Review cover Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo Switch)
Official GBAtemp Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): July 26, 2019
  • Release Date (EU): July 26, 2019
  • Release Date (JP): July 26, 2019
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Intelligent Systems
  • Genres: RPG, Strategy

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
The latest entry of army building and distrust, Fire Emblem blazes its way onto the Nintendo Switch. Is it a radiant jewel or just a shadow of the series' former greatness?


Fire Emblem is a series I hold quite close to my heart. Starting with Shadow Dragon on the DS and jumping between the other titles ever since, the combination of strategy, dice rolling, character development, and brilliant writing has enthralled me in a way other games simply can't mimic. Though it's undoubtedly had its ups and downs, I picked up Three Houses in hope it might inspire another generation of fans in the same way Awakening once did, and in that respect, it certainly didn't disappoint.

For those of you not familiar with the larger series, Fire Emblem is known for its strategic turn-based battles and the accompanying stories of war, betrayal, and more often than not, dragons. Where it stands out for me personally is in its limited resources; be it experience, gold, or weapon durability, you're constantly having to plan out who kills what, with which weapon, and how you're going to be managing five chapters later. It's in linearity this balance truly shines, giving decisions a sense of finality and consequence, forcing you to adapt as you realise piling all your resources into a healer because you really wanted her to be a swordsman may not have been the best idea.

As the series has evolved, so too has this formula, adjusting the limitations I'm so fond of in ways as to make the game more accessible through optional extras. Implementing open worlds to be moved through and bonus battles to be fought for extra experience and money, it fuelled players intent on maxing stats and destroying difficulty. It's in this accessibility Fire Emblem found new life on the 3DS, and for that I'll forever be grateful, but in these options I felt the series had lost something along the way. Where a player can grind, they will grind. Where a player can have a team with a lot of big numbers, they'll put in time to have it. In having these options, I've historically found myself using them—often to the point of prematurely burning myself out. Coming into Three Houses with very little knowledge, this was perhaps my most significant cause for concern. With, as the title may suggest, three houses to side with, and three paths to explore, burning out before seeing all the game had to offer seemed an inevitability.

Getting Started

After passing the initial fanfare of difficulty selection, cutscenes, and scene setting, you're whisked into battle to assist three young nobles being pursued by bandits. Basics learned and bandits wiped out, they're properly introduced to you as the upcoming rulers of the game's three major powers: the Adrestian Empire, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, and the Leicester Alliance. Accompanying them back to the officer's academy at Garreg Mach Monastery, you're soon roped in by the church's archbishop Rhea to stay as a professor and guide one of the academy's three houses, and it's here the game really begins.

The basic gameplay cycle can be broken down into months. At the start of the month, you'll get a mission. These missions start out simple in exterminating bandits and the like, but as the story escalates, so too do the manner of mission you take on. These are the key events that move the story forwards, comparable to the traditional chapters of your average Fire Emblem game. Regardless of the house you chose, the first half of the game shares common missions, with the game branching out in completely different directions when the second half begins and things really start kicking off. If you're to judge the game on these maps alone, in both their design and the story told to connect them, I believe you already have the workings of a good game—a good game however, and nothing more.


I like most sided with Edelgard's Black Eagles for my first playthrough.

Review image

The story is something I want to keep as vague as possible in this review. Instead of talking about the events themselves, I find it more interesting to look at how it progresses, escalates, twists, warps, and subverts your expectations. In short, it's fantastic, and among the most enjoyable I've played in a Fire Emblem game. The design of the three routes is different to, for example, Fire Emblem Fates. Fates gave the player an introduction to each side of the moral coin and presented them with an informed decision, but even beyond this the structure of the game remained relatively constant. Putting the chapters side by side, you could match up key events, and in the grand scheme of things, it didn't feel as though your presence made all that much of a difference. Each path had its own set of information revealed to the player, but you'd only find a few unique pieces of information. Three Houses in contrast gives you three bright and fresh-faced characters. They're each ambitious and glowing in their unique ways. They introduce you to each member of their house, and based on little more than that you're expected to make what is ultimately the most significant decision in the game. Because you chose your house for its cast of personalities, or even just for its leader, you want them to succeed in an incredibly personal way, almost as if to scream to the rest of the game that you made the right choice and that you stand by it.

Fresh Content

Beyond the main events of the game, a greater entity lurks. Each month, as you might expect, is made up of a number of weeks, with each week following a formula. At the start, you perform your duty as a professor and teach your class. What this equates to is giving bonus experience to chosen skills, allowing you to develop your units outside of battle. If you want an army of Dark Knights by the end of the game, you'll be training all your units in reason and riding for example. Though each character excels at different things and each have their own optimal end classes, it's down to you to decide what they'll become—you can even have an army of healers if you so desire! What you ultimately have is the freedom of Shadow Dragon's class changing system without the limitations it imposed. As long as you can get a skill to the required level, the sky is the limit. Such freedom does however only go to highlight what limits are in place, these being the few gender-locked classes there are. What this unfortunately means is that there is no female class specialised in the new gauntlet weapon type, and that there's no male class built to wield both types of magic. There's nothing stopping you from putting gauntlets on a female Swordmaster, or giving your male Holy Knight some black magic to play with, but with how far the series has come in player choice and opportunities, I find this a shame all the same.


Review image Review image Review image

As each week ends and teaching concludes, you're given free time to do with as you wish. Here you can choose between exploration, battles, lectures, and resting. The latter three are self-explanatory; battles are akin to the additional battles seen in previous games, lectures give separate opportunity for skill growth, and resting skips ahead with a few minor benefits. Of the available options exploring is by far the most interesting, at least for your first playthrough. During this time you're free to roam the monastery grounds, talking with students for their thoughts on current events, collecting quests to be fulfilled each month, fishing, and even a sharing a pot of tea should you so desire. While actions like talking and fishing can be done to your heart's content, others are limited to a set number each week based on your professor level. Most of these are directly tied to growth to avoid abuse, such as having a meal with your students to improve their motivation and, in turn, allow them to be taught to more in the coming week's lecture time. Your professor level improves naturally as you play the game, rewarding you for responding to questions with reasonable answers, taking the time to interact with your students, and completing quests as they arise. On top of giving you more to do in exploring the monastery, your professor level also grants additional battles each week should you decide to forgo exploration. Starting at just one battle a week, it soon becomes two, and when you finally reach the maximum level, you can do up to three. This gives your choice of free time a sense of balance and ultimately transforms it into a resource for you to manage. Battling too much can result in a lack of skill development, but avoiding extra battles altogether can lead to some of your units feeling underdeveloped. It truly feels as though there is no real right or wrong way to play, but for those picking it up and feeling overwhelmed with the choices at hand, the game is kind enough to show you how other players have spent their time for the current week with statistics shown beside each choice. Whether you choose to follow the herd or forge your own path however is up to you.

While fans of the series will feel right at home with the game's battling system, it definitely isn't without its own set of notable changes. One of the easier to miss, and perhaps most significant, is the absence of a weapon triangle. In many a modern game, it's established that swords beat axes, axes beat lances, and lances beat swords, this reinforced with bonuses to the unit with the advantage. In Three Houses, the field is an even one. Personally, I think this is fantastic, removing a component of team composition that at times serves only to shackle you into specific classes. Each weapon type still comes with its own set of pros and cons; axes do a lot of damage with bad hit rate, swords have a good hit rate with middling attack, gauntlets even let you strike twice before your opponent can attack, with the caveat you can't use them while mounted. Teams are now diverse through choice, in oppose to being through a sense of obligation and caution.


The satisfying triumph of man over beast.

A more difficult addition to miss comes in the form of demonic beasts, a boss-type enemy with a few fun twists. First, they're huge. With normal demonic beasts occupying four tiles in a square and special beasts going even larger, their presence is known. Of course, with size comes more areas to be hit, and to counter that, demonic beasts have two things: barriers and multiple health bars. Barriers are simple; there's one for each tile it occupies and they require two hits to break, regardless of how much damage you're doing. While you can just keep breaking one part of its barrier to expose a weak point, you're encouraged to smash it all, receiving rare bonus items as a reward. As you take down each bar of health, the demonic beast gains new abilities, providing a thrilling rush and a fight much unlike the rest of the series that gets more difficult as you progress through it. As you battle more and more, you begin to form strategies to dismantle their barriers and defeat them in a turn, as to deprive them of their last wind. It's all satisfying in a way I wouldn't have expected from the series, providing a frequent boss-killing buzz in bitesize portions.


You can control characters directly if that's your thing, you can even watch your battalion follow behind you! 

If you've not played the game, you may think these one turn strategies require a small army to execute—four barriers to break, each with up to two health. One of the things I love about Three Houses is how each new feature seems to tie in with another. Roll on battalions! Once again new to the series, each unit can now equip a battalion to join them in battle. Each one provides small stat boosts to the unit they're assigned to, and if you zoom the camera in, you can actually see them following behind. The biggest thing they bring to the table however, are gambits. Gambits are limited use special attacks that do damage over a number of tiles, accompanied by a unique effect. Some push enemies back, some set tiles on fire for environmental damage, others poison enemies, but the key part for the avid beast slayers among us is that they hit a number of tiles. With the right battalions assigned, you can dismantle a fully-functioning barrier with just two attacks! On top of this, enemies are unable to retaliate when attacked with these, allowing you to chip away at stronger foes to push them within range of a kill, especially early on when you're lacking in firepower.


My misguided Blue Lions run was... Misguided. Magic is everything..?

Alongside your major additions are a few small things of note. Magic has a fresh coat of paint with how it functions, giving the unit a set number of uses for each spell per battle, and new spells being learned as you level up your reason and faith skills. Magic users are incredibly powerful against a good majority of enemies, but the limited spell uses mean they need to be played effectively so as not to waste what little they have. As their library grows, they become mightier and more capable of singlehanded destruction, worrying less about remaining uses with advanced classes doubling how much you can cast.

The last tweak to the formula comes in the form of combat arts, powerful attacks that consume weapon durability to use. Often learned for mastering a class or attaining a new skill level, combat arts provide a huge range of different bonuses. Ranging from a higher critical chance, to extra range for bow users, to effective damage against certain types of foe, you have three slots to decide how to fill, varying greatly from unit to unit. Though they can be overlooked while playing in favour of a more standard approach, I found combat arts invaluable, especially so for bow users where any extra range is appreciated. Like much of what I love about Three Houses, they're something you can embrace, overlook, or ignore entirely. Again it provides choice with limitation, and even deciding to use them you find yourself debating whether a one round kill is worth losing the additional weapon durability. With a power akin to Mila's Turnwheel from Shadows of Valentia handy however, you're also free to experiment in-game. Thanks to a godly power you possess, you're able to rewind turns a set number of times each battle, pushing you to try for that 40% hit chance kill or that unlikely crit in a brilliantly satisfying way.


Starting a new game without this monster was a significant hurdle to overcome.

There's so much to keep you interested and occupied as you play, but what stands out to me is how the game rewards you for coming back and playing again. After facing a story's climax and raising an army for upwards of 30 hours, it can feel a little disheartening to be starting from nothing. Gone is your level 62 Great Knight, gone is the money you were hording because you were worried about running out, gone is your progress—and yet you find yourself tempted back with just enough to feel like your previous efforts are still with you. What you retain in actuality is really rather little: the battalions you've collected, the progress you've made in levelling up statues that provide you with various benefits, and your renown, something obtained by completing quests and battles. Digging a little deeper however, you find your progress still remains. What's added for New Game Plus is a new way of spending your renown, allowing you to instantly jump back to your old professor level, and buy back both support rankings and skill levels previously acquired. With this, you're able to recruit familiar faces to your house almost instantly, and your high professor level from the start means you have more time to develop your students, both in exploring the monastery and in the number of battles you're able to do per free day. Add to this the mysteries and puzzles yet unsolved and you're soon drawn in once more, standing by a new face, holding the banner of a new house. It's a vicious cycle I can only applaud.


Please take a moment to appreciate everybody's favourite gatekeeper.


What We Liked ...
  • Brilliantly constructed and presented narrative
  • Fun and well-developed cast of characters
  • Meaningful and balanced tweaks to the traditional formula
  • Gatekeeper
What We Didn't Like ...
  • Gender-locked classes
  • One or two frustrating maps
Here you have everything that made the series great, served with that bit more on top. With new weapons, new magic, new types of enemies, everything feels fresh, and yet familiar enough for any fans to jump straight in. This is Fire Emblem at its finest.
Showing Fire Emblem for the first time in glorious high definition, the game looks and feels fantastic. Highlighting these aspects with the free movement around the monastery and the option to zoom in up close during battles, you frequently find yourself stopping to take in the sights.
Lasting Appeal
With three houses to pick from, and a seemingly-unlimited number of ways to train your units and spend your time, Three Houses puts forward content to be played, replayed, and played again. With more to come in the form of DLC, this is a game that will keep any Fire Emblem fan happy for as long as they need their strategic fix.
out of 10


Fire Emblem: Three Houses is both a cumulation of everything that makes the series so good, and an evolution of its shortcomings. Learning from past successes and failures, it stands proud as an experience accessible to the masses, with the core balance still intact. In this nest of choice and freedom still exists the linearity and resource management I personally adore. For those who want everything, it's there for the taking. For those who want a classic experience, you can pave through the game. For those wanting a fantastic Fire Emblem experience, look no further.
They brought the narrative back to form after the mixed showing from the previous few entrees? That's very welcome news! Do you know if there are any translation shenanigans in this one? Is it faithful to the original Japanese? Either way, it sounds like they've really knocked it out of the park with Three Houses!
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Man I love this game, but level FREAKING 62?! Looks like I'm nowhere near as close to the end as I thought I was. :lol:
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I'm kinda confused by this series. do characters die for good if they die on the battlefield? that's one of the things I don't like about strategy rpgs.
I'm kinda confused by this series. do characters die for good if they die on the battlefield? that's one of the things I don't like about strategy rpgs.
You can set it so character deaths are permanent or so that they come back after each mission. There's also a time-rewind function with limited uses per mission, so even on perma-death you're not super likely to lose characters. Also there's a normal and hard difficulty independent of the character death setting.
Pretty late review. Maybe author tried to accumulate more love to give out outstanding 9.6 score
>- Gender-locked classes

Weirdest con I ever saw. Is this SJW thingie? I think this game is all about giving right chars right classes, and sometimes your set of sex organs determines some of your attributes. If you need a con to add use limited assets or lowres textures. They are hard to miss
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I didn't understood that either. Why are there restrictions?

Another shame is the lack of ultima classes. 75% horse shit. :-(

Great review, of course!
Thanks for the review.

Even if I love TRPG since FFT, due to the huge boredom I felt playing awakening and fates, I swore to never play a fire emblem again...
But those chara design are, well, appealing. I may finally play it, you know, for research purpose.
If they add previous FE characters as DLC in this game I'd be super happy. Come now we all want our Tharja & Camilla in this ;)
Such freedom does however only go to highlight what limits are in place, these being the few gender-locked classes there are. What this unfortunately means is that there is no female class specialised in the new gauntlet weapon type, and that there's no male class built to wield both types of magic.

I think this is slightly misleading. Any class that can wield magic can use white and black magic, so long as the character has learned the spells, which comes from their weapon level in faith and reason, respectively. While the Mage - Warlock branch is "designed" for black magic and the Priest - Bishop branch is "designed" for white magic, the "design" is simply altered weapon stat gain and access to class mastery abilities and temporary class abilities.

In which case, males have access to the Dark Mage/Dark Bishop classes, which have similar stat gain to the female exclusive Gremory class,and similarly, wield both white and black Magic to a very effective degree (as well as dark Magic.)

I understand where this was headed, and get what you meant by specialize, but it's important to note for those that might skim over the review or simply miss it; any class can use any weapon, and any magic wielding class can use both black and white magic. "Dark Magic" isn't exclusive to males either, as both males and females can become Dark Knights which get access to dark spells like Miasma.

Either way, great review!
I think this is slightly misleading. Any class that can wield magic can use white and black magic, so long as the character has learned the spells, which comes from their weapon level in faith and reason, respectively. While the Mage - Warlock branch is "designed" for black magic and the Priest - Bishop branch is "designed" for white magic, the "design" is simply altered weapon stat gain and access to class mastery abilities and temporary class abilities.

In which case, males have access to the Dark Mage/Dark Bishop classes, which have similar stat gain to the female exclusive Gremory class,and similarly, wield both white and black Magic to a very effective degree (as well as dark Magic.)

I understand where this was headed, and get what you meant by specialize, but it's important to note for those that might skim over the review or simply miss it; any class can use any weapon, and any magic wielding class can use both black and white magic. "Dark Magic" isn't exclusive to males either, as both males and females can become Dark Knights which get access to dark spells like Miasma.

Either way, great review!
Magic classes can't use gauntlets.
Magic classes can't use gauntlets.

You're right! In addition, they can't be used by mounted units. My mistake.

That being said, the purpose behind the post was to question the duality of the gender question. I understand the purpose of it on a surface level, but locking classes behind gender isn't odd for a game that locks classes behind characters. I understand the want for a female class that specializes in brawling, but the idea behind specialization is pretty much lost on a game where you can freely move units from one class to another; especially when compared to other titles in the series, and especially when, with a few noted exceptions, most classes can freely wield most weapons.
This game is just so good. I love it so much. When it released, I played it for hours on end without stopping. It was all I could ever ask for out of a “next Gen” Switch fire emblem game.
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I’m amazed at the disparity between play times for anyone’s first playthrough. Here Scarlet writes hers was “upwards of 30 hours” whereas my first one was around 80. I’ve seen similar stuff around Reddit and Twitter. I get that Edelgard’s route is notably shorter and difficulty setting would affect the length, but damn, I think that speaks to the level of variety and customization on offer here.
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Reactions: Scarlet and Xzi
They brought the narrative back to form after the mixed showing from the previous few entrees? That's very welcome news! Do you know if there are any translation shenanigans in this one? Is it faithful to the original Japanese? Either way, it sounds like they've really knocked it out of the park with Three Houses!
After my first playthrough of the game, I can say that the English translation crew did fantastic, characters felt very authentic and (for the most part) non-caricatured. I really like the writing in this game, and thanks to the fantastic translation team, Three Houses has some of my all-time favorite characters from the entire series.
>- Gender-locked classes

Weirdest con I ever saw. Is this SJW thingie? I think this game is all about giving right chars right classes, and sometimes your set of sex organs determines some of your attributes. If you need a con to add use limited assets or lowres textures. They are hard to miss
No, it's just obnoxious that you can't make Hilda a brawler for no reason even though she'd be fantastic.
After my first playthrough of the game, I can say that the English translation crew did fantastic, characters felt very authentic and (for the most part) non-caricatured. I really like the writing in this game, and thanks to the fantastic translation team, Three Houses has some of my all-time favorite characters from the entire series.
Fantastic! I had heard that some of the writing in earlier games was modified or even removed altogether, so it's great to hear that Three Houses didn't suffer that fate.
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I’m amazed at the disparity between play times for anyone’s first playthrough. Here Scarlet writes hers was “upwards of 30 hours” whereas my first one was around 80. I’ve seen similar stuff around Reddit and Twitter. I get that Edelgard’s route is notably shorter and difficulty setting would affect the length, but damn, I think that speaks to the level of variety and customization on offer here.
Hot damn that's insane. Funny to mention but I hear people who play on Normal generally have a longer playthrough. I assume it's because on Normal certain limitations like the aux maps can be done endlessly, while there's a hard cap on them when playing on hard. My Deers run was probably closer to 50 hours now I think about it, but I assume that came down to the fact I was already max Prof Level when starting out, so there was more to do out of the gate in oppose to the gradual build up.
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Just finished my first play-through (Black Eagles, normal, classic) which clocked in at slightly more than 50 hours. I won't spoil anything but DAMN that's one of the most satisfying endings to a game I've ever experienced. Leaves you emotionally drained but somehow still wanting more. :yayswitch:
I actually didn’t know that since my 80-hour run was actually done on hard, lol. I hardly ever chose rest or seminar for my day off though, so every month would be one exploration and then as many battles as I could cram in. Thinking about it again, I also spent an inordinate amount of time on fishing and lost items, so that probably racked up the hours too.
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I actually didn’t know that since my 80-hour run was actually done on hard, lol. I hardly ever chose rest or seminar for my day off though, so every month would be one exploration and then as many battles as I could cram in. Thinking about it again, I also spent an inordinate amount of time on fishing and lost items, so that probably racked up the hours too.
How odd! I did the same on my first play. I made sure to talk to everybody each month, complete each quest, pick up everything around the monastery, and then do a load of battles. I think the only thing I didn't do was the whole tea thing all that much.
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How odd! I did the same on my first play. I made sure to talk to everybody each month, complete each quest, pick up everything around the monastery, and then do a load of battles. I think the only thing I didn't do was the whole tea thing all that much.

Weird. My first run was Golden Deers, which I think is the longest of the routes, but that wouldn’t account for that. I guess I’m just slower at working through the maps. I did have to replay a lot of turns with divine pulse since I’d tend to get my units killed on the enemy turn, and then I’d have to replay a whole turn or two to fix it.
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Just finished my first play-through (Black Eagles, normal, classic) which clocked in at slightly more than 50 hours. I won't spoil anything but DAMN that's one of the most satisfying endings to a game I've ever experienced. Leaves you emotionally drained but somehow still wanting more. :yayswitch:
Did you side with
Edelgard or Rhea?
Did you side with
Edelgard or Rhea?
Rhea, though I was more referring to the way they break down the legacy of each of your students individually and the life of Byleth with whomever you choose to marry. Would've been nice if Dragon Age: Origins had been equally conclusive instead of leaving everything on a cliffhanger.
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The hordes of angry review bombers aside, is there anyone apart from myself who played this game and didn't enjoy it?
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The hordes of angry review bombers aside, is there anyone apart from myself who played this game and didn't enjoy it?
I'm sure there is, no game's for everybody. Any part stand out that puts you off, or is it just more of a general dislike you can't quite pin down?
I'm sure there is, no game's for everybody. Any part stand out that puts you off, or is it just more of a general dislike you can't quite pin down?
Two main reasons:

1. The game is way too long. I don't like the monastery sections because I see them as too repetitive, but refuse to automate them because I want to build my characters exactly the way I want them. The main quest is too long and there are three of them. I'd rather a shorter main quest and more postgame content and meaningful side quests to further develop the story.

2. I prefer the 3DS graphical style. The 3D character models on the maps in battles don't look as nice as the sprites on the 3DS. The battle animations are too fast paced for my liking. The 3DS battle animations which are slower but include freeze frames on critical hits and slowdowns when an allied character dies which makes them more impactful. Fire Emblem Awakening and Echoes have much better looking world maps too.
Two main reasons:

1. The game is way too long. I don't like the monastery sections because I see them as too repetitive, but refuse to automate them because I want to build my characters exactly the way I want them. The main quest is too long and there are three of them. I'd rather a shorter main quest and more postgame content and meaningful side quests to further develop the story.

2. I prefer the 3DS graphical style. The 3D character models on the maps in battles don't look as nice as the sprites on the 3DS. The battle animations are too fast paced for my liking. The 3DS battle animations which are slower but include freeze frames on critical hits and slowdowns when an allied character dies which makes them more impactful. Fire Emblem Awakening and Echoes have much better looking world maps too.
I can see where you're coming from, especially with game length. If you do happen to go back to it and only want to play it once before putting it down again, I strongly recommend playing Deers. You get the most general story, with a few secrets on the side that get fully explained in the other routes.

I personally disagree on the maps, but that's a subjective thing. 3H has some real belters, especially towards the latter half of the game. The big negative I forgot to mention in the review though is the return of fog of war, even if the frustration is mostly negated with the time travel thing lol
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Game aside, which I love, I feel at least somewhat obligated to point out what an absolute banger of an opening line you gave. I swear you must have had some divine revelation. Maybe it was fate. It's a mystery to me.
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Game aside, which I love, I feel at least somewhat obligated to point out what an absolute banger of an opening line you gave. I swear you must have had some divine revelation. Maybe it was fate. It's a mystery to me.
I tried so hard to get mutton in there somehow but that was just too much of a stretch lol
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I haven't played much of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (only just killed Lonato), but so far it's a nice improvement over Awakening and Fates (the only other Fire Emblem games I've played) in terms of gameplay. Being able to use almost any weapon in any class is nice, and having other things to do than just fighting does delay burn-out. I don't like how magic is now limited in usage (less than ten uses of Black/Dark magic each battle) instead of having durability like normal weapons (i.e. how Awakening did it), and how they aren't tomes you can buy and plonk onto whichever unit you wanted but instead each character has their own list of learnable spells, though.

However...really? Religion? That part sickens me, since religion is nothing more than humans personifying natural events because we didn't know any better at the time, and attributing the effects of wind or water or anything else to invisible beings who supposedly know all and made all, yet don't bother giving us information on how to combat disease or prevent world destruction through increasing temperatures or superweapons. Such beliefs are nothing but handicaps when it comes to scientific progress and actually understanding the world we live in, due to what each religion sees as 'sacrilegious', and how believers want to blind themselves towards reality in order to keep believing in their incredibly old and entirely disproved holy books and scriptures written by countless people across centuries but is still seen as 'the word of god' somehow.

Sure, all Fire Emblem games are pseudo-medieval, but not one of the games I know about ever brought the hypocritical, self-contradictory and innately immoral practice of religion into the mix. Sure, Ylisse had Naga as its patron goddess, but 'praying to the goddess' was only brought up once - to power up Chrom's Falchion - near the end of the game; at all other times, there was practically no hint of religion.

Having to practically live in a monastery in this game is almost torturous, since I know of plenty of real-life church-led cruelty; if I could've, I would've gladly have joined Lonato and turned against Rhea. Just...yuck. Not what I wanted in any game, especially one that would've been fantastic without it.

Oh, and Byleth not being customisable or having lines (which Robin and Corrin were and did) is also stupid. That's another negative in this game.

Also women weren't soldiers in medieval times, due to their lower physical strength, so I don't like how they are here.
I haven't played much of Fire Emblem: Three Houses (only just killed Lonato), but so far it's a nice improvement over Awakening and Fates (the only other Fire Emblem games I've played) in terms of gameplay. Being able to use almost any weapon in any class is nice, and having other things to do than just fighting does delay burn-out. I don't like how magic is now limited in usage (less than ten uses of Black/Dark magic each battle) instead of having durability like normal weapons (i.e. how Awakening did it), and how they aren't tomes you can buy and plonk onto whichever unit you wanted but instead each character has their own list of learnable spells, though.

However...really? Religion? That part sickens me, since religion is nothing more than humans personifying natural events because we didn't know any better at the time, and attributing the effects of wind or water or anything else to invisible beings who supposedly know all and made all, yet don't bother giving us information on how to combat disease or prevent world destruction through increasing temperatures or superweapons. Such beliefs are nothing but handicaps when it comes to scientific progress and actually understanding the world we live in, due to what each religion sees as 'sacrilegious', and how believers want to blind themselves towards reality in order to keep believing in their incredibly old and entirely disproved holy books and scriptures written by countless people across centuries but is still seen as 'the word of god' somehow.

Sure, all Fire Emblem games are pseudo-medieval, but not one of the games I know about ever brought the hypocritical, self-contradictory and innately immoral practice of religion into the mix. Sure, Ylisse had Naga as its patron goddess, but 'praying to the goddess' was only brought up once - to power up Chrom's Falchion - near the end of the game; at all other times, there was practically no hint of religion.

Having to practically live in a monastery in this game is almost torturous, since I know of plenty of real-life church-led cruelty; if I could've, I would've gladly have joined Lonato and turned against Rhea. Just...yuck. Not what I wanted in any game, especially one that would've been fantastic without it.

Also women weren't soldiers in medieval times, due to their lower physical strength, so I don't like how they are here.
So which house did you pick?
So which house did you pick?
Blue Lions, I think - Dimitri - because of two reasons: 1) when I had to meet with each House leader at the beginning of the game, he was northernmost and to the west, so my next playthrough would be Claude (to the south of Dimitri) and then Edelgard (to the east). Yes, this sounds weird, but eh, whatever.
And 2) because Dimitri's House has five boys whilst the other two only have four, and I feel more comfortable hanging around guys (platonically) than girls. Also violent, aggressive girls are repulsive, which is what Edelgard and Leonie are, and they're not Blue Lions girls.

...I'm stuck defending the church in this storyline, aren't I...?
Blue Lions, I think - Dimitri - because of two reasons: 1) when I had to meet with each House leader at the beginning of the game, he was northernmost and to the west, so my next playthrough would be Claude (to the south of Dimitri) and then Edelgard (to the east). Yes, this sounds weird, but eh, whatever.
And 2) because Dimitri's House has five boys whilst the other two only have four, and I feel more comfortable hanging around guys (platonically) than girls. Also violent, aggressive girls are repulsive, which is what Edelgard and Leonie are, and they're not Blue Lions girls.

...I'm stuck defending the church in this storyline, aren't I...?
There is only one route in the game against the Church.
If you want to know why:
The Church is actually good in this game.
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There is only one route in the game against the Church.
If you want to know why:
The Church is actually good in this game.
Really? Because Lonato seemed to have a damned-good reason for attempting to form an uprising (one that was swiftly crushed by the monastery, by the way, with not one hint of peaceful negotiations) - it was Catherine who killed Lonato's son Christophe, and Catherine's a church knight.
Yeah, the church ain't looking so holy to me. I know this is pseudo-medieval, but not even a hint of a trial? The church just grabbed the Lord's son and executed him, just because he supposedly helped the people of Duscur supposedly kill Dimitri's father?
Yeah, something's fishy about that. #StandWithLonato
Really? Because Lonato seemed to have a damned-good reason for attempting to form an uprising (one that was swiftly crushed by the monastery, by the way, with not one hint of peaceful negotiations) - it was Catherine who killed Lonato's son Christophe, and Catherine's a church knight.
Yeah, the church ain't looking so holy to me. I know this is pseudo-medieval, but not even a hint of a trial? The church just grabbed the Lord's son and executed him, just because he supposedly helped the people of Duscur supposedly kill Dimitri's father?
Yeah, something's fishy about that. #StandWithLonato
BTW you're not going to get why because it's only explained in another route.
Really? Because Lonato seemed to have a damned-good reason for attempting to form an uprising (one that was swiftly crushed by the monastery, by the way, with not one hint of peaceful negotiations) - it was Catherine who killed Lonato's son Christophe, and Catherine's a church knight.
Yeah, the church ain't looking so holy to me. I know this is pseudo-medieval, but not even a hint of a trial? The church just grabbed the Lord's son and executed him, just because he supposedly helped the people of Duscur supposedly kill Dimitri's father?
Yeah, something's fishy about that. #StandWithLonato

It’s been a while since I played so I could be wrong, but Lonato was a devout follower of the church, too, right? That just makes it even more fucked up.
#IStandWithLonato #nohomo
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): July 26, 2019
  • Release Date (EU): July 26, 2019
  • Release Date (JP): July 26, 2019
  • Publisher: Nintendo
  • Developer: Intelligent Systems
  • Genres: RPG, Strategy
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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