Alrighty, after doing some research, it's pretty clear people have trouble getting MP3 to load from MPT using USB loaders. I'm using the latest USB Loader GX (2.3) and also tried WiiFlow. MP1 and 2 load fine for me, but MP3 doesn't load at all. I've tried all the different settings people have suggested in the past; Use cIOS 222, 223, or 249, turn on Block IOS reload, use alternate .dols, etc. No luck.
So my biggest question is... Is it a bad rip? I'm using a wbfs file from TPB, which is NTSC and 7.43 GB in size. Even the uploader says he never got MP3 to load. Can anyone who has downloaded this particular iso confirm that it does or does not work? Another big question, is my Wii too old? I know it's well over 4 years old or so. It's updated to 4.3U, and I just recently re-hacked it with ModMii to make sure everything is up to date.
If there's any other info you guys need to help, let me know. Thanks in advance.
So my biggest question is... Is it a bad rip? I'm using a wbfs file from TPB, which is NTSC and 7.43 GB in size. Even the uploader says he never got MP3 to load. Can anyone who has downloaded this particular iso confirm that it does or does not work? Another big question, is my Wii too old? I know it's well over 4 years old or so. It's updated to 4.3U, and I just recently re-hacked it with ModMii to make sure everything is up to date.
If there's any other info you guys need to help, let me know. Thanks in advance.