I incurred into the infamous error 160-0103 error while trying to make a mii on my never modded nor softmodded 32GB WiiU. I did some research and rapidly found out about the failing Hynix eMMCs and whatnot. Here on GBATemp I found the "Ultimate WiiU Troubleshooting Guide" and realized it was indeed a failing eMMC. I was ready to try and fix it with the soldering method guide (even if I never put hand to a solder, I'm kind of desperate at the moment), but I read on the guide that it needs ISFHax/de_fuse to work + a bunch of other softwares to make safety backups like savemii. All fine and good, only problem being, I needed Tiramisu to install anything of the likes, so I tried, but the moment I went to make a NAND backup as described in the "WiiU Hacks Guide" error160-0103 popped up again, thus I can't mod my console. I'm stranded and out of options since I really am a newbie at console modding, let alone fixing hardware/software errors. Is there anything I can do?
Sorry for the absence on links towards both guides, but as a newbie I am not allowed to link anything yet.
Sorry for the absence on links towards both guides, but as a newbie I am not allowed to link anything yet.