Clan GBAt
*Welcome to the Call of Duty GBAtemp Clan topic. This topic will hereby be used as discussion of the clan, and general game chat. If you however have come to this topic just to bash Call of Duty and it's various iterations (basically troll), then leave now. All comments doing so, without shame, will be reported to the mods.*
Since Black Ops is nearing, (and so far the only sort of clan the 'temp has had has been related only to the Wii version) I have decided to open a Universal topic for each console version. This Clan is for fun, I REPEAT FOR FUN!!! However if someone other than myself wishes to put together a competitive scene, be my guest. This Clan has been set up as such so people of the 'temp won't have to look far to find fellow players to add and play with. Since this may be a bit tough to keep together by myself, I must ask that each member that wants to join shall adhere to the following template:
-GBAtemp Username
-Gamertag/Playstation ID/Tag+FC
-CoD Games Owned
-Description of you as a player (Doesn't have to be long)
I will be trying to keep the Clan base updated for each system (with only active players) in codeboxes reserved for each respective system.
XBox 360
-GBAtemp: Sterl500
-Gamertag: Silva Sterl
-CoD Games: WaW, MW, and MW2 (I only play MW2 though)
-I like to describe myself as a run and gun guy. I like my play
style to me as mobile as possible, with the most power possible.
I do snipe sometimes, and I have been known to use a LMG every
once in a while, but the majority of my style is with hit and run tactics.
GBAtemp: KinGamer7
Gamertag: KinGamer7
CoD games: MW2 - Highly unlikely that I'll pick this up again, especially with Black Ops coming out.
Description: In general I'm an all-rounder. I tend to switch between
Run'n'gun and Tactical approaches on the fly and tend to switch
weapon types and strategic roles on a fairly regular basis. Diversity is my game here!
Console: Xbox 360
GBAtemp: x3advent
Gamertag: x3Advent
CoD games: Black Ops
-Console: Xbox 360 (I have the PC version too, but don't play it)
-GBAtemp Username: TDWP FTW-Gamertag: TDWP FTW, Steam ID: HomeGrownPwn
-CoD Games Owned: BO, MW2/CoD4, WaW (Don't have currently, but I've had them for a long time when I did)
-Description: Usually a run 'n gun guy, but I make sure to check my corners before I run out. I usually use shotguns and assault rifles, with the occasional SMG. I play as a teammate, and try not to act like a lone wolf unless I'm playing Free-For-All. I do have a mic, and I like to talk to my teammates (Unless they are 1) Rude, 2) Little Kids, 3) Not talking) for a more co-operative experience.
-Console: PS3
-GBAtemp: Terminator02-Playstation ID: Terminator02
-CoD Games: CoD 4, MW2, Black Ops
-Description of you as a player: I'm a pretty good player and go for the objective,
i've got a mic and expect everyone else in my party to. I will want to play zombies as well as the standard multiplayer.
-Console: Playstation 3
-GBAtemp Username: Hikaru-PSID: huongho1967
-COD Games Owned: MW, WAW, do not have BO or MW2 yet.
-Description: I am usually a run n' gunner, although I am conscious of my surroundings. I do not have a mic, as my old one is broken, but should be getting another soon. Usually use an SMG, and go for perks that make me not easily detectable, so that I can sneak up on enemies. I usually play Domination and Team Deathmatch, and most likely some wager matches once I get Black Ops.
-GBAtemp: Sterl500
-Gamertag: Silva Sterl
-CoD Games: WaW, MW, and MW2 (I only play MW2 though)
-I like to describe myself as a run and gun guy. I like my play
style to me as mobile as possible, with the most power possible.
I do snipe sometimes, and I have been known to use a LMG every
once in a while, but the majority of my style is with hit and run tactics.
GBAtemp: KinGamer7
Gamertag: KinGamer7
CoD games: MW2 - Highly unlikely that I'll pick this up again, especially with Black Ops coming out.
Description: In general I'm an all-rounder. I tend to switch between
Run'n'gun and Tactical approaches on the fly and tend to switch
weapon types and strategic roles on a fairly regular basis. Diversity is my game here!
Console: Xbox 360
GBAtemp: x3advent
Gamertag: x3Advent
CoD games: Black Ops
-Console: Xbox 360 (I have the PC version too, but don't play it)
-GBAtemp Username: TDWP FTW-Gamertag: TDWP FTW, Steam ID: HomeGrownPwn
-CoD Games Owned: BO, MW2/CoD4, WaW (Don't have currently, but I've had them for a long time when I did)
-Description: Usually a run 'n gun guy, but I make sure to check my corners before I run out. I usually use shotguns and assault rifles, with the occasional SMG. I play as a teammate, and try not to act like a lone wolf unless I'm playing Free-For-All. I do have a mic, and I like to talk to my teammates (Unless they are 1) Rude, 2) Little Kids, 3) Not talking) for a more co-operative experience.
-Console: PS3
-GBAtemp: Terminator02-Playstation ID: Terminator02
-CoD Games: CoD 4, MW2, Black Ops
-Description of you as a player: I'm a pretty good player and go for the objective,
i've got a mic and expect everyone else in my party to. I will want to play zombies as well as the standard multiplayer.
-Console: Playstation 3
-GBAtemp Username: Hikaru-PSID: huongho1967
-COD Games Owned: MW, WAW, do not have BO or MW2 yet.
-Description: I am usually a run n' gunner, although I am conscious of my surroundings. I do not have a mic, as my old one is broken, but should be getting another soon. Usually use an SMG, and go for perks that make me not easily detectable, so that I can sneak up on enemies. I usually play Domination and Team Deathmatch, and most likely some wager matches once I get Black Ops.
-Console: XBox 360
-GBAtemp: Sterl500
-Gamertag: Silva Sterl
-CoD Games: WaW, MW, and MW2 (I only play MW2 though)
-I like to describe myself as a run and gun guy. I like my play style to me as mobile as possible, with the most power possible. I do snipe sometimes, and I have been known to use a LMG every once in a while, but the majority of my style is with hit and run tactics.
Alright, you guys are free to talk about any Call of Duty with online multi-player. Since Black Ops is not out yet Modern Warfare 2 is the obvious choice to talk and rant about to your fellow players.