Anybody have WoW?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
So i recently tried WoW, and I'll be honest, I have no idea what the hell to do. I don't know much about the game, or the point of it, but I do like the grinding type games. I was wondering if anybody has it, and would be willing to schedule a time where we can hang out in the game, maybe give me some tips and pointers.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
The Batcave
United States
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.

Yes, most noobs just google guides and and build for thier class but that's because they suck. The game actually does involve some skill but there are very few people with it. I mean dps really don't have skill but that's because the only thing they have to do is press the same buttons over and over again unless you pvp and in that case you have to have a lil skill. As far as tanking and healing goes no matter what you will have to have the skill of paying attention and knowing what your doing or your whole group will wipe. Yes, they combat sucks at first but it does get better as you play and level up. Plus each class has a different style of fighting so it really depends on the class you play. One of the funnest classes to play would be the rogue imo. you can basically go invisible, stun and [censored] people. It's only boring if you pick to be a class you don't like

edit: Btw, if you want i do have the game and i can hang out and give you some tips if u like :)


Jul 14, 2009
So i recently tried WoW, and I'll be honest, I have no idea what the hell to do. I don't know much about the game, or the point of it, but I do like the grinding type games. I was wondering if anybody has it, and would be willing to schedule a time where we can hang out in the game, maybe give me some tips and pointers.
bail out while you still can
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
United States
I still have my account active as I occasionally play with the girlfriend. I will suggest jumping onto a better MMO though, I am only around due to the time investments I have put into it over the many years, and I have played other MMOs in the past but never got as attached to them.

Previously a dedicated raider which kept me on it, now I am as casual as can be.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
Sacramento, California
United States
WoW is rather old and out-dated, but I wouldn't say it isn't the better MMO of the ones available.

Let's be honest. If another MMO were truly better than WoW, then Blizzard would have lost far more subscribers than what they have. The problems and structuring with the newer ones prevent people, who must have an MMO, from staying away from WoW.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.

Yes, most noobs just google guides and and build for thier class but that's because they suck. The game actually does involve some skill but there are very few people with it. I mean dps really don't have skill but that's because the only thing they have to do is press the same buttons over and over again unless you pvp and in that case you have to have a lil skill. As far as tanking and healing goes no matter what you will have to have the skill of paying attention and knowing what your doing or your whole group will wipe. Yes, they combat sucks at first but it does get better as you play and level up. Plus each class has a different style of fighting so it really depends on the class you play. One of the funnest classes to play would be the rogue imo. you can basically go invisible, stun and [censored] people. It's only boring if you pick to be a class you don't like

edit: Btw, if you want i do have the game and i can hang out and give you some tips if u like :)

I always lol so hard when WoW players try to tell me the game takes skill.
No, it doesn't. I've played many, many...many MMOs. WoW is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to combat, as well as character customization. There are definite optimal builds. You can try to build one yourself, but enjoy sucking compared to people of the same class with an optimal build. Most of the things you described are the same in basically every MMO in existence, except it's all simplified in WoW.
Character depth is piss-poor at best, though honestly most MMOs these days aren't great in that department either. Assuming a person isn't inept and useless, gearscore + using optimal build or not = how good someone is.
You're playing a PvE social MMO stacked with PvE filler. I don't care if you like it, have fun, but please don't sit there and try to tell people it's an MMO that requires real skill.
WoW is rather old and out-dated, but I wouldn't say it isn't the better MMO of the ones available.

Let's be honest. If another MMO were truly better than WoW, then Blizzard would have lost far more subscribers than what they have. The problems and structuring with the newer ones prevent people, who must have an MMO, from staying away from WoW.

There are many MMOs truly better than WoW, but not a whole lot with raw PvE content to fill up peoples time.
It takes forever to cover all the content in WoW, because it's old as hell. That's the only place it shines, new MMOs fail because everyone expects them to have as much or more content than WoW, right at launch. That and plenty of new MMOs mimic WoW and go for a 'shit pvp, detailed pve' approach to try appeal to a wider audience. I said, fails due to a severe lack of content. PvP heavy survives a lot better than PvE heavy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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United States
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.

Yes, most noobs just google guides and and build for thier class but that's because they suck. The game actually does involve some skill but there are very few people with it. I mean dps really don't have skill but that's because the only thing they have to do is press the same buttons over and over again unless you pvp and in that case you have to have a lil skill. As far as tanking and healing goes no matter what you will have to have the skill of paying attention and knowing what your doing or your whole group will wipe. Yes, they combat sucks at first but it does get better as you play and level up. Plus each class has a different style of fighting so it really depends on the class you play. One of the funnest classes to play would be the rogue imo. you can basically go invisible, stun and [censored] people. It's only boring if you pick to be a class you don't like

edit: Btw, if you want i do have the game and i can hang out and give you some tips if u like :)

I always lol so hard when WoW players try to tell me the game takes skill.
No, it doesn't. I've played many, many...many MMOs. WoW is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to combat, as well as character customization. There are definite optimal builds. You can try to build one yourself, but enjoy sucking compared to people of the same class with an optimal build. Most of the things you described are the same in basically every MMO in existence, except it's all simplified in WoW.
Character depth is piss-poor at best, though honestly most MMOs these days aren't great in that department either. Assuming a person isn't inept and useless, gearscore + using optimal build or not = how good someone is.
You're playing a PvE social MMO stacked with PvE filler. I don't care if you like it, have fun, but please don't sit there and try to tell people it's an MMO that requires real skill.
WoW is rather old and out-dated, but I wouldn't say it isn't the better MMO of the ones available.

Let's be honest. If another MMO were truly better than WoW, then Blizzard would have lost far more subscribers than what they have. The problems and structuring with the newer ones prevent people, who must have an MMO, from staying away from WoW.

There are many MMOs truly better than WoW, but not a whole lot with raw PvE content to fill up peoples time.
It takes forever to cover all the content in WoW, because it's old as hell. That's the only place it shines, new MMOs fail because everyone expects them to have as much or more content than WoW, right at launch. That and plenty of new MMOs mimic WoW and go for a 'shit pvp, detailed pve' approach to try appeal to a wider audience. I said, fails due to a severe lack of content. PvP heavy survives a lot better than PvE heavy.

I'm going to go ahead and flame the crap out of you, right now.

It's a videogame. There's never been any game, ever, nor will there ever exist a game for the rest of the history of the universe, that requires skill. Get over yourself, and stop polluting this guy's thread with off-topic flaming to boost your own ego.

If it required skill, you'd be recognized outside the small community of the game for your skill. Can you name the world's best monopoly player? How about the world's best Risk player? You know anyone with a college degree in Board Games or Solitaire?

Games are fun, they're hobbies, and they are things you can be good at or not good at. But they don't require skill, and if you think that they do, then you don't know what a skill is. Whatever game you think you're skilled at, compare the level of complexity and how much effort you had to put into that "skill" to the skill necessary to do something as simple as tie your shoes or go to the bathroom. Most children require months of training to be able to even start doing those things. So, I guess your "skill" at the game is about as skilled as wiping your own ass. Congratulations.

It's offensive to me on a personal and professional level when someone goes off on a tirade about how "your game doesn't take skill, I have skills because my game takes skills". Engineering requires skill. Surgery requires skill. Astrophysics requires skill. Even flipping burgers at McDonalds requires more skill than a videogame, if you don't think so then go see if the local McDonalds will give you a job flipping burgers with no experience, and if they do, see how long you last.

You're playing a game, and so are the people you're berating for playing a simpler game than you. I've known well-paid attorneys that shown less disrespect to bums in the street with no job, than you are showing to someone because his game takes less "skill" than yours.

Give a damn rest.


Sep 29, 2010
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.

Yes, most noobs just google guides and and build for thier class but that's because they suck. The game actually does involve some skill but there are very few people with it. I mean dps really don't have skill but that's because the only thing they have to do is press the same buttons over and over again unless you pvp and in that case you have to have a lil skill. As far as tanking and healing goes no matter what you will have to have the skill of paying attention and knowing what your doing or your whole group will wipe. Yes, they combat sucks at first but it does get better as you play and level up. Plus each class has a different style of fighting so it really depends on the class you play. One of the funnest classes to play would be the rogue imo. you can basically go invisible, stun and [censored] people. It's only boring if you pick to be a class you don't like

edit: Btw, if you want i do have the game and i can hang out and give you some tips if u like :)

I always lol so hard when WoW players try to tell me the game takes skill.
No, it doesn't. I've played many, many...many MMOs. WoW is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to combat, as well as character customization. There are definite optimal builds. You can try to build one yourself, but enjoy sucking compared to people of the same class with an optimal build. Most of the things you described are the same in basically every MMO in existence, except it's all simplified in WoW.
Character depth is piss-poor at best, though honestly most MMOs these days aren't great in that department either. Assuming a person isn't inept and useless, gearscore + using optimal build or not = how good someone is.
You're playing a PvE social MMO stacked with PvE filler. I don't care if you like it, have fun, but please don't sit there and try to tell people it's an MMO that requires real skill.
WoW is rather old and out-dated, but I wouldn't say it isn't the better MMO of the ones available.

Let's be honest. If another MMO were truly better than WoW, then Blizzard would have lost far more subscribers than what they have. The problems and structuring with the newer ones prevent people, who must have an MMO, from staying away from WoW.

There are many MMOs truly better than WoW, but not a whole lot with raw PvE content to fill up peoples time.
It takes forever to cover all the content in WoW, because it's old as hell. That's the only place it shines, new MMOs fail because everyone expects them to have as much or more content than WoW, right at launch. That and plenty of new MMOs mimic WoW and go for a 'shit pvp, detailed pve' approach to try appeal to a wider audience. I said, fails due to a severe lack of content. PvP heavy survives a lot better than PvE heavy.
I'm going to go ahead and flame the crap out of you, right now.

It's a videogame. There's never been any game, ever, nor will there ever exist a game for the rest of the history of the universe, that requires skill. Get over yourself, and stop polluting this guy's thread with off-topic flaming to boost your own ego.

If it required skill, you'd be recognized outside the small community of the game for your skill. Can you name the world's best monopoly player? How about the world's best Risk player? You know anyone with a college degree in Board Games or Solitaire?

Games are fun, they're hobbies, and they are things you can be good at or not good at. But they don't require skill, and if you think that they do, then you don't know what a skill is. Whatever game you think you're skilled at, compare the level of complexity and how much effort you had to put into that "skill" to the skill necessary to do something as simple as tie your shoes or go to the bathroom. Most children require months of training to be able to even start doing those things. So, I guess your "skill" at the game is about as skilled as wiping your own ass. Congratulations.

It's offensive to me on a personal and professional level when someone goes off on a tirade about how "your game doesn't take skill, I have skills because my game takes skills". Engineering requires skill. Surgery requires skill. Astrophysics requires skill. Even flipping burgers at McDonalds requires more skill than a videogame, if you don't think so then go see if the local McDonalds will give you a job flipping burgers with no experience, and if they do, see how long you last.

You're playing a game, and so are the people you're berating for playing a simpler game than you. I've known well-paid attorneys that shown less disrespect to bums in the street with no job, than you are showing to someone because his game takes less "skill" than yours.

Give a damn rest.
wow. then why are there so called top players?
certain games do require skill. but most mmorpgs are just all about grinding and focus firing a single opponent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2010
Play a better MMO.
I'm not even trolling, WoW is archaic and the combat is pathetic it's not even worth investing time into anymore.

If you want tips it's pretty simple. Google a guide for your class. It'll give a talent setup and an optimal skill rotation. Follow it and you'll be as good as your gear lets you be. There's no skill involved/needed.

Hell if you don't mind (and even like) grinding type games...your world is wide open for MMOs, there's a bunch of great MMOs hindered by the fact you have to grind to progress.

Yes, most noobs just google guides and and build for thier class but that's because they suck. The game actually does involve some skill but there are very few people with it. I mean dps really don't have skill but that's because the only thing they have to do is press the same buttons over and over again unless you pvp and in that case you have to have a lil skill. As far as tanking and healing goes no matter what you will have to have the skill of paying attention and knowing what your doing or your whole group will wipe. Yes, they combat sucks at first but it does get better as you play and level up. Plus each class has a different style of fighting so it really depends on the class you play. One of the funnest classes to play would be the rogue imo. you can basically go invisible, stun and [censored] people. It's only boring if you pick to be a class you don't like

edit: Btw, if you want i do have the game and i can hang out and give you some tips if u like :)

I always lol so hard when WoW players try to tell me the game takes skill.
No, it doesn't. I've played many, many...many MMOs. WoW is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to combat, as well as character customization. There are definite optimal builds. You can try to build one yourself, but enjoy sucking compared to people of the same class with an optimal build. Most of the things you described are the same in basically every MMO in existence, except it's all simplified in WoW.
Character depth is piss-poor at best, though honestly most MMOs these days aren't great in that department either. Assuming a person isn't inept and useless, gearscore + using optimal build or not = how good someone is.
You're playing a PvE social MMO stacked with PvE filler. I don't care if you like it, have fun, but please don't sit there and try to tell people it's an MMO that requires real skill.
WoW is rather old and out-dated, but I wouldn't say it isn't the better MMO of the ones available.

Let's be honest. If another MMO were truly better than WoW, then Blizzard would have lost far more subscribers than what they have. The problems and structuring with the newer ones prevent people, who must have an MMO, from staying away from WoW.

There are many MMOs truly better than WoW, but not a whole lot with raw PvE content to fill up peoples time.
It takes forever to cover all the content in WoW, because it's old as hell. That's the only place it shines, new MMOs fail because everyone expects them to have as much or more content than WoW, right at launch. That and plenty of new MMOs mimic WoW and go for a 'shit pvp, detailed pve' approach to try appeal to a wider audience. I said, fails due to a severe lack of content. PvP heavy survives a lot better than PvE heavy.

I'm going to go ahead and flame the crap out of you, right now.

It's a videogame. There's never been any game, ever, nor will there ever exist a game for the rest of the history of the universe, that requires skill. Get over yourself, and stop polluting this guy's thread with off-topic flaming to boost your own ego.

If it required skill, you'd be recognized outside the small community of the game for your skill. Can you name the world's best monopoly player? How about the world's best Risk player? You know anyone with a college degree in Board Games or Solitaire?

Games are fun, they're hobbies, and they are things you can be good at or not good at. But they don't require skill, and if you think that they do, then you don't know what a skill is. Whatever game you think you're skilled at, compare the level of complexity and how much effort you had to put into that "skill" to the skill necessary to do something as simple as tie your shoes or go to the bathroom. Most children require months of training to be able to even start doing those things. So, I guess your "skill" at the game is about as skilled as wiping your own ass. Congratulations.

It's offensive to me on a personal and professional level when someone goes off on a tirade about how "your game doesn't take skill, I have skills because my game takes skills". Engineering requires skill. Surgery requires skill. Astrophysics requires skill. Even flipping burgers at McDonalds requires more skill than a videogame, if you don't think so then go see if the local McDonalds will give you a job flipping burgers with no experience, and if they do, see how long you last.

You're playing a game, and so are the people you're berating for playing a simpler game than you. I've known well-paid attorneys that shown less disrespect to bums in the street with no job, than you are showing to someone because his game takes less "skill" than yours.

Give a damn rest.

There doesn't exist a game that takes skill? Tell that to all the people playing Starcraft Broodwar or Starcraft 2 and competing for not a small amount of cash in tournaments like the GSL, MLG, IEM.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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It's a videogame. There's never been any game, ever, nor will there ever exist a game for the rest of the history of the universe, that requires skill.

Stopped there.
Laughed my balls off. You're dismissed.

Amendment: There never has been nor ever will be a game that requires an amount of skill that's noteworthy. Even the most complex game is like making dinner, or driving a car, etc. You may use skills while playing, but the game doesn't require skill. Do you need to be more skilled than your opponent to win? Sometimes. Take poker for example. I could argue that poker requires no skill because you can't even control the cards you get, everything is just random. I'd be right, to an extent. I could also argue that poker requires skill because you must be able to bet and bluff (and other skills) to convince others to allow you to win. I'd be right, to an extent. I could also argue that no matter how skilled you are, you could lose because your enemy has a straight flush, queen high. I'd be right, to an extent. I could argue that you could still minimize your loss by recognizing that he's betting high, and recognizing such things is a skill. I'd be right about that, too.

However, you can't argue (successfully) that poker is more skilled than, let's just say, old maid, which is a game that children play. The rules are simple, there are a few things you need to learn and practice to be good, and some people are more naturally talented than others. A game is still a game, and games are made to be playable, which means accessible, which means simple.

In a world where people engineer technologies that are so complex that it takes years of training just to understand the creative process, it's vain in the extreme to consider any "game" as being a truly skilled activity.

If you don't get that, then you're the exact type of person that I'm complaining about.


Dec 23, 2009
I'm going to go ahead and flame the crap out of you, right now. least you got that part right.

But a tip for when you want to flame someone in the future: make some sense.
-Hells malice was talking about WoW, which is pretty much as on-topic as it gets
-I'd argue that pretty much self-respecting game (read: that doesn't rely purely on chance) requires skill. And while you're right that outside that community, people tend to not care about the efforts. But I wouldn't say that certain game communities are small. Football is still a game. So is starcraft (which is South Korea's national sport...and that's in no way an exaggeration).
-why the hell are you first misquoting Hells Malice ("I have skills because my game takes skills") and then complain that you don't like what you put there yourself?


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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United States
I'm going to go ahead and flame the crap out of you, right now. least you got that part right.

But a tip for when you want to flame someone in the future: make some sense.
-Hells malice was talking about WoW, which is pretty much as on-topic as it gets
-I'd argue that pretty much self-respecting game (read: that doesn't rely purely on chance) requires skill. And while you're right that outside that community, people tend to not care about the efforts. But I wouldn't say that certain game communities are small. Football is still a game. So is starcraft (which is South Korea's national sport...and that's in no way an exaggeration).
-why the hell are you first misquoting Hells Malice ("I have skills because my game takes skills") and then complain that you don't like what you put there yourself?

Italics: topic was "Anyone have wow, i'd like to have someone explain it to me", so his post was about as offtopic as possible.

Yes, football is a game, sure it takes "skills", but I don't see football players going around telling everyone that "Football takes skill, baseball is for pansies." And, if they did, people would consider it disrespectful. And I bet a lot of people would be thinking "Why are these football players so impressed with themselves, they're just grown men playing a game. Have fun, make your money, but get off your high horse."

Bold: No idea what you're actually saying there, but I assume you're asking me why I conceded one of his points and made a counterargument to that point: I may have been a little hasty in the original post I made, so I admitted the error and attempted to correct it, which is, like, what you're supposed to do? Shrug.


Sep 29, 2010
please someone enlighten me of the skills present in playing an mmo?

other grinding to max level and wearing the best armors so that you can pk lower level characters? if this is considered a skill.

also, i'm not saying that games do not have skills. i'm just saying that most mmos have that kind of element.
but if you are able to pk someone higher level as you. then i might consider it skill.

but certain games do have skill. in some fps, not everyone can hit an enemy using a sniper rifle @ close range w/o scope. or putting something in the middle of the screen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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United States
please someone enlighten me of the skills present in playing an mmo?

other grinding to max level and wearing the best armors so that you can pk lower level characters? if this is considered a skill.

Yeah, that's the main skill. Have more time than other people, get more gear (or more practice) than they can get in the time they have available to allocate to the game, and PvP against all the other people who haven't prepared as well as you have until you get into the bracket where you're PvP'ing with other people who can put in as much time as you, then develop a few tactics based on the 3 most viable PvP moves every character has (which will pretty much be the same no matter which person is playing that particular kind of character), and see who can twitch the fastest.

That's why I'm not impressed with the "PLAY A GAME THAT TAKES REAL SKILL" argument.


Sep 29, 2010
please someone enlighten me of the skills present in playing an mmo?

other grinding to max level and wearing the best armors so that you can pk lower level characters? if this is considered a skill.

Yeah, that's the main skill. Have more time than other people, get more gear (or more practice) than they can get in the time they have available to allocate to the game, and PvP against all the other people who haven't prepared as well as you have until you get into the bracket where you're PvP'ing with other people who can put in as much time as you, then develop a few tactics based on the 3 most viable PvP moves every character has (which will pretty much be the same no matter which person is playing that particular kind of character), and see who can twitch the fastest.

That's why I'm not impressed with the "PLAY A GAME THAT TAKES REAL SKILL" argument.
read my post again. added something.

also about "PLAY A GAME THAT TAKES REAL SKILL" i really love DOTA and DOTA 2.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2007
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United States
please someone enlighten me of the skills present in playing an mmo?

other grinding to max level and wearing the best armors so that you can pk lower level characters? if this is considered a skill.

Yeah, that's the main skill. Have more time than other people, get more gear (or more practice) than they can get in the time they have available to allocate to the game, and PvP against all the other people who haven't prepared as well as you have until you get into the bracket where you're PvP'ing with other people who can put in as much time as you, then develop a few tactics based on the 3 most viable PvP moves every character has (which will pretty much be the same no matter which person is playing that particular kind of character), and see who can twitch the fastest.

That's why I'm not impressed with the "PLAY A GAME THAT TAKES REAL SKILL" argument.
read my post again. added something.

also about "PLAY A GAME THAT TAKES REAL SKILL" i really love DOTA and DOTA 2.

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