Fire Emblem: Fates, Model/Texture Buggery


New Member
Dec 12, 2022
(I messed up with the whole tag thing and I couldn’t find a way to delete and remake the post, so up the top there, it’s meant to have [ROM Hack])

I'm not too sure of my chances in receiving a response here, and I'm too embarrassed to post on Gamebanana again. But I've run into a pickle.

Through a variety of means, I've managed to create almost 90% of the visual aspect OF a custom character my week's been spent into. Hell, I've even made a custom mesh. Therein- lies the problem.

I have a mesh and I have a texture. Though each time I try sync em up, I either manage to get a nice white model or I'm left with the contrast opposite: entirely black. I assume there's an issue with me not correctly aligning the Model and Texture via Maya, and that may be because I dunno how to use the software. But I genuinely can't seem to pinpoint it. and that's ON TOP of the fact that I can't import an edited RGB & A PNG through BCH Texture Tool SPECIFICALLY for hair -even when I apply it to an existing in-game mesh-, but that I can -probably- figure that out for myself

So, I'ma sound really dumb here, but what exactly am I missing?
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Don't know how much help this'll be to anyone if they're willing to help, -but- I am able to render in Maya, just-- not so much in-game.

As of other things, I've done further testing with more vanilla hair files in-game and have come to the crippling realization(?) that they don't share the same properties as the face model and texture(???). Seeming as I can import or replace any face tex on about any model, but as soon as I try the same with any other texture, it decides to break. I've tried naming it differently, applying the SAME TEXTURES into the original cl0n.bch.lz, tried importing a slightly edited to VASTLY edited version, to utterly no success.

I have noticed in comparison, the vanilla hair is cell-shaded? Either that or it's carrying a passive reflective light all around it which makes me think I might need to do something within Maya or other- funky tools I happen to have access to. Lucky I'm a nooblet who doesn't know what he's doin.

I ain't stoppin this till I figure out how to do it. I wanna get this visual-part done so I can knuckle my elbows down and get into writing COUNTLESS pages of corny dialogue, that and maybe figure out how to do those live-2D textures and import lipsync stuff, but that information is available to me -as far as I believe- and this certain part escapes me.

I KNOW there's sumthin drastic and stupid I'm missin, I just dunno if I can find it with my -lacking of- intelligence and -severely lacking of- my knowledge using this stuff.

Rendered via Maya


  • Rabbit hair 2.png
    Rabbit hair 2.png
    75 KB · Views: 52
  • Rabbit hair 1.JPG
    Rabbit hair 1.JPG
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  • Another rabbit.JPG
    Another rabbit.JPG
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Last edited by Bankaspank,


New Member
Dec 12, 2022

Well.. It's pink now, so that's sumthin?

Or it's like, sorta pinkish? Been trying Softimage this time, still need to figure out how to apply textures through that but that's-- different, hopefully different means good!

Another ANOTHER rabbit.JPG

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I'm gonna be honest, I feel like I just BRAINBLASTED Jimmy Neutron style, or gave myself an early Christmas gift.

Currently missing the alpha channel, still don't know how to implament that, BUT THE TEXTURE'S INNN

Another ANOTHER True rabbit.JPG
Last edited by Bankaspank,

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