You Think You Can Do Better? February Mini Contest! *CLOSED*


going hire Ronald McDonald To Gun Down Nintendo.
Apr 16, 2008
United States
i wish the prize was better cause i would have a HELL of a good game idea.


Sep 17, 2011
The Pacific Northwet
United States
I had an idea of a game that I personally would love to play, so might as well post it.
First off, it's an MMORPG. PVP is always on, and you have four factions (can't kill teammates) who are all working towards one goal - separately. This goal is to map the entire world.
The world has a massive map to explore, and each player has a device that maps the area they walk around. They can use this device to send their mapped area to their faction's tower, which has some sort of super-complex computer system (think Matrix) that notes where everyone's been on that team. If you can sneak into an enemy faction's tower, you'll have the ability to hack their server, which lets you either download or delete their map data. That'd save you a lot of time if other teams have explored more than you, but you'd have to know it somehow, I guess. Another way to get map data if you don't want to explore yourself, is to kill another player. They'll drop all of their map data since the last time they sent it to their tower, and you can add it to your database.
The main overworld has a building system (kinda like minecraft but cooler obviously) and the game would be called MapVenture because some losers took Mapquest

EDIT: I actually have a picture of what the players would look like, a friend made it in Cheetah.

I had other stuff to go with it but I can't remember. :/


The Life Hacker
Aug 13, 2011
My game would be build around the main character, and so far that's nearly all I know about it. Rather long wall of text incoming <-<

Your character, Par, would be a male with long blue hair and sparkling blue eyes, as if they're gems. He's an orphan who was found on the door steps of temple, and nobody knows who, or what his parents could be due to his unnatural hair colour and eyes. The Royal Family raises him, since they have bodyguard so Par's bodyguard has the job to kill him if he turns out to be some Demon, like some people fear, and the Queen is kindhearted and refuses to let anyone harm Par since he is just a child.

When Par is 18, a war breaks out when Demon King manages to break the barrier between the worlds and Demons start crossing over. In the war council, people get suspicious and think Par might become a risk to the war plans by turning on the King's forces and leading an assault to their flank or back. Par blows a fuse and demands to lead the first attack so he can't sneak around their unprotected sides. He gets his request granted, and is allowed to lead the charge. He also forces himself to wield the only weapon able to wound the Demon King. He was the last person to be allowed to try to wield it, and when everyone else fails, he disregards the pain and acts like he is the Chosen. The fate of the real Chosen will forever be a mystery. Par end up somehow managing to wound the Demon King and buy them time before a new confrontation for a new Chosen to appear. Though he gets wounded mortally, and is barely hanging to life. In this state, he has a vision where the Gods speak to him. They thank him for taking up the role of the missing Chosen, and offer him immortality so he can make sure no other Chosen people, neither good nor evil, go missing or die before fullfilling their destiny. Par accepts, and is granted the ability to use power of the Gods. So he's not purely on the good side, but has occasionally help the evil side too.

As for his power, he's able to do pretty much anything he wants. But, since he started as a mortal, his body cannot handle too much of the power without starting to break apart. These wounds can't be instantly healed with his recovery ability (with which he can instantly heal nearly any wound, until of course he goes past his limits) but rather take a few days to heal. And he is unable to hurt anyone with a Destiny, be they good guys or bad guys, in a way that could possibly lead to their death, meaning pretty much all he can do is slap them. If he tries anything more than that, he gets blocked by a barrier and his attack deflected.

His immortality also has downsides. Since he can't die, he can be tortured, and that can cause him to become scared to death of someone. This happens with Demon King after some incarnations. Since the Demon King needs a vessel to manifest himself in, Par can't recognise him instantly, and gets paralysed with fear whenever he realises it's the Demon King, or whenever he notices signs of him getting angry.

Gameplay would consist of protecting the Chosens and making sure nothing happens to them. Depending on how well you protect the Chosen, the outcome of the Clash changes. During this, Par can't do anything to affect the outcome besides keep possible intruders away. You'd have tons of skills you can set into groups to be assigned to controls, and these sets can be swapped on the fly. You'd have both action and puzzle solving. You'd also have a chance to go explore the world freely when you're not needed.


From somewhere inside the rabbit hole...
Jun 23, 2009
Visit site
I have a good idea but first :

If I write a game idea that's original will you help me fund it and design it, so will I have a team of artists and stuff or do I need to provide that my self.

Also do you want the game for a specific device like iOS ,Win,Wii or Wii U, PS3,PS4, Vita,and so.

Will it be a Copy Righted or CC(Creative Commons) type of licence.

Do you honestly think that he'll give you money to make your game?
If he had that kind of money, the prize would be a bit better than one flashcard.


Fackin' Troller
Oct 24, 2008
Major Pain is my original idea for an arcade system that incorporates an actual (minor) pain inflicting mechanism into the core gameplay of the rail shooter genre. This is somewhat inspired by the machines that electric shock you to see how much you can take before letting go. In this case, however, the purpose is to add a level of immersion and realism to the gameplay. Did you ever give your friends a dead arm/leg, a "charlie horse" or "corky" in high school? Were you ever on the receiving end? Well, this game can bring back those painfulloving memories.

How it works

To start the game, you would step onto a platform with four positions for your feet. Each position has a pressure sensor so that, if your feet leave the area, the game considers you to have conceded and is over (no, you don't get your fucking quid/quarter back). Around the position you stand at is an arch. Above you, on the arch, is a kinect-like camera system that can detect where your arms are. On the sides of the arch, and in front of you, are various pain inflicting mechanisms. These aren't designed to really hurt, just a minor poke or jab to punish your mistakes.

So, you begin the game. Major Pain is your commanding officer amid a gun fight, as you storm through enemy territory. The kinect-like system and feet positions allow you to take cover behind objects whilst in the gun fight. For instance, let's say you're next to a large rock. For argument's sake, let's say it's on your left. Having your feet on a left pad and a right pad means you're exposed and vulnerable. Having both feet on the left pads would mean you're taking cover behind a rock. If you stay there too long, the enemy could reposition and shoot at you from the right or run up and stab you with a knife. So let's go back to being exposed. If an enemy gets a shot off on you, a tiny rod fires very quickly out of the arch or cabinet in a bid to hit you. If it hits you in a non-critical place, you lose health. If it hits you in the chest or stomach, you die. If you manage to move out of the way without completely stepping off the panels, you can keep going (did I mention the rods have sensors in them). Close up attacks, like being stabbed or hit with a 2-by-something, would be unavoidable (hello again, Kinect-like system), larger and slightly more painful than the rods that represent bullets.

If you flee, Major Pain yells at you very loud so that everyone in the vicinity knows you chickened out. "You pussy, get back here or I'll shoot you myself!".

The attack mechanisms would be designed to hit you in safe places, like your shoulders and thighs. Naturally, there'd have to be a lot of warning signs up so that, by playing the game, you agree not to sue if you do something stupid like stick your eye in front of one of the rods that pokes you. Like I said, the point isn't to hurt you a lot, just to make you look stupid in front of your friends. No under 18s and people below a certain height could be detected by the kinect-like cameras.

Other than that, it's like most generic rail shooters. I'd like to think it's an original twist on the genre, though.

If it was popular, I could imagine it spawning more intense versions. Imagine being surrounded by Zombies and the arcade machine is beating the shit out of you (but not really) because you're getting bites and scratches all over.

PS, uh copyright 2013 McHaggis Enterprises Holdings LLC Incorporated Limited :D


Self proclaimed Pog champion
Aug 25, 2011
A concrete Igloo
A holiday themed stealth game for the kiddies. You can choose between the easter bunny or santa clause or however you spell that dudes name. Santa's levels revolve around stuffing stockings placed in various areas and ensuring you deliver the presents under the tree without waking anybody up. The easter bunny stages are more open where you have a certain amount of candy that must be placed all over the house; where different areas will yeild more points. in order to beat a stage you need to both deliver all the candy while not waking anybody up and getting or exceeding a predetermined score

Both characters have timed levels and a leader-board will be implemented. traps and other obstacles, like dogs will also play a role in things.
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Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
Gang Bangers, its a game about building a successful gang!!!

Use beat ins to increase member loyalty!!!
Put snitches in stitches!!!
Sell drugs!!!
Bribes to local officials and death threats to keep the ones that can't be bought in line!!!
Graphiti to let other gangs know to keep out.... or else!
Gang Wars!!!

Could be like an cool MMO game with lots of missions and stuff... lol

Edit: I forgot to mention Tattoos, drive by's and cool music.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
I have a history of getting my posts/threads deleted here, so I'll try to keep this simple...

You play a schizophrenic game developer whose life has fallen apart. You decide to do good for future humanity by profiling, torturing and murdering rapists, paedophiles and other child abusers in an attempt to "clean the world". You must properly profile your subjects and gather undisputable evidence about them by detailed surveillance.

The first challenge of the game is to pick the correct subjects, in other words, you can't just pick guys out by how they look. Just because someone doesn't bother to brush their hair obsessively, keep up with the latest fashions or get enough sleep with dark circles under their eyes, doesn't mean he's scum and deserves the next step of the game, just because he "looks like a rapist", as if there is such a concept. The player must be meticulous about someone's character, not their appearance. Capturing an innocent subject is instant game over. More often than not, the scum _appear_ to be socially acceptable and sometimes surprisingly young too.

Next, once the profiling is complete, you must capture the subject and return them to your "lair", where you begin the torture. The aim is to keep them alive as long as possible while prolonging the suffering as much as possible. Techniques include removing layers of flesh from the face and applying substances like lemon juice and salt, removing fingers, toes, ears, nose and eyeballs (this should be done lastly as to allow your subject to witness his own mutilation) and forcing the subject to ingest his own severed body parts, both external and internal, and applying electrical charges to exposed nerve endings, among a multitude of other things to inflict the most degradation and suffering as possible before the subject expires, essentially forcing him to devour himself alive.

You must then make your "work" known to the media and police by sending photos, videos and detailed descriptions. The ultimate aim of the game is the impact this has on society. You must make the detectives investigating your case, the ones exposed to the uncensored evidence, vomit all over their desk at the office. The more colourful and chunky the vomit and the more violently it's projected around the office, will earn you points to increase your score. Highest points are awarded if the detective vomits chunks of puke so violently that it knocks the picture of his wife and daughter right off the edge of the desk and into the small trash basket below. This is worth 1000 points. You must also make headline news on TV and in newspapers, and when you next go out to profile your victims there are many less to choose from, at the same time as innocent people losing sleep and having dark circles under their eyes, the possibility of incorrect profiling increases, making the game much harder to play successfully.


Resident Furvert™
Feb 4, 2010
Cave Entrance, Watching Cyan Write Letters
United States
Futuristic MMO.

We've discovered how to warp to other planets, and found that a few of them have some Unobtanium, but are also full of hostile aliens (animal-level intelligence). This unobtanium isn't a requirement for our society (it's not a power source or anything we need to function) so big corporations don't care to send teams to get it, it's mainly bounty hunters and freelancers that use it as an exciting money source (see croc hunters and bounty hunters IRL).

  • Characters
    • No classes. Whichever type of combat style and stuff you use it's because you, the player, personally prefer it and have been training that type of stuff. If you want to try something else, you can do that without having to restart your character.

    • Races may exist depending on the story of the world, but if so they'd just affect look and starting stats.

    • Fame/notoriety will exist, but not in the form of a stat per character that affects NPC relations (NPCs consider all characters the same). Characters who raise their stats really high, do the most missions, get the best PvP record and stuff like that will be shown at the top of various stat/score leaderboards (or newspapers or something) in-game. Players who are consistently good at certain activities will thus start showing up on those boards often, and people might start recognizing their names.

    • Strength and survivability will mainly come from skills and experience (both in-game, and a player's experience with the combat). Standard player levels might not even be counted or amount to much, since what you train is individual skills.

  • PvE / Missions
    • PvE is generally free-for-all, and the main mode.

      • The areas you can visit at the start are limited mainly to keep newbies from wandering into stronger areas. The restrictions will be lifted fairly quickly (within a few levels/missions), as soon as you can be sure players know how to tell how difficult an area is.

      • Anybody can just teleport down to the planet and start killing stuff and gathering resources without needing a mission. The futher into the planet's wilderness you work, the better stuff you'll find, but the more dangerous the standard wildlife, and the bigger the chance of finding a random boss or something. Compare how dangerous the side of a highway is, to how dangerous a bear's den in the woods is for an example.

    • Monsters will have variances. They'll range in size and stats slightly, and they'll show up with different colorations and coat patterns (like real animals do). In addition they'll have a few types of AI to choose from to simulate some animals being shy, some being more territorial, behavioral differences between males and females, etc. This will make standard combat a bit less boring since you won't be doing the exact same movements over and over.

    • Missions are related to various small storylines between NPCs (grabbing an item they dropped, researching a certain monster) and mainly there to give optional little stories the players can progress through whenever. There is no single overarching storyline, but the individual quest lines will generally get more difficult as you work through them.

    • Because these alien planets are hostile all-over, there's no settlements. You get teleported to a planet, and when you're done with whatever you teleport back.

      • Teleporting back takes ~7 seconds to set up, so it can't be used as an emergency combat escape.

      • If your character takes too much damage, their equipment triggers an emergency mode and force-teleports you back... but this is a quick, rough teleport and focuses on just you, so some of your equipment/items will be left behind. Also you'll need some medical attention depending on the extent of your injuries. This should provide a good enough penalty for dying to make players a little cautious.

  • PvP
    • PvP will exist, but be optional. It'll have two forms, good ol' PKing, and PvP minigames.

    • Player-killing will likely have a dedicated planet or two that's lawless. Teleport there, kill some players, loot some junk, and try not to get shanked. If you don't want it, stay off those planets.

    • PvP minigames will take place in the civilized areas, and be sport-oriented. Things like future paintball and combat and sports (capture the flag, etc.), where weapons used (if any) are in stun-mode and things of that nature. These will be open to spectators and have leaderboards and junk to encourage players to show off.

  • Weapons
    • Laser swords and such exist, but projectile weapons are still king on the battlefield. Handheld weapons are available, but most people use them as backups, assassination, or just for fighting the less-dangerous monsters without ammo waste, since there's little to no upkeep costs on them. Most animals don't use ranged attacks, but it's always best to stay further away from the jaws that can bite you to death, 'ya know?

    • You won't be level-restricted on weapons, anybody can technically use anything. What stops everybody from grabbing the biggest weapon out there is...

      • Initial cost. IRL, anybody can afford a starter $150 handgun online if they really need it, but if you want a big ol' 50-cal sniper rifle you need to shell out thousands of dollars for a good brand. In the game, newbies will start out with more basic equipment until they save up for the more advanced stuff.

      • Rarity. Simple handguns are easy to find, but a low-production futuristic magnum-whatever revolver is harder to find, and will be less traded.

      • Upkeep cost. Replacement parts for stock handguns are easier to find and cheaper than replacement parts for handheld grenade launchers or whatever.

    • Weapons can be upgraded/modified. After you've used a single particular weapon for a bit, you'll get more used to it, and you can make modifications to it. The modifications affect the stats/handling, and most are double-edged swords.

      • Put more charge into each bullet. Increases velocity and thus damage, but also increases recoil.

      • Make the "magazine" larger. You can fire more without reloading, but reloading is slower and the mag adds some more weight.

      • Increase the power of your beam sword-thingy. Makes it better at cutting through hides, but it's activation time drops before recharging.

      • etc.

    • Weapon proficiency is a thing, and is split into categories and individual types. Proficiency goes up by using those specific weapons/actions, in battle or out (a shooting range is good practice for reloading and aiming, no reason you shouldn't get EXP just because you're not in danger).

      • Categories will be broad and be things like projectile, explosive, and hand-to-hand (and/or sword?). If you've used a handgun for a while but never used a rifle, you'll still know more about how the rifle works and such than somebody who's never shot a gun ever (but less than somebody used to rifles in particular), that's the broad category giving you it's benefit.

      • Individual types will be specific to weapon classes. Handguns function different from revolvers, SMGs from rifles, etc.

      • Weapon proficiency affects use in general, such as ease and speed of reloading, aiming, all that jazz. When your proficiency is full you handle weapons like video game characters (who magically know how to operate anything they pick up), anything less than full is a penalty from that (as far as people who play other videogames would be concerned).

  • Armor
    • Full-body or partial flak vests and/or shark-mail type things. Since in the future this type of stuff is freely-available and worn by treasure and bounty hunters, there's all sorts of decoration possible.

      • How much of what type of armor you wear effects...

        • Your armor rating versus various types of damage.

        • Your movement speed (the penalty can be offset by raising your stats).

        • How quickly and well you can perform actions such as reloading and digging through your inventory (the penalty can be offset by raising your stats).

Holy shit that took forever.
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Feb 18, 2009
In the here and now, baby
United States
Unfortunately I am currently lacking in visual aids..
2. All idea must be original. Be sure to research your idea before you submit it. If it's been done, I'll just skip it over entirely.

Who is the judge of that? Because I can assure you, aside from games that rely on some nonexistent or brand-new peripheral (someone suggested a pain machine?), there are no original ideas. The other day my buddy in 'Game Design' was like, "I want to make a rhythm/music based fighter cuz I don't think that's been explored yet" and I'm like, "I CAN NAME FOUR." Not to say that those are bad ideas, but man... I could go total Hollywood Screenwriter a-hole on some of these ideas. "Oh I see, so it's like Moon:Remix meets Segagaga, how droll..."


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
...there are no original ideas... I could go total Hollywood Screenwriter a-hole on some of these ideas.
Oops, you failed to read my post thoroughly. And don't mention Manhunt unless you wish to be so arrogantly broad that you become invalid and useless, only proving that there aren't nearly enough paedophile-torturing games out there.

You also can't compare it with any innocent young female torturing games, of which there are countless and what brings me to bother posting the idea originally. It's not about bringing oneself pleasure, it's completely about bringing others suffering, and so a completely different premise. It also can't be compared with any obscure Flash game where every victim would look like Ron Perlman or Peter O'Toole. The whole point is that some of them, perhaps even many of them, look a lot like Matt Damon and Zac Efron, making it perhaps moreso educational than entertaining.
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Magnificent Bastard
Dec 23, 2008
United States
Buddy Cop-style game that pairs you up with someone with a similar amount of games in their steam library and a low number of mutually-owned titles so you get someone with differing taste, or maybe even a short personality quiz to get someone who'd be a good foil to you. Doesn't tell you who they are, speech is exclusively scripted, choice filled dialogue with several different voice actors. Towns would be randomly generated by generating a bunch of buildings, giving them purposes, generating workers and customers, generating families for them, and generating households for them. It'd randomly generate a big mystery for you to solve with a bunch of sidequests and stuff, and after that mystery was solved you'd retire, and your impact on the town, positive and negative, would be measured up to give you a final score. Then the town would generate new mysteries based on crimes solved previously, and you could upload your game to a server where people could share their own towns and shizz. All with dynamically generated newspapers, dialogue, houses, and characters. If a character worked in a labor-intensive field, he'd be lean and muscular, if he ran a bank or something he'd be fat and short with a trophy wife. They'd all have specific schedules and shit, too, so you could track characters to find out their schedules or ask around town. It'd be a town simulation that you solved crimes in, basically.

This is basically my dream game, mostly because I really don't think any game has properly done the whole buddy cop thing properly yet, save for LA Noire, which is a bit short for my tastes.


Just your friendly neighborhood Transbian.
Former Staff
Aug 29, 2008
Hiatus Hell
Who is the judge of that? Because I can assure you, aside from games that rely on some nonexistent or brand-new peripheral (someone suggested a pain machine?), there are no original ideas. The other day my buddy in 'Game Design' was like, "I want to make a rhythm/music based fighter cuz I don't think that's been explored yet" and I'm like, "I CAN NAME FOUR." Not to say that those are bad ideas, but man... I could go total Hollywood Screenwriter a-hole on some of these ideas. "Oh I see, so it's like Moon:Remix meets Segagaga, how droll..."

No original ideas? I remember someone saying that about the patent system a long ass time ago, and he's been proven wrong every day since that quote was made.

Ever heard of a game where instead of just chopping up ingredients for a meal cooking mama style, you have to beat them into submission Street Fighter style? No? That's because it's my original idea. And for the record, I'm the judge, the jury and the executioner. I am the law.



Feb 18, 2009
In the here and now, baby
United States
No original ideas? I remember someone saying that about the patent system a long ass time ago, and he's been proven wrong every day since that quote was made.

Ever heard of a game where instead of just chopping up ingredients for a meal cooking mama style, you have to beat them into submission Street Fighter style? No? That's because it's my original idea. And for the record, I'm the judge, the jury and the executioner. I am the law.

Is that a joke?ō


Just your friendly neighborhood Transbian.
Former Staff
Aug 29, 2008
Hiatus Hell

I didn't say sidescroller beat-em-up style, I said Street Fighter style. If you want to take the time to prove me wrong at least have a bit of reading comprehension. That being said, it seems like you're trying hard to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Please stop and let the contest continue normally.
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