Enable admin settings?


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
So I was at school and instead of working on my project, I decided to install Halo. However, you cant install Halo in a limited account. Is there anyway to bypass this? Ive tried numerous methods like the time/interactive "cmd.exe" and net user localgroups User/ADD (or something like that) in the command prompt but I get an Access Denied message. Im hoping to get a number of ideas posted here then trying them all out on monday. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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1. ask your admin/teacher
2. get l33t haxor skills
3. do the work you are supposed to do...this is a good idea in the long hand.

(sry...not the thing you wanted to know, but come on, education is to help you in the future!) ;-)


May 2, 2003
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United States
Are you in Vista or XP? I'm not sure if command line with administrator access within vista allows enough control to open a setup.exe windows session.

Best bet would be to log in on an account with administrator priviledges.

If this is an XP system, not sure about Vista, and not on a network domain you could also boot up a CD with linux on it that is made to harvest all the passwords and user accounts off that workstation. I have a copy at work, pm me if you need me to tell you what it is called because I don't remember right off hand. I can also send you a url to it, it is not illegal and it is public domain. I have to use it on the boss' computer sometimes because he uses a non standard password.

Oh btw also sometimes people install XP with no password in the admin account... press ctrl+alt+del twice at the login screen and type administrator to log in and leave the password blank...see if that gets you in.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
The other option is to try and make a self contained install and spread it over a disc/USB stick or three. Some of the linux gamesites could help (I personally have tried this) and you may need a crack or two as well. Other games like unreal can be quite easily cut down, will run on the useless machines schools seem to install and sometimes even come with client programs (get a laptop to host).

Basically what version of Windows (earlier the better in my opinion), are they thin clients (everything loaded from network), standard Windows security or something more insidious?

It has to be said though this is a bit risky, while you are doing nothing especially wrong (assuming you leave the systems in a state pretty much the same they came in) it can still be perceived as hacking.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
The os on my schools computers is Windows XP (not sure which sp, ill have to check). Nothing really special, just a standard install.

Are you in Vista or XP? I'm not sure if command line with administrator access within vista allows enough control to open a setup.exe windows session.

Best bet would be to log in on an account with administrator priviledges.

If this is an XP system, not sure about Vista, and not on a network domain you could also boot up a CD with linux on it that is made to harvest all the passwords and user accounts off that workstation. I have a copy at work, pm me if you need me to tell you what it is called because I don't remember right off hand. I can also send you a url to it, it is not illegal and it is public domain. I have to use it on the boss' computer sometimes because he uses a non standard password.

Oh btw also sometimes people install XP with no password in the admin account... press ctrl+alt+del twice at the login screen and type administrator to log in and leave the password blank...see if that gets you in.

Theres a password on the admin account. I found it out last year but they seemed to have changed it. Ive pmed for more info on the cd.

The other option is to try and make a self contained install and spread it over a disc/USB stick or three. Some of the linux gamesites could help (I personally have tried this) and you may need a crack or two as well. Other games like unreal can be quite easily cut down, will run on the useless machines schools seem to install and sometimes even come with client programs (get a laptop to host).

Basically what version of Windows (earlier the better in my opinion), are they thin clients (everything loaded from network), standard Windows security or something more insidious?

It has to be said though this is a bit risky, while you are doing nothing especially wrong (assuming you leave the systems in a state pretty much the same they came in) it can still be perceived as hacking.

This seems like a good idea, since it wont really leave much of a trace. As long as it isnt too hard to do. I already have a crack. Nothing special in terms of security or anything, just a standard install of XP. And dont worry about me being caught hacking my schools computer, teachers are pretty oblivious (played though all of Chrono Trigger through my 2nd term.

QUOTE(BigX @ Jan 9 2008, 10:33 AM)1. ask your admin/teacher
2. get l33t haxor skills
3. do the work you are supposed to do...this is a good idea in the long hand.

(sry...not the thing you wanted to know, but come on, education is to help you in the future!) ;-)

1. "Hey teach, mind if I play teh online haloz 'stead of studying?"
2. I can run calculator. Does that count?
3. Im doing fine in class, im just doing something to pass the time

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    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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