Hacking Wii U Hacking & Homebrew Discussion


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
The idea here is to try and get more people involved in understanding how to use what Hykem is working on, and give you an idea of what can be done with it.

For example:

Raw ARM/thumb code, unprocessed:
(Pretty much useless to all)
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3A01000, 0xE3A02003, 0xE59F0E68, 0xEB00B320, 0xE59F2F2C
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3A01603, 0xE5820000, 0xE59F0E58, 0xEB00BA7A, 0xE3500000
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xBA000020, 0xE3A00802, 0xEB00BA78, 0xE3500000, 0xBA00001C
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00B9AB, 0xE59F0E38, 0xE3A01010, 0xEB00BA40, 0xE59F3E30
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xE5830000, 0xBA000012, 0xE1A01000, 0xE59F0E20
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00B0F8, 0xE3500000, 0xBA000002, 0xE59F0E10, 0xE3A01FFA
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00BA76, 0xE59F5E00, 0xE59F0E04, 0xE5951000, 0xEB00B0EF
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xBA000004, 0xE59F0DF0, 0xE3A01FFA, 0xEB00BA6D
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xA0000BD
LOAD:10100274 dword_10100274  DCD 0xEB00BA16, 0xEB00BA1F, 0xE28DDE17, 0xE8BD8FF0              ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100584j
LOAD:10100284 dword_10100284  DCD 0xE352000D, 0xA000124, 0xE3520C01, 0x1A0000CC, 0xE59F0DC0   ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101005B4j
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xE5903000, 0xE3530000, 0xBA0000B1, 0xE59F0E4C, 0xE3A01CC6
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xE3A02040, 0xEB00BA51, 0xE2509000, 0x1A06009, 0x3E05015
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xA00009B, 0xE59F0E2C, 0xE3A01CC6, 0xE3A02040, 0xEB00BA49

Untouched as IDA Pro will decode it.
It's better than raw, but still pretty much useless as you don't know what it's doing without Segment Names, Cleartext CallNames and Labels.
LOAD:101001CC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001CC                 MOV     R1, #0
LOAD:101001D0                 MOV     R2, #3
LOAD:101001D4                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400AC
LOAD:101001D8                 BL      sub_1012CE60
LOAD:101001DC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001DC                 LDR     R2, =unk_10145000
LOAD:101001E0                 MOV     R1, #0x300000
LOAD:101001E4                 STR     R0, [R2]
LOAD:101001E8                 LDR     R0, =unk_10146060
LOAD:101001EC                 BL      sub_1012EBDC
LOAD:101001F0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001F0                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:101001F4                 BLT     loc_1010027C
LOAD:101001F8                 MOV     R0, #0x20000
LOAD:101001FC                 BL      sub_1012EBE4
LOAD:10100200 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100200                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100204                 BLT     loc_1010027C
LOAD:10100208                 BL      sub_1012E8BC
LOAD:1010020C                 LDR     R0, =unk_10146010
LOAD:10100210                 MOV     R1, #0x10
LOAD:10100214                 BL      sub_1012EB1C
LOAD:10100218 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100218                 LDR     R3, =unk_10146050
LOAD:1010021C                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100220                 STR     R0, [R3]
LOAD:10100224                 BLT     loc_10100274
LOAD:10100228                 MOV     R1, R0
LOAD:1010022C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400B0
LOAD:10100230                 BL      sub_1012C618
LOAD:10100234 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100234                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100238                 BLT     loc_10100248
LOAD:1010023C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400B0
LOAD:10100240                 MOV     R1, #0x3E8
LOAD:10100244                 BL      sub_1012EC24
LOAD:10100248 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100248 loc_10100248                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100238j
LOAD:10100248                 LDR     R5, =unk_10146050
LOAD:1010024C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400C0
LOAD:10100250                 LDR     R1, [R5]
LOAD:10100254                 BL      sub_1012C618
LOAD:10100258 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100258                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:1010025C                 BLT     loc_10100274
LOAD:10100260                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400C0
LOAD:10100264                 MOV     R1, #0x3E8
LOAD:10100268                 BL      sub_1012EC24
LOAD:1010026C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:1010026C                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100270                 BEQ     loc_1010056C
LOAD:10100274 loc_10100274                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100224j
LOAD:10100274                                                                                 ; LOAD:1010025Cj ...
LOAD:10100274                 BL      sub_1012EAD4
LOAD:10100278 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100278                 BL      sub_1012EAFC
LOAD:1010027C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:1010027C loc_1010027C                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101001F4j
LOAD:1010027C                                                                                 ; LOAD:10100204j
LOAD:1010027C                 ADD     SP, SP, #0x170
LOAD:10100280                 LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
LOAD:10100284 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100284 loc_10100284                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101005B4j
LOAD:10100284                 CMP     R2, #0xD
LOAD:10100288                 BEQ     loc_10100720
LOAD:1010028C                 CMP     R2, #0x100
LOAD:10100290                 BNE     loc_101005C8
LOAD:10100294                 LDR     R0, =unk_10145020
LOAD:10100298                 LDR     R3, [R0]
LOAD:1010029C                 CMP     R3, #0
LOAD:101002A0                 BLT     loc_1010056C
LOAD:101002A4                 LDR     R0, =0xCAFE
LOAD:101002A8                 MOV     R1, #0xC600
LOAD:101002AC                 MOV     R2, #0x40
LOAD:101002B0                 BL      sub_1012EBFC
LOAD:101002B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101002B4                 SUBS    R9, R0, #0
LOAD:101002B8                 MOVEQ   R6, R9
LOAD:101002BC                 MOVEQ   R5, 0xFFFFFFEA
LOAD:101002C0                 BEQ     loc_10100534
LOAD:101002C4                 LDR     R0, =0xCAFE
LOAD:101002C8                 MOV     R1, #0xC600
LOAD:101002CC                 MOV     R2, #0x40
LOAD:101002D0                 BL      sub_1012EBFC
LOAD:101002D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here is the same data adding in the Segment Names, Comments, CallNames and Stringing the Cleartext.
Now it can be read and understood what this section of code does.
(This is "Stage-One" labeling as I have not yet gone back and added in what the internal branches and compares do yet.)

IOS_USB:101001CC                 MOV             R1, #0
IOS_USB:101001D0                 MOV             R2, #3
IOS_USB:101001D4                 LDR             R0, =aUsb                                       ; "USB"
IOS_USB:101001D8                 BL              sub_1012CE60
IOS_USB:101001DC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101001DC                 LDR             R2, =dword_10145000
IOS_USB:101001E0                 MOV             R1, #0x300000
IOS_USB:101001E4                 STR             R0, [R2]
IOS_USB:101001E8                 LDR             R0, =dword_10146060
IOS_USB:101001EC                 BL              SysCall_0x24_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateLocalProcessHeap(void *ptr, int size)
IOS_USB:101001EC                                                                                 ; Create a new local process heap of size bytes
IOS_USB:101001EC                                                                                 ; Returns -> The heap ID or error (negative value)
IOS_USB:101001F0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101001F0                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:101001F4                 BLT             loc_1010027C
IOS_USB:101001F8                 MOV             R0, #0x20000
IOS_USB:101001FC                 BL              SysCall_0x25_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateCrossProcessHeap(int size)
IOS_USB:101001FC                                                                                 ; Create a new cross process heap of size bytes
IOS_USB:101001FC                                                                                 ; Returns -> The heap ID or error (negative value)
IOS_USB:10100200 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100200                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100204                 BLT             loc_1010027C
IOS_USB:10100208                 BL              sub_1012E8BC
IOS_USB:1010020C                 LDR             R0, =dword_10146010
IOS_USB:10100210                 MOV             R1, #0x10
IOS_USB:10100214                 BL              SysCall_0x0C_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateMessageQueue(u32 *ptr, u32 n_msgs)
IOS_USB:10100214                                                                                 ; Create a queue at ptr, for n_msgs messages
IOS_USB:10100214                                                                                 ; Returns -> The queue ID
IOS_USB:10100218 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100218                 LDR             R3, =dword_10146050
IOS_USB:1010021C                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100220                 STR             R0, [R3]
IOS_USB:10100224                 BLT             loc_10100274
IOS_USB:10100228                 MOV             R1, R0
IOS_USB:1010022C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc1                               ; "/dev/usbproc1"
IOS_USB:10100230                 BL              sub_1012C618
IOS_USB:10100234 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100234                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100238                 BLT             loc_10100248
IOS_USB:1010023C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc1                               ; "/dev/usbproc1"
IOS_USB:10100240                 MOV             R1, #0x3E8
IOS_USB:10100244                 BL              SysCall_0x2D_IOS_USB                            ; int device_associate(const char* device, int internal_id)
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; Associates a device to the specified internal IOS ID.
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; This ID appears to correspond to the cos.xml permissions groupid?
                                                                                                 ; This syscall isn't used with devices that don't require any permissions(and are PowerPC-accessible) it seems.
                                                                                                 ; It appears when this ID isn't listed in the cos.xml groupids at all, the device is ARM-only.
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:10100248 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100248 loc_10100248                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:10100238j
IOS_USB:10100248                 LDR             R5, =dword_10146050
IOS_USB:1010024C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc2                               ; "/dev/usbproc2"
IOS_USB:10100250                 LDR             R1, [R5]
IOS_USB:10100254                 BL              sub_1012C618
IOS_USB:10100258 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100258                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:1010025C                 BLT             loc_10100274
IOS_USB:10100260                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc2                               ; "/dev/usbproc2"
IOS_USB:10100264                 MOV             R1, #0x3E8
IOS_USB:10100268                 BL              SysCall_0x2D_IOS_USB                            ; int device_associate(const char* device, int internal_id)
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; Associates a device to the specified internal IOS ID.
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; This ID appears to correspond to the cos.xml permissions groupid? This syscall isn't used with devices that don't require any permissions(and are PowerPC-accessible) it seems. It appears when this ID isn't listed in the cos.xml groupids at all, the device is ARM-only.
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:1010026C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:1010026C                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100270                 BEQ             loc_1010056C
IOS_USB:10100274 loc_10100274                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:10100224j
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; IOS_USB:1010025Cj ...
IOS_USB:10100274                 BL              SysCall_0x03_IOS_USB                            ; int get_tid()
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; Get the current thread's ID
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; Returns -> Current threadid
IOS_USB:10100278 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100278                 BL              SysCall_0x08_IOS_USB                            ; int thread_suspend(int threadid)
IOS_USB:10100278                                                                                 ; Suspend the specified thread
IOS_USB:10100278                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:1010027C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:1010027C loc_1010027C                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:101001F4j
IOS_USB:1010027C                                                                                 ; IOS_USB:10100204j
IOS_USB:1010027C                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x170
IOS_USB:10100280                 LDMFD           SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
IOS_USB:10100284 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100284 loc_10100284                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:101005B4j
IOS_USB:10100284                 CMP             R2, #0xD
IOS_USB:10100288                 BEQ             loc_10100720
IOS_USB:1010028C                 CMP             R2, #0x100
IOS_USB:10100290                 BNE             loc_101005C8
IOS_USB:10100294                 LDR             R0, =dword_10145020
IOS_USB:10100298                 LDR             R3, [R0]
IOS_USB:1010029C                 CMP             R3, #0
IOS_USB:101002A0                 BLT             loc_1010056C
IOS_USB:101002A4                 LDR             R0, =0xCAFE
IOS_USB:101002A8                 MOV             R1, #0xC600
IOS_USB:101002AC                 MOV             R2, #0x40
IOS_USB:101002B0                 BL              SysCall_0x28_IOS_USB                            ; void* heap_alloc_aligned(int heapid, u32 size, u32 align)
IOS_USB:101002B0                                                                                 ; Allocate size bytes from the specified heap with the requested alignment
IOS_USB:101002B0                                                                                 ; Returns -> Pointer to aligned memory
IOS_USB:101002B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101002B4                 SUBS            R9, R0, #0
IOS_USB:101002B8                 MOVEQ           R6, R9
IOS_USB:101002BC                 MOVEQ           R5, #0xFFFFFFEA
IOS_USB:101002C0                 BEQ             loc_10100534
IOS_USB:101002C4                 LDR             R0, =0xCAFE
IOS_USB:101002C8                 MOV             R1, #0xC600
IOS_USB:101002CC                 MOV             R2, #0x40
IOS_USB:101002D0                 BL              SysCall_0x28_IOS_USB                            ; void* heap_alloc_aligned(int heapid, u32 size, u32 align)
IOS_USB:101002D0                                                                                 ; Allocate size bytes from the specified heap with the requested alignment
IOS_USB:101002D0                                                                                 ; Returns -> Pointer to aligned memory
IOS_USB:101002D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The big problem I see is there's no "Safe Haven" for people to discuss this type of thing.
If we try to do it here, the threads keep getting clogged with offtopic posts.

All that accomplishes is delays as everyone has to work in a vacuum to keep their sanity...

unfortunately i dont think the average person is gonna understand any of that.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
The idea here is to try and get more people involved in understanding how to use what Hykem is working on, and give you an idea of what can be done with it.

For example:

Raw ARM/thumb code, unprocessed:
(Pretty much useless to all)
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3A01000, 0xE3A02003, 0xE59F0E68, 0xEB00B320, 0xE59F2F2C
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3A01603, 0xE5820000, 0xE59F0E58, 0xEB00BA7A, 0xE3500000
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xBA000020, 0xE3A00802, 0xEB00BA78, 0xE3500000, 0xBA00001C
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00B9AB, 0xE59F0E38, 0xE3A01010, 0xEB00BA40, 0xE59F3E30
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xE5830000, 0xBA000012, 0xE1A01000, 0xE59F0E20
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00B0F8, 0xE3500000, 0xBA000002, 0xE59F0E10, 0xE3A01FFA
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xEB00BA76, 0xE59F5E00, 0xE59F0E04, 0xE5951000, 0xEB00B0EF
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xBA000004, 0xE59F0DF0, 0xE3A01FFA, 0xEB00BA6D
LOAD:101001CC                 DCD 0xE3500000, 0xA0000BD
LOAD:10100274 dword_10100274  DCD 0xEB00BA16, 0xEB00BA1F, 0xE28DDE17, 0xE8BD8FF0              ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100584j
LOAD:10100284 dword_10100284  DCD 0xE352000D, 0xA000124, 0xE3520C01, 0x1A0000CC, 0xE59F0DC0   ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101005B4j
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xE5903000, 0xE3530000, 0xBA0000B1, 0xE59F0E4C, 0xE3A01CC6
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xE3A02040, 0xEB00BA51, 0xE2509000, 0x1A06009, 0x3E05015
LOAD:10100284                 DCD 0xA00009B, 0xE59F0E2C, 0xE3A01CC6, 0xE3A02040, 0xEB00BA49

Untouched as IDA Pro will decode it.
It's better than raw, but still pretty much useless as you don't know what it's doing without Segment Names, Cleartext CallNames and Labels.
LOAD:101001CC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001CC                 MOV     R1, #0
LOAD:101001D0                 MOV     R2, #3
LOAD:101001D4                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400AC
LOAD:101001D8                 BL      sub_1012CE60
LOAD:101001DC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001DC                 LDR     R2, =unk_10145000
LOAD:101001E0                 MOV     R1, #0x300000
LOAD:101001E4                 STR     R0, [R2]
LOAD:101001E8                 LDR     R0, =unk_10146060
LOAD:101001EC                 BL      sub_1012EBDC
LOAD:101001F0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101001F0                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:101001F4                 BLT     loc_1010027C
LOAD:101001F8                 MOV     R0, #0x20000
LOAD:101001FC                 BL      sub_1012EBE4
LOAD:10100200 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100200                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100204                 BLT     loc_1010027C
LOAD:10100208                 BL      sub_1012E8BC
LOAD:1010020C                 LDR     R0, =unk_10146010
LOAD:10100210                 MOV     R1, #0x10
LOAD:10100214                 BL      sub_1012EB1C
LOAD:10100218 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100218                 LDR     R3, =unk_10146050
LOAD:1010021C                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100220                 STR     R0, [R3]
LOAD:10100224                 BLT     loc_10100274
LOAD:10100228                 MOV     R1, R0
LOAD:1010022C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400B0
LOAD:10100230                 BL      sub_1012C618
LOAD:10100234 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100234                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100238                 BLT     loc_10100248
LOAD:1010023C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400B0
LOAD:10100240                 MOV     R1, #0x3E8
LOAD:10100244                 BL      sub_1012EC24
LOAD:10100248 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100248 loc_10100248                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100238j
LOAD:10100248                 LDR     R5, =unk_10146050
LOAD:1010024C                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400C0
LOAD:10100250                 LDR     R1, [R5]
LOAD:10100254                 BL      sub_1012C618
LOAD:10100258 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100258                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:1010025C                 BLT     loc_10100274
LOAD:10100260                 LDR     R0, =unk_101400C0
LOAD:10100264                 MOV     R1, #0x3E8
LOAD:10100268                 BL      sub_1012EC24
LOAD:1010026C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:1010026C                 CMP     R0, #0
LOAD:10100270                 BEQ     loc_1010056C
LOAD:10100274 loc_10100274                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:10100224j
LOAD:10100274                                                                                 ; LOAD:1010025Cj ...
LOAD:10100274                 BL      sub_1012EAD4
LOAD:10100278 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100278                 BL      sub_1012EAFC
LOAD:1010027C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:1010027C loc_1010027C                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101001F4j
LOAD:1010027C                                                                                 ; LOAD:10100204j
LOAD:1010027C                 ADD     SP, SP, #0x170
LOAD:10100280                 LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
LOAD:10100284 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:10100284 loc_10100284                                                                    ; CODE XREF: LOAD:101005B4j
LOAD:10100284                 CMP     R2, #0xD
LOAD:10100288                 BEQ     loc_10100720
LOAD:1010028C                 CMP     R2, #0x100
LOAD:10100290                 BNE     loc_101005C8
LOAD:10100294                 LDR     R0, =unk_10145020
LOAD:10100298                 LDR     R3, [R0]
LOAD:1010029C                 CMP     R3, #0
LOAD:101002A0                 BLT     loc_1010056C
LOAD:101002A4                 LDR     R0, =0xCAFE
LOAD:101002A8                 MOV     R1, #0xC600
LOAD:101002AC                 MOV     R2, #0x40
LOAD:101002B0                 BL      sub_1012EBFC
LOAD:101002B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
LOAD:101002B4                 SUBS    R9, R0, #0
LOAD:101002B8                 MOVEQ   R6, R9
LOAD:101002BC                 MOVEQ   R5, 0xFFFFFFEA
LOAD:101002C0                 BEQ     loc_10100534
LOAD:101002C4                 LDR     R0, =0xCAFE
LOAD:101002C8                 MOV     R1, #0xC600
LOAD:101002CC                 MOV     R2, #0x40
LOAD:101002D0                 BL      sub_1012EBFC
LOAD:101002D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here is the same data adding in the Segment Names, Comments, CallNames and Stringing the Cleartext.
Now it can be read and understood what this section of code does.
(This is "Stage-One" labeling as I have not yet gone back and added in what the internal branches and compares do yet.)

IOS_USB:101001CC                 MOV             R1, #0
IOS_USB:101001D0                 MOV             R2, #3
IOS_USB:101001D4                 LDR             R0, =aUsb                                       ; "USB"
IOS_USB:101001D8                 BL              sub_1012CE60
IOS_USB:101001DC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101001DC                 LDR             R2, =dword_10145000
IOS_USB:101001E0                 MOV             R1, #0x300000
IOS_USB:101001E4                 STR             R0, [R2]
IOS_USB:101001E8                 LDR             R0, =dword_10146060
IOS_USB:101001EC                 BL              SysCall_0x24_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateLocalProcessHeap(void *ptr, int size)
IOS_USB:101001EC                                                                                 ; Create a new local process heap of size bytes
IOS_USB:101001EC                                                                                 ; Returns -> The heap ID or error (negative value)
IOS_USB:101001F0 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101001F0                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:101001F4                 BLT             loc_1010027C
IOS_USB:101001F8                 MOV             R0, #0x20000
IOS_USB:101001FC                 BL              SysCall_0x25_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateCrossProcessHeap(int size)
IOS_USB:101001FC                                                                                 ; Create a new cross process heap of size bytes
IOS_USB:101001FC                                                                                 ; Returns -> The heap ID or error (negative value)
IOS_USB:10100200 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100200                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100204                 BLT             loc_1010027C
IOS_USB:10100208                 BL              sub_1012E8BC
IOS_USB:1010020C                 LDR             R0, =dword_10146010
IOS_USB:10100210                 MOV             R1, #0x10
IOS_USB:10100214                 BL              SysCall_0x0C_IOS_USB                            ; int IOS_CreateMessageQueue(u32 *ptr, u32 n_msgs)
IOS_USB:10100214                                                                                 ; Create a queue at ptr, for n_msgs messages
IOS_USB:10100214                                                                                 ; Returns -> The queue ID
IOS_USB:10100218 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100218                 LDR             R3, =dword_10146050
IOS_USB:1010021C                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100220                 STR             R0, [R3]
IOS_USB:10100224                 BLT             loc_10100274
IOS_USB:10100228                 MOV             R1, R0
IOS_USB:1010022C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc1                               ; "/dev/usbproc1"
IOS_USB:10100230                 BL              sub_1012C618
IOS_USB:10100234 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100234                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100238                 BLT             loc_10100248
IOS_USB:1010023C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc1                               ; "/dev/usbproc1"
IOS_USB:10100240                 MOV             R1, #0x3E8
IOS_USB:10100244                 BL              SysCall_0x2D_IOS_USB                            ; int device_associate(const char* device, int internal_id)
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; Associates a device to the specified internal IOS ID.
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; This ID appears to correspond to the cos.xml permissions groupid?
                                                                                                 ; This syscall isn't used with devices that don't require any permissions(and are PowerPC-accessible) it seems.
                                                                                                 ; It appears when this ID isn't listed in the cos.xml groupids at all, the device is ARM-only.
IOS_USB:10100244                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:10100248 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100248 loc_10100248                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:10100238j
IOS_USB:10100248                 LDR             R5, =dword_10146050
IOS_USB:1010024C                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc2                               ; "/dev/usbproc2"
IOS_USB:10100250                 LDR             R1, [R5]
IOS_USB:10100254                 BL              sub_1012C618
IOS_USB:10100258 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100258                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:1010025C                 BLT             loc_10100274
IOS_USB:10100260                 LDR             R0, =aDevUsbproc2                               ; "/dev/usbproc2"
IOS_USB:10100264                 MOV             R1, #0x3E8
IOS_USB:10100268                 BL              SysCall_0x2D_IOS_USB                            ; int device_associate(const char* device, int internal_id)
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; Associates a device to the specified internal IOS ID.
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; This ID appears to correspond to the cos.xml permissions groupid? This syscall isn't used with devices that don't require any permissions(and are PowerPC-accessible) it seems. It appears when this ID isn't listed in the cos.xml groupids at all, the device is ARM-only.
IOS_USB:10100268                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:1010026C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:1010026C                 CMP             R0, #0
IOS_USB:10100270                 BEQ             loc_1010056C
IOS_USB:10100274 loc_10100274                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:10100224j
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; IOS_USB:1010025Cj ...
IOS_USB:10100274                 BL              SysCall_0x03_IOS_USB                            ; int get_tid()
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; Get the current thread's ID
IOS_USB:10100274                                                                                 ; Returns -> Current threadid
IOS_USB:10100278 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100278                 BL              SysCall_0x08_IOS_USB                            ; int thread_suspend(int threadid)
IOS_USB:10100278                                                                                 ; Suspend the specified thread
IOS_USB:10100278                                                                                 ; Returns -> 0 on success
IOS_USB:1010027C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:1010027C loc_1010027C                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:101001F4j
IOS_USB:1010027C                                                                                 ; IOS_USB:10100204j
IOS_USB:1010027C                 ADD             SP, SP, #0x170
IOS_USB:10100280                 LDMFD           SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
IOS_USB:10100284 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:10100284 loc_10100284                                                                    ; CODE XREF: IOS_USB:101005B4j
IOS_USB:10100284                 CMP             R2, #0xD
IOS_USB:10100288                 BEQ             loc_10100720
IOS_USB:1010028C                 CMP             R2, #0x100
IOS_USB:10100290                 BNE             loc_101005C8
IOS_USB:10100294                 LDR             R0, =dword_10145020
IOS_USB:10100298                 LDR             R3, [R0]
IOS_USB:1010029C                 CMP             R3, #0
IOS_USB:101002A0                 BLT             loc_1010056C
IOS_USB:101002A4                 LDR             R0, =0xCAFE
IOS_USB:101002A8                 MOV             R1, #0xC600
IOS_USB:101002AC                 MOV             R2, #0x40
IOS_USB:101002B0                 BL              SysCall_0x28_IOS_USB                            ; void* heap_alloc_aligned(int heapid, u32 size, u32 align)
IOS_USB:101002B0                                                                                 ; Allocate size bytes from the specified heap with the requested alignment
IOS_USB:101002B0                                                                                 ; Returns -> Pointer to aligned memory
IOS_USB:101002B4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
IOS_USB:101002B4                 SUBS            R9, R0, #0
IOS_USB:101002B8                 MOVEQ           R6, R9
IOS_USB:101002BC                 MOVEQ           R5, #0xFFFFFFEA
IOS_USB:101002C0                 BEQ             loc_10100534
IOS_USB:101002C4                 LDR             R0, =0xCAFE
IOS_USB:101002C8                 MOV             R1, #0xC600
IOS_USB:101002CC                 MOV             R2, #0x40
IOS_USB:101002D0                 BL              SysCall_0x28_IOS_USB                            ; void* heap_alloc_aligned(int heapid, u32 size, u32 align)
IOS_USB:101002D0                                                                                 ; Allocate size bytes from the specified heap with the requested alignment
IOS_USB:101002D0                                                                                 ; Returns -> Pointer to aligned memory
IOS_USB:101002D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The big problem I see is there's no "Safe Haven" for people to discuss this type of thing.
If we try to do it here, the threads keep getting clogged with offtopic posts.

All that accomplishes is delays as everyone has to work in a vacuum to keep their sanity...

quoted for truth


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2009
Sorry for asking but I just need a confirmation if possible.

For the current *lines/homebrew, i know i need to ideally be one 5.3.2.

However, based on current knowledge, will it be safe for me to update to 5.5.1 with intent to hack it down the line e.g. Ios u?


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
Sorry for asking but I just need a confirmation if possible.

For the current *lines/homebrew, i know i need to ideally be one 5.3.2.

However, based on current knowledge, will it be safe for me to update to 5.5.1 with intent to hack it down the line e.g. Ios u?
The IOSU exploit should work on all firmwares. Currently, all the fun is on 5.3.2 and 5.4.0, so better keep the lowest possible version.
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Reactions: sl0ps and tech3475


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2015
Whats the answer to this question?
What is the output of 'date -u +%F | sha1sum | head -c8; echo' ?
is for create an account on WiiUBrew but im spanish and i dont understand it

Jow Banks

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2015
Whats the answer to this question?
What is the output of 'date -u +%F | sha1sum | head -c8; echo' ?
is for create an account on WiiUBrew but im spanish and i dont understand it
You don't need an account on wiiubrew to read it - only to contribute if you have some valid technical data to offer.

The reason for the question is to prove you understand the technical nature of the site.
It's definitely not a place to ask questions.
(Also, the question isn't in "English" per say.)

Asking people questions there would more likely make them stop posting there too - so please don't or we all lose.

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    Biomutant looks cool tho, may have to try that
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    They have simulators for everything nowdays, cray cray. How about a sim that shows you playing the Switch.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    That's called yuzu
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    I want a 120hz 4k tv but crazy how more expensive the 120hz over the 60hz are. Or even more crazy is the price of 8k's.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    No real point since movies are 30fps
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Not a big movie buff, more of a gamer tbh. And Series X is 120hz 8k ready, but yea only 120hz 4k games out right now, but thinking of in the future.
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    Mostly why you never see TV manufacturers going post 60hz
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    Stremio ruined my need for nas
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    I stream from Nas to firestick, one on every tv, and use Kodi. I'm happy w it, plays everything. (I pirate/torrent shows/movies on pc, and put on nas)
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    Kodi repost are still pretty popular
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    What the hell is Kodi reposts? what do you mean, or "Wut?" -xdqwerty
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    Google them basically web crawlers to movie sites
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    oh you mean the 3rd party apps on Kodi, yea i know what you mean, yea there are still a few cool ones, in fact watched the new planet of the apes movie other night w wifey thru one, was good pic surprisingly, not a cam
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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: I got my Dad a firestick for Xmas and showed him those 3rd party sites on Kodi, he loves it, all...