DS of the early days from my good ol' GBAtemp Site....he was around very much, personally i never forgot him....he was very much involved , getting me bind to Consoles (specialy the DS) :) :toot:

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