I am very fond of windows 7 and especially windows XP as a secondary. Those two OSes taught me a lot about dealing with BS and guis and were my gateway drug into learning linux.
With that being said, like others have said please for the love of the digital gods, if Windows is your daily driver, aka you depend on it for normal computer stuff in a desktop or laptop environment... (im not talking about mobile or sh***y windows surface tablets), then keep it up to date either with a LTSC(Long term service channel) version of windows 10 or a windows education/enterprise version.
Note: Windows 10/11 education and enterprise are pretty much the same thing.
Or windows 11(any edition...you should still use education or enterprise) which is what they are heavily pushing now for normal and corp use.
I believe windows 10 LTSC has an EOL(end of life) in 2027, so technically you could download the windows 10 enterprise/edu ltsc version and last till then which is also awesome. M$ is trying to cater to the linux minded people on this one lol.
If you want to stay up to date and...
Suffice to say, I'm never paying Microsoft for software ever again. If they want Google's business model their consumer software is similarly free as far as I'm concerned. Oh, but I'm stripping out the telemetry...
Do that above... then feel free to google the 'mass' of the 'grave' 'faq'.
if that info violates my apologies 
The long and short of it is: M$ makes more kingdom hearts muney on corpos then they do heartless. So you can technically be a tester forever and they dont care.
For the people who are still acting crazy and think they can daily drive old gui type OSes, then I suggest Firefox(as the browser) and Ublock Origin as the extension/addon within said browser.
I have no idea if those still work on old OSes so your mileage may vary, but folks should be using that combo on modern OSes/systems anyways since Chromium, which is what Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome browser, and multiple other browsers! are running on..., are set to go into Manifest phase/v3 here like yesterday.
That means if you were using v2 manifest type addons/extensions in Google Chrome(type browsers aka chromium fueled), they will either A) auto disable the addon randomly, or B) eventually not work like they are supposed to.
Since everyone obviously uses most mainstream browsers to access the internet just something to keep in mind if you want to be on an old OS.
p.s. To add onto this, if your browser is your entrance to the internet, you need to do the due diligence and block as much as you can there first, but if you also have a shitty OS that hasnt been updated to the most recent zero day issues/security faults, i.e. malware/viruses that has been discovered over time, then you might be setting yourself up for failure

p.s.s (or is that p.p.s? lol) Correct me if im wrong on some stuff so i learn extra.