Another thing I forgot to mention, the destiny points mechanic. Terrible mechanic. Does the 012 version of Dissidia story mode have that too? I considered trying to beat Chaos with a different character, but the heroes are basically off limits to me. Because if I'm gonna have to go through each of their stories 4 or 5 times to get everything (well not everything because I don't even know how to get everything) then I'd rather do that before their level becomes too high.
The villains (and Shantotto) are more appealing since I can just take them straight to Duel Coliseum and not worry about story.. well at least until they're leveled enough to do Destiny Odyssey, at which point I'd have to stop having fun and play Destiny Odyssey again just so I can be sure to get everything.
I tried command battle briefly and it's actually pretty poorly implemented. What turned me off about it though even before going in was the fact you have to spend Rosetta Stones to make command battle more effective.
Funny thing is, I'm technically not supposed to know that Dissidia 012 has Dissidia story mode in it. I only know about this because I was told on the internet. Maybe I should just go in blind. But on the other hand, playing Dissidia tells me enough about what 012 is probably like that I probably don't want to play it, at least not soon.
Hey, buddy. Hold on... Not everyone played the first Dissidia.
But Dissidia came first... shouldn't the sequel be designed with that in mind? We're not talking about a ten year old game either... Dissidia and 012 are on the same system. Didn't it occur to them that most of the people who play 012 will have played Dissidia? I can bet that Dissidia outsold Dissidia 012 in the west, especially considering PSP was much closer to dead when 012 came out, and the fact that the firs Dissidia had the shock and awe that comes with being the first Final Fantasy fighting game.
The games are on the same system so if someone has 012 and wanted to play Dissidia they could just get it! It was sold as a greatest hits and on PSN so it actually benefits Square to keep the games separate. Sure it was generous of them to attach Dissidia to 012 but I just hope they realize this means that many people will end up starting Dissidia twice (if only to quit the second time once they realize they're just playing what they already played) which is incompetent design.