Pokemon Let's Go will have specific requirements in order to fight Gym Leaders


Since the announcement of Pokemon Let's Go: Eevee and Pikachu, fans have been debating and contesting a lot of the changes this spinoff entry seems to be making. From the Pokemon Go integration, to the new way to capture Pokemon, and more, there's been no doubt that this game is trying to differentiate itself from the mainline titles. Now, according to a new update post on the Japanese Pokemon site, there's a new feature in regards to Gym Battles. Now, players can only pass when they meet set requirements. These range from having a certain Pokemon type, level, and other specifications.

It's not entirely explained if you only have to show these types of Pokemon to get through the door, or if you need to keep the Pokemon in your party throughout the Gym fight. But it certainly is a shake-up to the formula that could potentially get in the way of beloved Nuzlockes and other self-imposed challenges, like monotype runs. We'll be sure to keep you updated if more information is announced.


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2017
I puked.
This is disgusting and completely not needed. I know that this game is directed to GO! player and young kids, but is not the whole point of playing the game actualy learning the rules and trying to figure out how to push forward according to these rules?
What's the fucking point of learning stuff like type match-ups and the value of grinding, the game will keep track of it for yourself, you just need to aimlessly move your finger on the joy-con.
Also it limits option to strategize and imposing self-challenge by players. Cutting off player's decisions is not a good thing, this is BAD.


Gbatemp’s Favourite Skitty
Jul 16, 2018
Where cats are plentiful.
I hate to say this, but this game is might be good for some people. My boyfriend is one of those poor people. He gets flustered easily and gets lost so this game might help him with that.:unsure: Luckily he’s better at others games though.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016
Hong Kong
Nintendo style. There’s a lot of hand holding with Nintendo games - explaining the controls or having a character that tells you which buttons to press.

Totally agree unnecessary but they are consistent! Might be a cultural thing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
Alright let's review why nintendo is such a shitty company:
- their target audience is literally 2-6 year olds, yet their market is filled with 30 yos nostalgic retards. And they are fine with it because money, amirite ?
- people shit on apple for always being late to the game, yet nintendo keeps releasing crappy consoles years after competition released something much better (ps3 and wii u/ps4 and switch/n64 and ps1/3ds and psp)
- switch is literally a delayed shitty ports emulator with oc games being nintendo remakes and milk (mario, pokemon and zelda), hand helding to the max with option to skip boss kek
- has ruined every franchise it had, it has probably the most revenue out of competition, yet all they can come up with at e3 is a single remake a year.
Remind me again why you worship this company ??


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Alright let's review why nintendo is such a shitty company:
- their target audience is literally 2-6 year olds, yet their market is filled with 30 yos nostalgic retards. And they are fine with it because money, amirite ?
- people shit on apple for always being late to the game, yet nintendo keeps releasing crappy consoles years after competition released something much better (ps3 and wii u/ps4 and switch/n64 and ps1/3ds and psp)
- switch is literally a delayed shitty ports emulator with oc games being nintendo remakes and milk (mario, pokemon and zelda), hand helding to the max with option to skip boss kek
- has ruined every franchise it had, it has probably the most revenue out of competition, yet all they can come up with at e3 is a single remake a year.
Remind me again why you worship this company ??

first off saying n64 is worse than ps1 just isnt true n64 is superior on many aspects.
wiiu is also much stronger than ps3 and the ps4 wasnt released until latter 3ds is also stronger than psp by alot lol so no idea where you got the info where nintendo released consoles inferior to sony after them, the only exception is the wii, the switch wich being basically portable kinda makes it an exception too since by all names and is not a dedicated home console and in portable mode no one made a console more powerful than it really.

n64>ps1 and n64 came after
ngc>ps2 gc came after
ps3>wii released same year but xbox360 was first
wiiu>ps3 came after ps3 and way before ps4.
psp>ds but psp came after it
vita>3ds and yet again vita came after it.

how has nintendo ruined every franshise they have?compared to microsoft and sony?
heck latest zelda and mario games are of the the best reviewed in the series, by public and critics so where is the ruined part?they even sold really well.

Nintendo actualy makes their own games sony and Microsoft just make 1 or 2 games a year and they order 3rd party studios to buy or make exclusives for them thats why they keep loosing exclusives every time an x amount of time passes, they go multi platform because they dont have any rights over them.

Nintendo is basically the only company to make family friendly games that dont suck, if you have small cousins or sons there is pretty much nothing on sony or microsoft consoles so you can play with them, on nintendo you have fun kart racers,fun platformers, party and fighting games suited for all ages and everyone has a blast playing it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
first off saying n64 is worse than ps1 just isnt true n64 is superior on many aspects.
wiiu is also much stronger than ps3 and the ps4 wasnt released until latter 3ds is also stronger than psp by alot lol so no idea where you got the info where nintendo released consoles inferior to sony after them, the only exception is the wii, the switch wich being basically portable kinda makes it an exception too since by all names and is not a dedicated home console and in portable mode no one made a console more powerful than it really.

n64>ps1 and n64 came after
ngc>ps2 gc came after
ps3>wii released same year but xbox360 was first
wiiu>ps3 came after ps3 and way before ps4.
psp>ds but psp came after it
vita>3ds and yet again vita came after it.

how has nintendo ruined every franshise they have?compared to microsoft and sony?
heck latest zelda and mario games are of the the best reviewed in the series, by public and critics so where is the ruined part?they even sold really well.

Nintendo actualy makes their own games sony and Microsoft just make 1 or 2 games a year and they order 3rd party studios to buy or make exclusives for them thats why they keep loosing exclusives every time an x amount of time passes, they go multi platform because they dont have any rights over them.

Nintendo is basically the only company to make family friendly games that dont suck, if you have small cousins or sons there is pretty much nothing on sony or microsoft consoles so you can play with them, on nintendo you have fun kart racers,fun platformers, party and fighting games suited for all ages and everyone has a blast playing it.
Wot ? Ps3 has more processing power than a wii u (compare cod games), psp is more powerful than 3ds (compare monster hunter), switch is a home console with an integrated battery and screen, it's a vita clone, ps2 is more piwerful than gamecube, ps1 is more powerful in 3d rendering than n64, the n64 beat it in ram, nintendo has exclusives that don't go cross platform because they are nintendo's property, this is why there is a billion mario games and not more than 6 god of war, we never talk about microsoft consoles because everytime it's shown it's always inferior to sony, nintendo has familly games, but so does sony if you have smart kids, but remember who placues all battlefield online matches, that's right those kids.


(⌐◥▶◀◤) girl - noirscape
Oct 26, 2015
Site 19
Gotta love the amount of people acting like it's the end of things.

A. It's a bloody spinoff meant to aim to bring GO to regular Pokemon, obviously it's gonna be a little more handholdy to give people a better idea of how Pokemon works, as I distinctively remember GO having rather different mechanics from the main series.

B. ITT: Gaming elitism and slippery slope fallacy. It's just an NPC roadblock, who says you ABSOLUTELY need to keep them in your party during the gyms. Wait before you use the pitchforks. Secondly, it's just an NPC, not an Auto-Play mode. Think about it. How many early game pokemon do you recall having any type appropriate attacks. Hell, I recall the proper way to cheese Brock if you had a Charmander was to lvl Charmander to 15 and get Metal Swipe. You still have to raise the Pokemon and give them the type appropriate moves and y'know, win the battles (and even then the game can curve ball you, remember Elesa's Emolga?). Nintendo becoming more beginner friendly is nothing new, a large portion of their catalogue shows this tutorial style handholding. If that isn't your cup of tea, either hold out for more mainline games or find a different company for your games. There are more than enough companies willing to satisfy the sadomasochistic desire of a lack of tutorials and just agressively kicking your teeth in. Nintendo games I don't recall doing that after the NES (which I'd blame on clunky controls and not so much on Nintendo).

Nintendo's goal is to let as many people possible have fun with a game. Making their games easier means it's more accessible, even to people who aren't into video games. I know for a fact that the majority of people I know (and most folks I know irl aren't much into gaming) had their start with Nintendo games. That is because anyone can sit down with a Nintendo game and get enjoyment out of them.

Not every company aims to do that (ie. FromSoft won't do stuff like that, they clearly aim for the aforementioned sadomachoschistic appeal), but that is Nintendo's goal. In that regard, little has changed since it's older days.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Wot ? Ps3 has more processing power than a wii u (compare cod games), psp is more powerful than 3ds (compare monster hunter), switch is a home console with an integrated battery and screen, it's a vita clone, ps2 is more piwerful than gamecube, ps1 is more powerful in 3d rendering than n64, the n64 beat it in ram, nintendo has exclusives that don't go cross platform because they are nintendo's property, this is why there is a billion mario games and not more than 6 god of war, we never talk about microsoft consoles because everytime it's shown it's always inferior to sony, nintendo has familly games, but so does sony if you have smart kids, but remember who placues all battlefield online matches, that's right those kids.
lol i can see you have no idea what you are talking about lol how in gods names does cpu power make a console powerfull? lolol its all about gpu the wiiu could play any ps3 game much better than ps3 could becuase it has a stronger gpu, games basicaly abuse gpu and its the most important thing thats why even compared to pcs xbox1 and ps4 have very low cpu values...

srs you are just saying BS how is ps2 more powerful than the gc? it has lower gpu and cpu and everyone knows ps2 was the least powerful console of the generation and the xbox was the most powerfull with the gc in the middle.

how is the switch a vita clone? when vita and psp just ripped off the gba from nintendo? lol.

cmon be realistic there is no one unless they are blind and retarded that will believe that ps2 is more powerful than the gc...

Also no ps1 didnt beated n64 on 3d rendering n64 had way more poligons on the screen, ps1 used tricks thats why you see 3d objects warp in the distance on ps1, on n64 they never warped.

Also cod looks much better on wiiu rather than on ps3 lol and its your example...

Last edited by pedro702,


Don't worry Captin we'll buff out those scratches.
Dec 1, 2012
United States
Seriously at age 7 I was able to beat Pokemon Blue, c'mon I even had strategies to beat Gary's OP Blastoise this seems very unnecessary.

Song of storms

Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2018
The problem this time is that we forget that we are not the targeted audience anymore. Pokemon was for kids, and we're not kids anymore. It's like expecting Teletubbies to be more mature now because time has passed. Pokemon needs new stuff, but the new generation still need to grasp the core concepts of the game. And for that I'm really happy that they made Pokemon Let's Go. Imagine if you have a kid, you could actually share the core pokemon experience, but with a totally different point of view.
I'm old enough to have played the first Pokemon Red when it came out and I still hated how I was supposed to catch a certain amount of pokemon before advancing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
lol i can see you have no idea what you are talking about lol how in gods names does cpu power make a console powerfull? lolol its all about gpu the wiiu could play any ps3 game much better than ps3 could becuase it has a stronger gpu, games basicaly abuse gpu and its the most important thing thats why even compared to pcs xbox1 and ps4 have very low cpu values...

srs you are just saying BS how is ps2 more powerful than the gc? it has lower gpu and cpu and everyone knows ps2 was the least powerful console of the generation and the xbox was the most powerfull with the gc in the middle.

how is the switch a vita clone? when vita and psp just ripped off the gba from nintendo? lol.

cmon be realistic there is no one unless they are blind and retarded that will believe that ps2 is more powerful than the gc...

Also no ps1 didnt beated n64 on 3d rendering n64 had way more poligons on the screen, ps1 used tricks thats why you see 3d objects warp in the distance on ps1, on n64 they never warped.

Also cod looks much better on wiiu rather than on ps3 lol and its your example...

Specs are not a game changer, let's not forget that wii u came out 6 years after ps3, gpu is for visual fans, plus it's the way you use it, not the way it looks, those "tricks" are also rendered by a gpu "weaker" yet sape or better result, again, nintendo is always late to the game, this is why wii u is a flop, this iq why switch will also be a flop, ds was a success cuz pokimanz, i never said that ps didn't copy the portable aspect of the gba, but tell me please how the switch isn't a clone, touch screen on both, check, two analogs, motion sensors, etc, shitty ports even kek, bullshitting nothing here, let's noy forget that gamecube looks better cua vartoonish visuals are better rendered than stretched 3d human skin, also please tell me that the gc could handle games like god of war or Colossus ? Or tell me how wii u can handle those lmao, let's not forget that the superior nintendo switch is locked at 30 fps with huge dips on all games, lemme see a game looking better than the last of us on wii u :]


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
Specs are not a game changer, let's not forget that wii u came out 6 years after ps3, gpu is for visual fans, plus it's the way you use it, not the way it looks, those "tricks" are also rendered by a gpu "weaker" yet sape or better result, again, nintendo is always late to the game, this is why wii u is a flop, this iq why switch will also be a flop, ds was a success cuz pokimanz, i never said that ps didn't copy the portable aspect of the gba, but tell me please how the switch isn't a clone, touch screen on both, check, two analogs, motion sensors, etc, shitty ports even kek, bullshitting nothing here, let's noy forget that gamecube looks better cua vartoonish visuals are better rendered than stretched 3d human skin, also please tell me that the gc could handle games like god of war or Colossus ? Or tell me how wii u can handle those lmao, let's not forget that the superior nintendo switch is locked at 30 fps with huge dips on all games, lemme see a game looking better than the last of us on wii u :]
your kidding bout the switch right? because 3ds and ds already had touchscreens and motion sensors... heck the wiiu gamepad and even the wii had motion sensors...

so your accusing nintendo of copying touchscreens that they had 3 consoles with it(ds,3ds,wiiu) and motion crap that nintendo had since the wii,3ds and wiiu?

switch is a natural evolution off wiiu and 3ds ... vita was the one that copied the 3ds with touchscreens and motion wich were built in on 3ds that released one year before the vita...

also last of us ps3 is a realistic game and nintendo doesnt do realistic games besides well metroid i guess and yeah gamecube metroid prime games and even RE4 looks miles better than shadow of the colussus or gow and re4 on ps2 is just fugly as hell because they had to downgrade the hell out of the game.heck Star wars rogue squadron games on both n64 and GC kick the ass of all games on ps1 and ps2 if you just want to see graphics galore...

Srs acusing nintendo of copying the vita when all the vita had was already on 3ds and even vita design is stolen from gba...
Last edited by pedro702,


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2016
your kidding bout the switch right? because 3ds and ds already had touchscreens and motion sensors... heck the wiiu gamepad and even the wii had motion sensors...

so your accusing nintendo of copying touchscreens that they had 3 consoles with it(ds,3ds,wiiu) and motion crap that nintendo had since the wii,3ds and wiiu?

switch is a natural evolution off wiiu and 3ds ... vita was the one that copied the 3ds with touchscreens and motion wich were built in on 3ds that released one year before the vita...

also last of us ps3 is a realistic game and nintendo doesnt do realistic games besides well metroid i guess and yeah gamecube metroid prime games and even RE4 looks miles better than shadow of the colussus or gow and re4 on ps2 is just fugly as hell because they had to downgrade the hell out of the game.heck Star wars rogue squadron games on both n64 and GC kick the ass of all games on ps1 and ps2 if you just want to see graphics galore...

Srs acusing nintendo of copying the vita when all the vita had was already on 3ds and even vita design is stolen from gba...
Again, i am not accusing nintendo of copying, i am saying it's a clone, did the ds and 3ds have touch screen on the "game" screen ? No, did the ds have motion control ? When did it ever have one ? It doesn't even have motion sensors. Nintendo doesn't do realistic games ? Because realistic games are too heavy on the console releasing 6 years after the ps3 kek.


GBATemp's official thinker™
Jan 18, 2017
There are too many Pokemon that look like one type but are another for that to work reliably.
Still. Even if kids can't really understand that, i still do think it's wrong from GameFreak's part to make the Pokémon game basically kid-only. There should be at least difficulty levels or something. It's really bad when everything just goes buttery smooth easy :/

The Real Jdbye

*is birb*
Mar 17, 2010
Still. Even if kids can't really understand that, i still do think it's wrong from GameFreak's part to make the Pokémon game basically kid-only. There should be at least difficulty levels or something. It's really bad when everything just goes buttery smooth easy :/
Pokemon games have almost always been easy.

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    oh man, that always goes great!
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