Homebrew Anyone help Pokemon Diamond - Microphone wave in Failure nosgba fans


New Member
May 29, 2012
Anyone Need help
Does anyone has a fix for Pokemon Diamond - Microphone wave in Failure

its totally annoying after playing 10-20 mins
i get an error
Microphone wave in Failure
sometimes it happens in 1-5 minutes of playing

because of this i end up playing again from the start

I always save on game but if I dont close the emu after saving ill end up
starting the game from the last save when Ive close emu

for example
lets say i start to playing a newgame
then played for 20 min then save the game
if I dont close the no$gba emu ill end up starting the game all over again

So meaning if I end up with
Microphone wave in Failure
ill have to start all over again

This only happens on Pokemon Diamond well i havent tried on Pokemon Pearl yet
But i dont encounter this when playing Pokemon Black and White

im using nosgba 2.6a dont want to change on desmu since i got a slow computer
i also use noszoomer i think is the first version that im using

ive tried muting microphone but i still encounter this
Microphone wave in Failure

Anyone Help ????????


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
You're probably running some background applications that affect it, programs like MSN WinAMP maybe even Itunes, I would suggest to first close and programs that are not needed and make sure that your sound cards are fully updated also try changing your quality for it if it's currently on high set it to low and if it's set to low try changing to high and see if that works. Good luck!


New Member
May 29, 2012
Sound Update Doesnt work or making low and high

But I Think I Found A Way

Dont Know Which one Works though
But I Tried Downloading the No$zoomer 2.3.02 still using the No$gba 2.6a
and played havent encountered any
Microphone wave in Failure

I havent tried closing other programs while playing but it might work just try it

since i end up downloading No$zoomer first and deleted the old one
before to be able to check weather closing other programs while playing would not
cause you Microphone wave in Failure well anyway just try it the way 098v suggested
since i havent confirmed that one

098v thanks for your suggestion

maybe its something to do with the old no$zoomer that i used
where its makes the game Microphone wave in Failure

my internet browser is still on and other programs
while playing and still playing 8 hours straight
without encountering Microphone wave in Failure

For now im Happy I did'nt encounter Microphone wave in Failure
not like last time it takes 1-5minute or 10-20 minutes and end up Microphone wave in Failure

I Hope it will work forever
I'll let you know if this Completely solve My problem

Oh before I Forgot I Found a Cool Feature of No$zoomer
You can Update your save files while playing the game
without closing the no$gba emulator
Its under File---->Save Battery

Which means even if you encounter Microphone wave in Failure
as long as you save ur files this way File---->Save Battery
You don't have to worry about Microphone wave in Failure
which makes you start all over again from your gameplay

Well Since I Dont mind Saving My game Constantly it works perfectly fine
Still I Save Normally then use File---->Save Battery

Well not really sure if it work since i havent encountered Microphone wave in Failure
but it does update the save file while playing since you can see its updating the save file
for real

So in theory it will work well hope its does

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    I can remember what PC's I've used over the years. (2011-2013) - Medion PC with Windows 7, (2014-2017) - HP Compaq DC7100 with Windows XP Pro SP3, (2017-2021) - Lenovo IdeaPad 120S-11IAP.
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    @_Ruri_, Only play games on old consoles that I have or via emulation. Not too much of a new games fanboy.
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    @SylverReZ, Hm yeah I understand, Linux can work if you don't play new games, I still do though so it's not super practical for me. I have a spare SSD though, I could experiment with stuff in the future
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