'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth' gets launch trailer

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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second installment in the Final Fantasy VII remake project launches exclusively on PS5 today. To celebrate the launch Square Enix has aired a new trailer:

In FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, players take on the role of mercenary Cloud Strife and his comrades as they pursue legendary swordsman Sephiroth, a haunting figure from Cloud’s past bent on ruling the planet, across a vast and vibrant world rife with danger, adventure, joy and uncertainty. These unlikely heroes, including beloved, iconic characters Tifa, Barret, Aerith and Red XIII, join forces with new companions like the spirited ninja operative Yuffie and the wisecracking, feline-shaped robot Cait Sith. FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH delivers an unforgettable experience to players filled with unexpected twists, memorable characters and jaw-dropping set pieces that longtime fans and newcomers can both enjoy.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is available for download from PlayStation Store.

:arrow: SOURCE: GBAtemp Inbox


Old Member
Dec 2, 2004
United States
this game is great so far! holy crap, when Seph cracks after reading all of Hojo's notes! * chef's kiss.
this game opens up just like FF7 after you blow up the reactor and escape the city, into the open world of the grasslands, chocobo races, gold saucer, all of that. This is like disk 2-3 if you are playing on PS1.

i love it so far, i'm a huge FF fan, can I cannot wait to play the full game all together once its all complete.

oh, and you get to play as sephiroth almost right away, so that is worth it just to get this game. its beautiful as well. cant put it down. (the turning the valve off part at the mako plant was dumb)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
Don't see myself getting into JRPGs anytime soon. I could die tomorrow and won't regret not playing this game so sue me, lol...

Although, the game looks really good, it's a real shame Sony pulled another exclusivity deal again w/ Pt. 2, but at least it will only last until 5/29/2024.
Last edited by urbanman2004,


May 9, 2023
shame sony lied about having this on PS4 and having people upgrade to PS5. but i bet it will be on PC soon enough.
Isn't it frustrating that Sony falsely claimed this feature would be on PS4, pushing people to upgrade to PS5? But I'm sure it will be available on PC soon enough.

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  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @Faust03, Sad ☹️ they're delicious
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    they have mexican street corn ones over here that I thought were alright
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Haven't tried them, maybe we don't have them here 🤔
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    maybe not
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    where do you live?
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  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    Oh, cool!
  • Faust03 @ Faust03:
    Always wanted to go there
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Nice! Food's pretty good here, that's the thing I like most lol. You can make delicious pasta dishes with good ingredients without spending too much money. Art and history are also pretty interesting, there are a lot of stuff to see
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    They're turning the frogs gay
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    How do I tell if someone's a spambot?
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    They make a thread titled "¿Cómo comunicarme por telefono Lufthansa España? #LUFTHANSA"
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    A good indicator is a thread in a non-English language. If it also has something that looks like a phone number, it's pretty much guaranteed to be spam.
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    Had to switch registration to manual on couple of small forums I administer after AI got through our registration questions (single language area and forums concerning wooden boats and handicrafts)... Bit of bother, but not too bad yet - just too cumbersome method for big forum like this
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    I tried here https://gbatemp.net/misc/contact, maybe I'm wrong
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    @zanytofu, Ask a supervisor. Admins don't really assist with those requests.
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    Thanks, will try
    zanytofu @ zanytofu: Thanks, will try