TY much, I've been here since Marth 07, but I just started gettin active around Q3 07ish I guess. Mostly perusing the Wii-Hacking section and DS sections. Lotsa cool personalities on this site.
Anyways games I'm currently rocking are:
DS-Phoenix Wright 3/AW

ays of Ruin/Zelda

oH/Bleach 2nd/Ouendan1!
Wii-SMG/No More Heroes/Naruto EX2/and from time to time I pop in SSBM since I don't have Brawl yet.
X360-Gears/COD4/Halo 3/Orange Box/Mass Effect/Ass Creed

R/VF5/Rock BAnd!!!! PS2-KOF11
Yeah I love video games...
...I have alot more, but those I'm currently playing.