Homebrew Amazing! Nintendo planned a "Vocalizer" for the WiiU guys! I just found it out...

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The story:

i downloaded some random stuff in the internet. Some WiiU-SDK-stuff from archives. Just to see what files there are...and if i can find something...then i stumbled upon it!

i cannot upload it here. But it clearly says "Cafe Vocalizer" guys. the codename is "Cafe MW Vocalizer". I also had to think a few minutes wtf this is! But then i remembered. Is this really what it says it is?

DO you know what this means?

Yes. This is the equivalent to a "Cortana" speech-assistant on MS Windows. However unlike Cortana which relies on the internet this doesn`t. This is an offline-tool.

They made several tests with it. This stuff is working! They gave them names like "Claire", "Xander", "Karen", "Lee", "Daniel", "Serena" etc. for each language there are several voices to choose from (male/Female)!

So for those of you who don´t know what this means or what a "Vocalizer" is used for:

A vocalizer is a software, which can RECORD VOICES (from Radio, TV etc) to create a text-file when it hears it. This is a typical software/Application you find on today´s smartphones as well.

BUT! You may also use the opposite direction and simply read the text for the user, which the user gives to the machine. This is the more-commonly used function today:

You read manuals. The voice then tells you what it reads.

However remember guys: THIS IS 100% OFFLINE. No cloud required. So this doesn´t use "ai" like on a smartphone and relies on the internet. No Google needed.

I wonder if they also planned some true translation-software of complete texts...I´m now just amazed however. Quite interesting stuff these files! I would have never guessed that NIntendo had SUCH plans for the WiiU. There is also a game/techdemo which is called "AngryBots".

Yep. "Angry Bots" was an old iOS/Android-techdemo based on Unity. This was also created for WiiU!

Btw: This is also were people got the IBM Espresso manual from which lately was posted on Reddit.

This Cafe Vocalizer is a big tool. It contains several hundred voice-data/Files (just like old Voice-recording/reading software in 2000s!).

The supported languages are: English, french, german, italian, kok (?), dun (?) is that danish (?) and some more like japanese of course.

I reckon it includes a function to link to the DSP-library.

Since this seems how it works. The audio-processor of the WiiU was programmed here to handle/support wav.files.

And wav.files are recorded through TV or via Radio or are used on CDs etc...

I cannot tell you more about it now.
I just found it out.

I have to handle this first. It is quite interesting, that Nintendo planned in ~february 2015 for WiiU to get a Voice-Software. Which would have allowed it to record anything on TV/Radio etc...which is then saved as a wav.file...and then it reads it for you! Or the opposite: You simply record your voice. And then it´s stored as a text-file.

So what do you guys say about this? I am just confused now, to be honest. I mean...yeah i can understand the WiiU has a microphone...And if i think over it: It makes too much sense! The WiiU´s microphone wasn´t used in many games, was it? So by giving it a voice-recording software...which gives more user-comfort would be quite...well nice!


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
United States
Last edited by GerbilSoft, , Reason: +Nuance

Deleted User

Cafe Vocalizer is a text-to-speech library, not speech recognition. It's listed in the official documentation.

EDIT: It's a licensed version of Nuance Vocalizer, a text-to-speech library: https://www.nuance.com/omni-channel-customer-engagement/voice-and-ivr/text-to-speech/vocalizer.html

Yes. And i said that exactly above dude. I even described what it´s used for. For reading text of recorded voices.

Or you record voices from Radio/TV and then the software gives it to you as a text-file.

And what do you think about the game/demo/Techdemo "Angry Bots"?

pretty interesting if you ask me. Especially the fact of the graphics being rendered there. lol


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
United States
Or you record voices from Radio/TV and then the software gives it to you as a text-file.
That's the definition of speech recognition. That's not what Vocalizer is.

It's text-to-speech. I don't know if any games made use of it, but the option was there.

It also has absolutely nothing to do with "personal assistants", e.g. Cortana.

The "Angry Bots" demo being run on Wii U is also old news: (video is from March 2013)
Last edited by GerbilSoft,

Deleted User

That's the definition of speech recognition. That's not what Vocalizer is.

It's text-to-speech. I don't know if any games made use of it, but the option was there.

It also has absolutely nothing to do with "personal assistants", e.g. Cortana.

The "Angry Bots" demo being run on Wii U is also old news: (video is from March 2013)

I know well what a vocalizer is, thanks.

Sometimes i have the suspicion you don´t even read my text, but just go on "blabla" without even understanding what other people tell you.

It seems like YOU don´t know what Angry Bots is. Since it´s not some Random Indie-game like you think it is. I threw that to you to test your smartness. And you FAILED. IT was a TECHDEMO only. And it was a techdemo for a certain reason.

Angry Bots was a techdemo which was created for smartphones. For EARLY Smartphones of 2011.

Since if you haven´t noticed it in all these years, Mr. Smart Pants. Angry Bots is an early RAYTRACING-showcase. It uses UNITY 3.x, just like Zelda Breath of the Wild used Unity (5?). Angry Bots used "Environmental Shading" which is used in the "Japanese Garden Techdemo" too. People which i lately talked with said "Angry Bots has the most-realistic rain and other environmental shading effects i have ever seen in a game".And that was before i even knew about what Angry Bots is. lol

Don`t you find that...you know: A bit suspicious? No of course not. Raytracing is really normal these days. Too bad not even Playstation 5 or the new Xbox One Series X can do REAL Raytracing, huh?

Mind you, that RTX on a PC isn´t doing real Raytracing either. Not even close to. RTX in Nvidia-Cards or the appropriate Stuff which AMD is working on (Side-solution, with much less fps since no Tensor-Cores) is a Lowend-solution which only gives you "Pathtracing". And Pathtracing is a lowend solution of real Raytracing.

Raytracing begins when your machine can do 100 Millions of point-lights (per second). No machine which uses an AMD/Nvidia-Chip today can handle that. Not even close to. And that is because Raytracing doesn´t work with Gflops.

Another thing i find interesting is that you allready knew the WiiU was going to get a vocalizer function.

So then. If you knew that: Why did you keep this info all these years for yourself? And don´t you think this is a bit...ehm.

I dunno? Weird?

How many other machines do you know that have a vocalizer planned for or integrated?

Playstation 4? Oh no, right? What about Playstation 5? Oh waiiit! No such function found.

Well then let´s go to Xbox One...oh wait. There also isn´t such a function. And no such thing is planned either.

And the Switch also doesn´t have such a function since it´s OS is barely complex at all.

So the only other machines which does such things today is a smartphone (which works ONLINE only) or the PC.

See? That is my argument. And you didn´t even notice this.

Homework for you:

Find out, what other application i found too, which is also...well lets say "suspicious". And yet it seems to do the same stuff like Angry Bots does. The same environmental shading. The same functions i found in the graphics-drivers.Yes, i inspected them. It seems it even copies the complete function/GPU-shading-library of what Angry Bots does.

Another thing i found is that the games "Meme Run" (you know the game which was taken off the eshop) and "Bigley`s Revenge" also contain Cos.xml and app.xml-files which contain the exact same settings which the game "The Walking Dead" have.

Don´t you find that a bit suspicious? It told you there are more games like that. Something strange is going on with these games.
And they share things in common:

They do not run on the AMD Radeon shaders. b) They do run in HIGH Resolutions (Some even in 1080p) and c) most of them run in 60 fps.

Now if you don´t mind, i have other stuff that too. More important stuff than answering your useless "Blabla"...

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
I know well what a vocalizer is, thanks.

Sometimes i have the suspicion you don´t even read my text, but just go on "blabla" without even understanding what other people tell you.

It seems like YOU don´t know what Angry Bots is. Since it´s not some Random Indie-game like you think it is. I threw that to you to test your smartness. And you FAILED. IT was a TECHDEMO only. And it was a techdemo for a certain reason.

Angry Bots was a techdemo which was created for smartphones. For EARLY Smartphones of 2011.

Since if you haven´t noticed it in all these years, Mr. Smart Pants. Angry Bots is an early RAYTRACING-showcase. It uses UNITY 3.x, just like Zelda Breath of the Wild used Unity (5?). Angry Bots used "Environmental Shading" which is used in the "Japanese Garden Techdemo" too. People which i lately talked with said "Angry Bots has the most-realistic rain and other environmental shading effects i have ever seen in a game".And that was before i even knew about what Angry Bots is. lol

Don`t you find that...you know: A bit suspicious? No of course not. Raytracing is really normal these days. Too bad not even Playstation 5 or the new Xbox One Series X can do REAL Raytracing, huh?

Mind you, that RTX on a PC isn´t doing real Raytracing either. Not even close to. RTX in Nvidia-Cards or the appropriate Stuff which AMD is working on (Side-solution, with much less fps since no Tensor-Cores) is a Lowend-solution which only gives you "Pathtracing". And Pathtracing is a lowend solution of real Raytracing.

Raytracing begins when your machine can do 100 Millions of point-lights (per second). No machine which uses an AMD/Nvidia-Chip today can handle that. Not even close to. And that is because Raytracing doesn´t work with Gflops.

Another thing i find interesting is that you allready knew the WiiU was going to get a vocalizer function.

So then. If you knew that: Why did you keep this info all these years for yourself? And don´t you think this is a bit...ehm.

I dunno? Weird?

How many other machines do you know that have a vocalizer planned for or integrated?

Playstation 4? Oh no, right? What about Playstation 5? Oh waiiit! No such function found.

Well then let´s go to Xbox One...oh wait. There also isn´t such a function. And no such thing is planned either.

And the Switch also doesn´t have such a function since it´s OS is barely complex at all.

So the only other machines which does such things today is a smartphone (which works ONLINE only) or the PC.

See? That is my argument. And you didn´t even notice this.

Homework for you:

Find out, what other application i found too, which is also...well lets say "suspicious". And yet it seems to do the same stuff like Angry Bots does. The same environmental shading. The same functions i found in the graphics-drivers.Yes, i inspected them. It seems it even copies the complete function/GPU-shading-library of what Angry Bots does.

Another thing i found is that the games "Meme Run" (you know the game which was taken off the eshop) and "Bigley`s Revenge" also contain Cos.xml and app.xml-files which contain the exact same settings which the game "The Walking Dead" have.

Don´t you find that a bit suspicious? It told you there are more games like that. Something strange is going on with these games.
And they share things in common:

They do not run on the AMD Radeon shaders. b) They do run in HIGH Resolutions (Some even in 1080p) and c) most of them run in 60 fps.

Now if you don´t mind, i have other stuff that too. More important stuff than answering your useless "Blabla"...
Correction, raytracing uses the RT-cores, the tensor-cores are used for AI stuff like DLSS.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
United States
You keep insisting that "Vocalizer" is something super amazing and unique. It's a generic text-to-speech engine from Nuance. There's nothing amazing in it. Nuance Vocalizer can be licensed or ported to basically any operating system. Nintendo simply decided to license it for Wii U and make it available to Wii U third-party developers without them having to do anything extra. It seems *you* simply can't read, and you're judging a book by its cover, i.e. pretending "Vocalizer" is something that it's not simply by misunderstanding its name.

Also, for the record, Android *does* have offline speech recognition: https://speaking.email/FAQ/87/android-system-settings-for-speech-and-voice-recognition (Which, again, is not the same as text-to-speech, and you can't simply "reverse" text-to-speech to get speech recognition.)

I *did* say Angry Bots was a demo. It's not a particularly amazing one; it's a simple example to show beginner Unity programmers how to use Unity. The fact that you think it's somehow a revolutionary tech demo is saying things. (Try something like "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive instead.)

And back to your shaders nonsense again. I bet you still don't know what kind of "shaders" Wolfenstein 3D for DOS uses. (Or, for that matter, what kind of shaders "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive uses.)

You still have yet to show a proof of concept for *anything*. Not even a simple "Hello World" demo to prove that you actually know how to program.
Last edited by GerbilSoft,

Deleted User

You keep insisting that "Vocalizer" is something super amazing and unique. It's a generic text-to-speech engine from Nuance. There's nothing amazing in it. Nuance Vocalizer can be licensed or ported to basically any operating system. Nintendo simply decided to license it for Wii U and make it available to Wii U third-party developers without them having to do anything extra. It seems *you* simply can't read, and you're judging a book by its cover, i.e. pretending "Vocalizer" is something that it's not simply by misunderstanding its name.

Also, for the record, Android *does* have offline speech recognition: https://speaking.email/FAQ/87/android-system-settings-for-speech-and-voice-recognition (Which, again, is not the same as text-to-speech, and you can't simply "reverse" text-to-speech to get speech recognition.)

I *did* say Angry Bots was a demo. It's not a particularly amazing one; it's a simple example to show beginner Unity programmers how to use Unity. The fact that you think it's somehow a revolutionary tech demo is saying things. (Try something like "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive instead.)

And back to your shaders nonsense again. I bet you still don't know what kind of "shaders" Wolfenstein 3D for DOS uses. (Or, for that matter, what kind of shaders "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive uses.)

You still have yet to show a proof of concept for *anything*. Not even a simple "Hello World" demo to prove that you actually know how to program.

Sorry for the late answer. I was quite buisy...Nintendo planned a lot more than that, though. It´s funny that when i wrote "i wonder if they planned more like that"...and a few days later i looked more closely and it`s all there. With very cryptic names.

I see data for a "Handwritten-recognition" here (HWR). They have build an integrated dictionary called "iWNN".

Furthermore there´s a QR-reader-plugin/component (for whatever reason?). Could be used as an entry-point?

And.there is even a PERSONAL FACE ID (long form of PFID)-system containings lots ot data here. Very interesting stuff.

Contains data like "Face Detection" or "Smile Detection" or even "Blinking detection" (obviously detects the blinking of an eye, being closed or open) or other libraries for such stuff. They also integrated a noise-removal-tool for the voice-recording.

So what i get from all that is:

The OS would have become a lot more complex.

Since all that stuff can be build via make or via the SDK itself and then will give you a TON of new drivers.

Which makes the (allready pretty complex OS) even more complex.

Very interesting.

So now the question is: Which system exists that has an integrated Face ID (offline, mind you), an integrated dictionary to translate languages/Words and spoken stuff offline- and even integrates a QR-Reader/Writer?

That´s what i mean. There is no other machine as far as i know.

The last time i used an offline translation-tool was in 2004 or something like that. And it was a bad experience.

I also found out what the "Preload.txt" is being used for now. It enables driver-loading. Thus the name "Preload". However it´s a driver´s-permission. and only tools which come with this file onboard can be abused for other stuff.

This is pretty interesting since the game "The Walking Dead", which contains such a file in a certain version of that game, could be used as an entry-tool to make custom libraries and preload them.

We just would have to edit that file in that game, use FailST to aquire the rights to edit the files in that content-directy and boom. There you go. You could load any drivers you want (i reckon it has all driver´s permissions which normal drivers in the OS has as well haha!).

Or implement your own.

Deleted User

Correction, raytracing uses the RT-cores, the tensor-cores are used for AI stuff like DLSS.

Correct, that`s the name for them. Sorry, that´s small mistake on my part. But what i said. stands. And whether ir runs on RT-cores or on Tensor-cores doesn´t matter thes slightest. You could call these cores "Holy Pope" and it wouldn´t help at all.

Deleted User

You keep insisting that "Vocalizer" is something super amazing and unique. It's a generic text-to-speech engine from Nuance. There's nothing amazing in it. Nuance Vocalizer can be licensed or ported to basically any operating system. Nintendo simply decided to license it for Wii U and make it available to Wii U third-party developers without them having to do anything extra. It seems *you* simply can't read, and you're judging a book by its cover, i.e. pretending "Vocalizer" is something that it's not simply by misunderstanding its name.

Also, for the record, Android *does* have offline speech recognition: https://speaking.email/FAQ/87/android-system-settings-for-speech-and-voice-recognition (Which, again, is not the same as text-to-speech, and you can't simply "reverse" text-to-speech to get speech recognition.)

I *did* say Angry Bots was a demo. It's not a particularly amazing one; it's a simple example to show beginner Unity programmers how to use Unity. The fact that you think it's somehow a revolutionary tech demo is saying things. (Try something like "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive instead.)

And back to your shaders nonsense again. I bet you still don't know what kind of "shaders" Wolfenstein 3D for DOS uses. (Or, for that matter, what kind of shaders "Titan Overdrive 2" for Mega Drive uses.)

You still have yet to show a proof of concept for *anything*. Not even a simple "Hello World" demo to prove that you actually know how to program.

And to answer your question.

Sorry, of course i know what kind of shaders DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D uses. DOS ot these games is about software-rendering. So it´s not using real shaders at all.

Does this answer your (non-topic) question? I find it funny you really think i don´t know about that.

Dude i even know that the WiiU´s OS consists of 6 seperate ones (Guest OSes) now.

I even know how the UPDATING-process works now. They just overwrite the old files with newer ones. lol. They were lazy as fuck there. But it´s a bit more complex, since each OS is virtualized and only the latest OS-SDK-version will be updated with an update.

It even says so in the SDK.

So what does this mean?

It means the WiiU has one OS-core only. And that one Core has 6 seperate-Guest-OSes. Each guest-OS (which is virtualiized) handles one SDK-version.

Since there seem to be 6 SDK-versions (11, 12, 13,14,15,16) this means you run 6 Guest-OSes at once in total.

So how does this work? Simply:

Let´s imagine you have the most-basic software on your WiiU you want to execute (e.g. "The Walking Dead Survival Instinct") which came out before the security-drivers were impelemented on WiiU`s OS. This game uses a basic FSA-support-driver. Just like ZombiU too btw.

This means this game runs on SDK v11 (11 stands for 2011). On the first. And i found out this "basic OS" (Guest OS 1) only consists of 10 drivers.

i call this the "Basic OS". It´s the oldest OS of WiiU.

Now with v12 (2012) came the "More advanced OS". This OS on the WiiU is run in a seperate guest-OS-process (virtualized). This OS supports more modern functions. It simply adds OS-functions which before you didn´t have. This OS consists of something like 30 or 40 additional drivers. So quite a lot of functions were added in 2012.

Then on top of that you have another 3rd guest-OSes which added even more functions such as the strict file-access-system.
And after that came 3 more SDKs. And thus Nintendo seem to be have created 3 more Guest-OSes to make them run seperate from each other.

All this (how this works) is explained in the DOCs but also in the "Integrity Green Hill RTOS"-homepage.

So this means the WiiU uses 6 virtualized SDKs, aka 6 guest-OSes.

and this is also the huge disadvantage (in terms of security) when you use dynamic linking in such a system.

Since you cannot run security-sub-routines which were implemented in Guest OS 3 in the older Guest OS 1.

Each function you implement in a guest´s OS is depending on the date it was created. Aka cannot run in an older guest-OS.

Because that´s run in a seperate process. This means a security-routine which was implemented on the date february 2014 can ONLY run in a guest-OS in that year (or later). But not earlier.

See? This is a huge disdvantage of dynamic linking. This was Nintendo´s biggest mistake with this machine when it comes to security.

If you ask yourself why you cannot run a security-subroutine in the v11 SDK. Simple: Since it wasn´t created there. The WiiU knows when files are created. And this is stored in a time-stamp.

And this dynamic linking is also important for game´s BC. If the modern security-subroutine would run When an OLD game is running it would completely RUIN this game.

Why? Simple: Because that old game doesn´t know how the NEW OS works. See? The old game was written to use an OLD File-system-access (e.g. non-encrypted, slower ,not with all rights etc)

The WiiU works like a Computer in this regard. It has basic and it has more advanced libraries. It loads libraries when needed.

However all libraries have to be loaded at startup! So all 6 guest-OSes have to run at once.

And this means whenever you run the game "The Walking Dead SI" or "ZombiU" v11 SDK`s libraries are executed.

And then no or very, very basic securiy is active only.

And when you load a newer game or application, the newer libraries are executed.

So how does updating on WiiU work?

Simple. It depends on your date. Let´s assume you create a newer library to make it work on WiiU now It would mean you need to implement this into Guest OS 6. Aka SDK 16 (which is from 2016).

And this is quite simple: There is a file which is called like v16 in the nand. That´s it.

You overwrite this with the new files you want to add. And boom, the files are added then and you gain access to the new library. There you go.

THIS is how updating SDK on WiiU and updating a WiiU works.

The only difference is. On SDKs you use a "PCFS" (PC-Filesystem which is emulating the WiiU´s FS). And on WiiU there is "NAND" only. Nothing has to be emulated since WiiU runs it´s FS natively.

So in order to DOWNGRADE a WiiU`s OS you would need to DELETE these older SDK-versions stored on it. (aka V15, v14, v13, v12 or v11).

Each SDK is stored in a seperate folder of course.

However for now this is only theory and i haven´t tested it yet. this is only basic.

But it´s quite interesting and like i said. It explains perfectly why you HAVE FULL FILESYTEM-access on old game`s libraries.

Since the system cannot protect itself against flaws which were built into old games (and these games never came via download thus cannot be patched).

Remember? The Wii was also hacked with "Smash Bros Wii".

However this time the system cannot be fully hacked with such a method!

But: We gain full rights to execute whatever libraries are COMPATIBLE with the game´s functions!

This means: If you use the game "The Walking Dead SI" you can EXECUTE custom libraries which are COMPATIBLE with OS v11. And in theory you could execute NEW libraries too which aren´t compatible with OS v11, assuming you get around that problem.

Remember OS v10? Now you begin to understand what OS v10 is about.

OS v10 is the codename for the applications running with system-level access and thus they don´t run in a guest-OS. However these acpplications do NOT allow you to run custom libraries. Since these applications are well-protected and there is no flaw.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
United States
Since there seem to be 6 SDK-versions (11, 12, 13,14,15,16) this means you run 6 Guest-OSes at once in total.

Literally everything you posted is wrong, again. I'm not going to bother going into details, but suffice it to say, there is no "SDK v16", or v15, or v14, etc. (Latest SDK version is 2.13.01, which can be verified by anyone who has a devkit, including me.)

EDIT: A photo of the CAT-DEV one-shot updater showing SDK 2.13.01:
Last edited by GerbilSoft,
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2019
It even says so in the SDK.

All this (how this works) is explained in the DOCs but also in the "Integrity Green Hill RTOS"-homepage.

and this is also the huge disadvantage (in terms of security) when you use dynamic linking in such a system.
Don't all modern consoles do dynami linking?

Since you cannot run security-sub-routines which were implemented in Guest OS 3 in the older Guest OS 1.
Why not wrap them?

Each function you implement in a guest´s OS is depending on the date it was created. Aka cannot run in an older guest-OS.
Again: Why?

And this dynamic linking is also important for game´s BC. If the modern security-subroutine would run When an OLD game is running it would completely RUIN this game.
How does the fact that CafeOS runs on two seperate processors add to this? How does the fact that these two processors are ABI incompatible so dynamic libraries are impossible add to this? How does the fact that the security processor is not documented in the SDK as its not meaned to be used by app developpers add to this?

Why? Simple: Because that old game doesn´t know how the NEW OS works. See? The old game was written to use an OLD File-system-access (e.g. non-encrypted, slower ,not with all rights etc)
How does the fact that the game can't directly acess the filesystem at all and that the actual access happens on the security processor which again, is completely unrelated to the SDK add to this?

The WiiU works like a Computer in this regard. It has basic and it has more advanced libraries. It loads libraries when needed.
So is it versioned libraries or virtualisation? Get your terms straight please!

However all libraries have to be loaded at startup! So all 6 guest-OSes have to run at once.
Why? I thought it's dynamic libraries?

And then no or very, very basic securiy is active only.
Again: How do PowerPC codes change security on the ARM processor?

There is a file which is called like v16 in the nand. That´s it.
Where is there (full path) ?

You overwrite this with the new files you want to add. And boom, the files are added then and you gain access to the new library. There you go.
How can something be added when you overwrite?

THIS is how updating SDK on WiiU and updating a WiiU works.
Why should the SDK (Software Development Kit) ever be installed or updated on the Wii U? What has CafeOS to do with updating the SDK? How is CafeOS updated?

The only difference is. On SDKs you use a "PCFS" (PC-Filesystem which is emulating the WiiU´s FS).
SDK is software... Cafe SDK... The only thing having "PCFS" is a CAT-DEV but that has really nothing to do with anything you told untill now.

And on WiiU there is "NAND" only.
What NAND? There's a MLC NAND, a SLC NAND and more... Some of these are also implemented on CAT-DEV...

So in order to DOWNGRADE a WiiU`s OS you would need to DELETE these older SDK-versions stored on it. (aka V15, v14, v13, v12 or v11)
Bullshit... Downgrading CafeOS is completely different then what you explain. Just have a look at this (and please brick your console) : https://wiiubrew.org/wiki/Title_database#00050010:_System_Application_Titles / OSv10

Each SDK is stored in a seperate folder of course.
What are the folder paths?

However this time the system cannot be fully hacked with such a method!
It can't? What's this then?

Remember OS v10? Now you begin to understand what OS v10 is about.
Remember my link to OSv10 ? Have a look at all these versions of it and explain them:
"v1099, v3733, v3816, v3904, v3955, v4825, v4877, v4914, v5039, v5059, v5062, v5614, v5632, v5718, v5867, v5883, v8076, v8156, v8208, v8760, v8776, v8820, v9602, v9764, v9816, v11310, v11336, v11464, v15702 (5.5.0-5.5.4), v15848 (5.5.5)"
Also explain OSv0 and OSv255.

OS v10 is the codename for the applications running with system-level access and thus they don´t run in a guest-OS. However these acpplications do NOT allow you to run custom libraries. Since these applications are well-protected and there is no flaw.
No flaw? What is libIOSUHAX then? How does NUSspli use MCP to install games?


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Wow, text-to-speech?!?!?!?!?! What a game changer!!!!! Why didn't Nintendo release this for the Wii U, it would have saved the entire system, and it'd have gone on to sell over 100 million units easily. Move over BanziBuddy, the Wii U has text-to-speech now too!!!!!

Deleted User

thechosen i think your dedication and hard work is aspiring but i think you're worng

No i`m not.

But it doesn´t matter.

I think you guys DO NOT deserve what i program right now.

You simply don´t deserve it. I had enough of the shit going on here.

FAREWELL! I´m deleting my acount on this stupid forum.

@Gerbil-soft: YOu simiply never understand it. Cafe 2.13.11 has nothing to do with the codenames (internal) of v11, v12, v13,v14,v15 or v16.

You will NEVER understand this difference i fear.
And now i had enough.

I´m deleting my account beacuse i don`t any longer support shit bullshit going on here.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
United States
No i`m not.

But it doesn´t matter.

I think you guys DO NOT deserve what i program right now.

You simply don´t deserve it. I had enough of the shit going on here.

FAREWELL! I´m deleting my acount on this stupid forum.

@Gerbil-soft: YOu simiply never understand it. Cafe 2.13.11 has nothing to do with the codenames (internal) of v11, v12, v13,v14,v15 or v16.

You will NEVER understand this difference i fear.
And now i had enough.

I´m deleting my account beacuse i don`t any longer support shit bullshit going on here.
Can you show proof of these internal codenames? Because as far as I've seen, they don't exist.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2019
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Your Local Random Internet Geek
Jul 14, 2018
This guy is just a mythical legend if you read all of this unironically, and it becomes funnier when he starts to fight with GerbilSoft, a member that literally has a lot of knowledge of Nintendo development hardware & software. I honestly don't even know if he is a troll or not. Best is to leave him alone on the forums.
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