Good Christ.
THERE IS NO MAGIC SOLUTION TO PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT!! [/CAPS] The only way to develop skills like that is to PRACTICE. You can't just pick up an instrument and all of sudden have all the technique of a seasoned pro. Go online, find some finger exercises and practice them.
Regardless of whether or not you can play a few diddies, if you don't practice proper technique then you may as well just buy a $50 synthesizer, and you can't develop proper technique by immediately jumping into different songs.
Learn your scales, your fingerings, basic chords, chord theory. If you were developing technique the way you should then by the time you were ready to start learning songs, you wouldn't need to know how to move your hands independently. Playing songs before proper technique is established just causes bad habits.
Google some technique sheets, YouTube some beginners lessons. There are tons of resources out there. There are sites where you can download entire technique books.