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Covid-19 vaccine

Will you get the vaccine?

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    Votes: 500 67.1%
  • No

    Votes: 245 32.9%

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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
I'm not responsible for your health and vice versa. Why have a vaccine (where the long-term effects are yet to be seen) when I'm not at any serious risk from this virus by all available data? It disproportionately effects elderly people and people with compromised immune systems.
You are not legally responsible for the health of others around you, but you have a moral imperative to get vaccinated and protect those around you. The vaccine has been demonstrated to be much safer than the risks associated with contracting COVID-19, so it's also a win-win for you.

The virus disproportionately affects the elderly and people with other conditions, but that doesn't mean you are immune to serious symptoms from the virus. You can be young and healthy and die from the disease, and you don't know if you're going to be lucky or unlucky. If, rightly, you want to make an informed decision based on the odds, the vaccine comes with risks far less likely than the risks associated with COVID-19, regardless of your age and health.

The long-term health effects of COVID-19 are more a mystery than the long-term health effects of the vaccines, and the long-term health effects of COVID-19 are also much more probable. As I've mentioned earlier, the vaccine has completely left your body days/weeks after the last dose, but the virus can make permanent alternations to the DNA in some of your cells. This is only one of many examples of how the the virus is muck riskier.

Follow the advice of the CDC and every other reputable medical group: Get vaccinated now, and contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about whether or not you can take the vaccine.


Resident Iron Valiant
Oct 2, 2015
Canada; Ontario
Got my second dose yesterday, feeling good. people really need to get it, and i'm fucking sick of people comparing it to a holocaust of ""5g control towers"" and ""liberal brainwashing for the jewish elite"".

I have literally seen people make these claims and it taught me, vaccines can sure as hell keep us immune or at least protected from disease, but not stupidity.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
Don't worry brah ............


.... trust the science.......


..... trust the "medical experts".......

Us folks at big pharma would never ever EVER lie to the public about anything! Especially something as ̶l̶u̶c̶r̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ deadly serious as the worst virus known to mankind! A virus that is so deadly you need a test to know you have it and your survival rate is only 99% if you get infected with covid-1984.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Don't worry brah ............


.... trust the science.......


..... trust the "medical experts".......

Us folks at big pharma would never ever EVER lie to the public about anything! Especially something as ̶l̶u̶c̶r̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ deadly serious as the worst virus known to mankind! A virus that is so deadly you need a test to know you have it and your survival rate is only 99% if you get infected with covid-1984.
The links you've provided have nothing to do with vaccines of any kind. The first link has to do with talc in baby powder, and the second link has to do with marketing, not medicine/science. With regard to the baby powder lawsuit, the only reason we know there might be a correlation between talc applied to the perineal area and ovarian cancer is because of the science. I would never make the argument that one should blindly trust corporations. We should, however, trust the science. Your examples either have nothing to do with science, or demonstrates an example of the importance of science. Oof.

The COVID-19 pandemic is, so far, the eighth deadliest pandemic the world has seen (with regard to total deaths). In a short time, it has killed millions of people worldwide, and that's with mitigation strategies like social distancing, masks, etc.


Official Waluigi Propagandist
Aug 13, 2020
Somewhere. Look hard enough and you could find me.
United States
Got my second dose yesterday, feeling good. people really need to get it, and i'm fucking sick of people comparing it to a holocaust of ""5g control towers"" and ""liberal brainwashing for the jewish elite"".

I have literally seen people make these claims and it taught me, vaccines can sure as hell keep us immune or at least protected from disease, but not stupidity.
Another educated person! Pfizer, Moderna, or J&J?

If you're still hung up on 5G towers, (those of you Karens out there, not ChaoticCinnabon) you have to be joking. You get a higher background dose of radiation from your microwave than a 5G tower. The literal sun gives you more radiation than a 5G tower. Comparing it to chernobyl or whatever is 100% Bona Fide Idiocy featuring Hints of Shet-Brain.

The vaccines have increased my physical (and mental for that matter, because I can talk to people now) health to a point where I am immune/protected against most diseases. I have never had a bad strain of the flu, I haven't gotten Tetanus from getting cut, and COVID fears me. People need to go back to Fourth Grade Health where your teacher explains how vaccines are like force-fields and you get a Hello Kitty sticker at the end.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
"The illogical fallacy is an illogical fallacy." That's a little redundant, don't you think

It's not redundant enough if you are positing that not getting the vaccine negatively affects you or the people around you. Not taking the concoction doesn't hurt you. If you can quote the CDC saying this, that would be welcomed.

If you can medically get the vaccine, you should get the vaccine.

According to your medical agency of choice maybe.

We are talking about whether or not they should get vaccinated

People should do as they best believe that they can.

The evidence shows the COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, recommended, and a much better bet than the risk of contracting COVID-19.

This is a canned response that blatantly ignores the content to which it was supposedly a response to.

The medical professionals overwhelmingly recommend timely vaccination against COVID-19 if one is able to medically do so. If you want to argue against that, then by your standards, you require a medical license to do so.

Prescribing your choice of agency and medicine does not equal my advocacy for (potential) patient rights. They are free to follow their advice OR not. "The majority" = "The most represented by your media of choice".

I haven't misrepresented the CDC guidance, and I've recommended visiting the CDC website numerous times.

Not only are you parroting the CDC and injecting your own personal beliefs in between statements (as facts no less), but you also omit relevant details when you want to emphasize the sales pitch (marketing).

AMA study (it's a PDF): https://www.ama-assn.org/system/files/2021-06/physician-vaccination-study-topline-report.pdf
96% of doctors have been vaccinated and recommend getting vaccinated.

Oh cool, a survey that supports what I want you to believe.

You are going to take a survey of 300 physicians and say it represents all physicians.
Last edited by tabzer,


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
The links you've provided have nothing to do with vaccines of any kind. The first link has to do with talc in baby powder, and the second link has to do with marketing, not medicine/science. With regard to the baby powder lawsuit, the only reason we know there might be a correlation between talc applied to the perineal area and ovarian cancer is because of the science. I would never make the argument that one should blindly trust corporations. We should, however, trust the science. Your examples either have nothing to do with science, or demonstrates an example of the importance of science. Oof.

The COVID-19 pandemic is, so far, the eighth deadliest pandemic the world has seen (with regard to total deaths). In a short time, it has killed millions of people worldwide, and that's with mitigation strategies like social distancing, masks, etc.
I'll give you a like. I normally don't give likes. But it's hilarious to see everytime someone tries to have a gotcha moment with attempts of confident sarcasm and you just crush that lol.


Official Waluigi Propagandist
Aug 13, 2020
Somewhere. Look hard enough and you could find me.
United States
You are going to take a survey of 300 physicians and say it represents all physicians.
Yep, because it's pretty accurate at that point. In fact, most polling you read like that comes from a control group of 100-200, so it's also contaminated the crap you read.

Like I said earlier, vaccine propaganda is up there with Waluigi, and I will stop at nothing to ensure that everyone is vaccine knowledgeable. @Lacius is right, the vaccine can potentially save thousands of people, and the CDC is correct about the studies of it.

Oh cool, a survey that supports what I want you to believe.
It comes from a credible source, and thus, is a good representation.

To the rest of you out there:
The COVID-19 vaccine is packed with research from our finest, most trusted doctors. If there would be side affects, I'd tell you, because I got it a month ago and I feel awesome. People who don't take the vaccine because they are allergic to the substance they grow vaccines in (eggs) are fine. If you can medically get vaccinated, do it now. The lives you save and the anguish you will prevent are worth more than being self-centered about poison and microchips. You use the internet, you have a microchip tracking you. You will get more poison from the McDonalds McFish Fillet than a vaccine. It is proven. Vaccines do not cause mental illness and have never had a link since the mid 1900's when mercury was discovered to be toxic and was thus removed.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
It comes from a credible source, and thus, is a good representation.

Like it or not, the survey I linked to is credible. Even though it is "super-ultra-right-winged", according to lefties-dominopedia.

Therefore the results of multiple surveys reflecting different results show a definite lack of consensus.
Last edited by tabzer,


Active Member
Jul 3, 2021
Thank heavens we have some educated people here

My thoughts exactly.

Well, i gotta say.. im really positively surprised about most this threads comments. So many rational arguments.
Much probability calculation and stuff going on tho.

Personally, ive been keeping distance to most other people all the time.. Just like i did before all of this.
In general im a very generous and tolerant person, i believe. I wanna help people out, be reliable, been well educated and stuff..

Its just.. most people annoy me so much with their idiotic behavior. COVID-19 made all of that a whole lot worse.

We are all in this together. While most of the people do what they can, sacrifice a lot of their "freedom", keep distance, wash their darn hands and nowadays try to get vaccinated.. there are a few people who ruin the whole thing for everyone.

If you wanna believe in whatever strange theory or don't want to take any kind of risk.. stay at home, lock yourself away somehow but stop spreading this sht :wacko:

But aaaanyway.. and back to the question: Yes! i got vaccinated the first time a few weeks ago and will get biontech pfizer a second time. However, it had caught me before anyway, my whole family has been in quarantäne for some weeks in late 2020.

Thank you all, for sharing your thoughts and experiences here. We will get through this B-)
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Feb 12, 2009
United States
The links you've provided have nothing to do with vaccines of any kind. The first link has to do with talc in baby powder, and the second link has to do with marketing, not medicine/science. With regard to the baby powder lawsuit, the only reason we know there might be a correlation between talc applied to the perineal area and ovarian cancer is because of the science. I would never make the argument that one should blindly trust corporations. We should, however, trust the science. Your examples either have nothing to do with science, or demonstrates an example of the importance of science. Oof.

The COVID-19 pandemic is, so far, the eighth deadliest pandemic the world has seen (with regard to total deaths). In a short time, it has killed millions of people worldwide, and that's with mitigation strategies like social distancing, masks, etc.

I'll give you a like. I normally don't give likes. But it's hilarious to see everytime someone tries to have a gotcha moment with attempts of confident sarcasm and you just crush that lol.
Yeah, not like J&J knew about the asbestos in talc and warnings about it since the 1970s yet continued to market it until recently. Oh wait, they did? Sure, these corporations may have been involved with greedy, murderous cover-ups just a few short years ago, but by god, they're only interested in saving lives with untested experimental gene therapy now because science! Over 40 years for J&J's scandal to come to light and yet the long-term results of these injections are already presumed to be known and "relatively safe" even though it's not even looking very good for the short-term ones.
Last edited by Glyptofane,


The inadequate, autocratic beast!
Global Moderator
Aug 5, 2007
@LostRabbit people forget that all freedom comes with a cost. They will most likely be barred from airplanes for a considerable time forward that haven't gotten vaccinated. I feel it's my duty as a citizen to protect my fellow people and especially those who can't get the vaccines because of allergies. These fuckwats haven't been alive when the measles, mupps, polio etc. was common place. If they were, they wouldn't be anti-vaxx.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
I can't believe we are still debating safety and conspiracies. Everyone i know and myself got at least 1 shot. You might or might not get sick for a few days but it's a million times better than getting hospitalized and maybe die as well. If you wanna believe the conspiracy nonsense and not get vaccinated then that's your decision but then have the balls and stay the fuck away from everyone vulnerable/unvaccinated and wear masks. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2008
United States
The links you've provided have nothing to do with vaccines of any kind.

But they DO show you that big pharma lies and they are not trustworthy. I'm still on the fence about you being a sarcastic troll or if you truly believe everything the lügenpresse throws your way.

Here's another example of your CDC lying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study

I also loved how the CDC lowered the Ct for PCR tests because they knew it was too high and inflated the numbers. :)


Say, can you provide me with a SINGLE (and scientifically/medically verifiable) example of somebody not dropping dead from covid-1984 because they got the "vaccine"?

...... you know, the more I think about it the more I think you're a sarcastic troll because nobody in their right mind could look at how the CDC and Fauci the fraudster flip flop and not have a light go off in their head and start to question things.

Something else weird.... red states that dropped their mask mandates and opened back up saw falling/zero cases of new covid-1984 infections and when Fauci the fraudster was questioned about this, he couldn't explain the drop. (Note; red states have lower instances of people getting vaccinated.)

Any thoughts on the gain of function research around covid-1984 and who funded it?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
It's not redundant enough if you are positing that not getting the vaccine negatively affects you or the people around you. Not taking the concoction doesn't hurt you. If you can quote the CDC saying this, that would be welcomed.

According to your medical agency of choice maybe.

People should do as they best believe that they can.

This is a canned response that blatantly ignores the content to which it was supposedly a response to.

Prescribing your choice of agency and medicine does not equal my advocacy for (potential) patient rights. They are free to follow their advice OR not. "The majority" = "The most represented by your media of choice".

Not only are you parroting the CDC and injecting your own personal beliefs in between statements (as facts no less), but you also omit relevant details when you want to emphasize the sales pitch (marketing).

Oh cool, a survey that supports what I want you to believe.

You are going to take a survey of 300 physicians and say it represents all physicians.
Whether or not a person should be able to make the decision themselves about getting vaccinated is an entirely different question from whether or not a person should get vaccinated. I am not arguing that a person should not be able to make that decision.

I haven't said anything about COVID-19 or the vaccines that isn't factually correct and supported by the CDC and every reputable medical group out there. With regard to you asking where the CDC says not getting the vaccine makes you more likely to contract COVID-19 and spread it to other people, here:
The American Medical Association is a professional medical group with 240,359 members as of 2016, making up a significant portion of the doctors in this country. They are a representative body of doctors in this country, and their purpose is medical and professional. The poll I cited is also representative of doctors in this country.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is a right-wing political advocacy group, not a professional or medical association. They advocate for pseudoscientific political positions and pretend they're medical positions. Examples include "HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, vaccine and autism connections, and homosexuality reducing life expectancy." The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has approximately 5,000 members, which is about 2% the number of American Medical Association members, and is selectively skewed towards a particular political ideology that works against medicine and scientific thinking. In other words, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is far from a representative body. It would be like conducting a poll on GBATemp asking if you play video games and using that as representative of the population in general. If you have to cite the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, you've already lost your argument.

https://www.news.com.au/world/coron...com.au&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_content=Social Bakers

Oh dear. Another death linked to the vaccine in Australia. So far the vaccine has killed more people this year than the "deadly" virus itself in Australia.
More people have not died from COVID-19 vaccines than from the disease itself.

910 people have died from COVID-19 in Australia, and I can't find more than one example of anyone potentially dying as the result of the vaccine. Your own link acknowledges that the benefits of the vaccines far outweigh the risks associated with the vaccines and the risks associated with COVID-19. It should also be noted that the the specific risks associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine have since been mitigated, and it is possible the woman's recent viral illness had a part to play in her death.

Worldwide, there have only been a handful of cases where someone has probably died as a direct result of a COVID-19 vaccine, and these specific risks (e.g. blood clots) have since been mitigated. However, over 4 million people have died worldwide from the COVID-19 disease itself. The science and the numbers are clear: If you can medically get vaccinated, you should get vaccinated.

Yeah, not like J&J knew about the asbestos in talc and warnings about it since the 1970s yet continued to market it until recently. Oh wait, they did? Sure, these corporations may have been involved with greedy, murderous cover-ups just a few short years ago, but by god, they're only interested in saving lives with untested experimental gene therapy now because science! Over 40 years for J&J's scandal to come to light and yet the long-term results of these injections are already presumed to be known and "relatively safe" even though it's not even looking very good for the short-term ones.
You're citing an example of a company refusing to listen to science, which does nothing to support an anti-vaxxer's decision to refuse to listen to science.

The COVID-19 vaccines are not "experimental gene therapy." The big two COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA vaccines. They do not make any alterations to one's DNA, and the vaccines is completely gone from one's body a few days/weeks after the last dose.

All of the evidence shows the vaccines are generally safe and effective, particularly when contrasted with the risks associated with COVID-19. The studies that demonstrate this were independent and double-blind. The pharmaceutical companies couldn't have affected the results of the studies even if they had wanted to. The same goes for the studies that showed a possible link between talc powder and ovarian cancer, which is why J&J lost the case.

But they DO show you that big pharma lies and they are not trustworthy. I'm still on the fence about you being a sarcastic troll or if you truly believe everything the lügenpresse throws your way.

Here's another example of your CDC lying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuskegee_Syphilis_Study

I also loved how the CDC lowered the Ct for PCR tests because they knew it was too high and inflated the numbers. :)


Say, can you provide me with a SINGLE (and scientifically/medically verifiable) example of somebody not dropping dead from covid-1984 because they got the "vaccine"?

...... you know, the more I think about it the more I think you're a sarcastic troll because nobody in their right mind could look at how the CDC and Fauci the fraudster flip flop and not have a light go off in their head and start to question things.

Something else weird.... red states that dropped their mask mandates and opened back up saw falling/zero cases of new covid-1984 infections and when Fauci the fraudster was questioned about this, he couldn't explain the drop. (Note; red states have lower instances of people getting vaccinated.)

Any thoughts on the gain of function research around covid-1984 and who funded it?
What the CDC was involved with back in 1932 is irrelevant to the current conversation about COVID-19 vaccines.

Numerous studies and reports show that the vast majority of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 (95-98%), and the vast majority of patients who die from COVID-19 (95-100%), are unvaccinated. These numbers are from the last couple of months.

Every study I'm aware of from before the vaccine showed that mask mandates and other COVID-19 mitigation policies were effective in dropping the infection rate. The apples-to-apples comparisons in Kansas were particularly irrefutable.
Last edited by Lacius, , Reason: added bullet points


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2013
United States
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is a right-wing political advocacy group, not a professional or medical association. They advocate for pseudoscientific political positions and pretend they're medical positions. Examples include "HIV/AIDS denialism, the abortion-breast cancer hypothesis, vaccine and autism connections, and homosexuality reducing life expectancy." The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has approximately 5,000 members, which is about 2% the number of American Medical Association members, and is selectively skewed towards a particular political ideology that works against medicine and scientific thinking. In other words, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons is far from a representative body. It would be like conducting a poll on GBATemp asking if you play video games and using that as representative of the population in general. If you have to cite the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, you've already lost your argument.
If tabzer claims that a website is "credible," you can be sure that it isn't. tabzer's seal of approval is pretty much the kiss of death.
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