Switch v1 can’t launch stock or emummc from hekate


Active Member
Oct 18, 2008
It could be. IIRC, hekate has a more sophisticated setup to get the best performance from ram and sd cards. Especially when running Android/Linux. Your sd card looks good. Do you have the tools and know how to reflow an smc? I'd suggest reflowing the ram chips, but I think the only YouTube repair I've seen, didn't work with a reflow either. That person had to reball the ram. Super easy to rip pads off of the board and ruin it, if you're not experienced...

Looks like you crashed trying to play Pokemon Shield. From a cart? Do you have any cheats setup for it? If it's something you downloaded, it might be one of those games that needs a linked nnid. Not sure. If that was a problem, there is a homebrew called linkleho...

Yes its pokemon shield, i dont have codes, this is when i do reboot -> ofw.
i really think its hardware related as soon as it gets put on stress like loading a game it will crash,
but if i keep trying to load it it will load but i get graphical glitches and than it crashes.

i am trying to reflow the memory, i have this great setup ;).
if it stops working its okay the screen and joycons are still really nice, and i can swap motherboards over.


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Active Member
Oct 18, 2008
well, if you can reflow, can you reball? The templates are really cheap on aliexpress. With graphical glitches, it could be the APU, as well as the ram...

Hey, well i tried but still the same, i just going to swap boards
I have a banned switch with a really really boken case, and this one is still pretty good.

i knew when i bought it that maybe i could not fix it, still got a good screen and two nice joycons out of it so i am happy.

thank you for all the help :)

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    @Sicklyboy, Doing gud. :)
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