Hi I've been in hospital for a fair few months now and am back out and decided to update my atmosphere files on my SD card and now all of my games say they won't launch and I need to try again from the home menu!? It says for eshop games that I need to go to the eshop as I don't own these titles.
What the heck have I done?
I've replaced my SD card entirely and that doesn't work, I have reinstalled games but that doesn't work and I feel so daft for updating now. I'm due back in hospital next week for another few months so I really could do with some help so I can play my games again.
Thanks in advance.
6.1 firmware
Not ipatched (or whatever it's called - my switch is hackable)
Atmosphere 9.2 (tried kosmos and that launches but the games still don't work)
Hekate 5.2 (or 5.1 - can't remember)
Tegra GUI for inject payload
Homebrew seems to work
Also I'm baffled whether to use tinfoil, gold leaf, lithium, but, - it is all new to me - I used to use goldleaf with my games in tinfoil folder.
All games stored to SD.
What the heck have I done?
I've replaced my SD card entirely and that doesn't work, I have reinstalled games but that doesn't work and I feel so daft for updating now. I'm due back in hospital next week for another few months so I really could do with some help so I can play my games again.
Thanks in advance.
6.1 firmware
Not ipatched (or whatever it's called - my switch is hackable)
Atmosphere 9.2 (tried kosmos and that launches but the games still don't work)
Hekate 5.2 (or 5.1 - can't remember)
Tegra GUI for inject payload
Homebrew seems to work
Also I'm baffled whether to use tinfoil, gold leaf, lithium, but, - it is all new to me - I used to use goldleaf with my games in tinfoil folder.
All games stored to SD.