you can make guest network on router
The problem with that is that many guest networks require you to accept "terms and conditions" when you connect. The bad part? The og ds DOES NOT have a built in web browser to do so. Yes, I know the of ds/ds lite had a separate browser that could be purchased. But I'm not shure if it would work. And yes the dsi and 3ds have browsers as well And they work on WPA, yes while this is correct these browsers would be useless as og ds games use completely different set connection settings than the dsi/3ds(wich use the same) if you are playing dsi ware /dsi game or a dsi enhanced title (such as pokemon black/white/2 you could use your normal router, as the dsi has capability to connect to WPA and sertan games were programmed to tale advantage of it.
NOTE you must be playing on a dsi/xl or a 3ds/xl/2ds/New 3ds/xl for this to work because again the of ds did not have this function.
So if you are playing a og ds (non dsi enhanced) then maybe use the purchaceable browser. If that works then you would follow these steps
1. Go to th wifi settings in the browser
2. Wipe all connection settings
3. Create a New connection with the guest network, test it, then exit back to the browser
4. Open a New page and see if the sign in page opens, if not then your adventure ends here and this won't work
5. If it worked, then agree and connect
6. Test it by googling something
7.If it is still working then pat yourself on the back because you are almost done!
8. Exit the game and such (we don't want to just turn it off and corrupt the connection data)
9. Okay now this is a BIG MAYBE but turn off your ds, and insert your action replay and game/patched Rom (with flashcard) and hope that it works
10. Go set up the wifi again
11. Enter the server stuff for whatever you are using.( wiimmfc, altwifi, ext)
12. Attempt to connect to the game servers
13. Profit?
Okay now if you are wondering what I'm talking about then listen closely
Think of the "ip address" as a name on a guess list and the encryption as the bouncer looking for phonies
So as long as you make a reservation by agreeing you should be fine as long as the following don't happen.,
1. Change your ip/"name"
(NOTE your ip address will most likely change at some point in the future, this is normal and done for security reasons. If this happens, just use the browser to accept the terms /"reserve a spot"
2. Some guest networks only let you on for a set amount of time, this can usually be changed in the router settings though.
If not, then enjoy your 30 mins of mario kart!
The way the guest encryption works is pretty simple, first it redirects your hompage to be an unlisted page where the have their rules and such.
Then by agreeing your current ip address has the okay to pass through security and use normal wifi
(Unless things are blocked by an admin)
So when you try to connect in the other game it sees your ip as "safe" and allows it to pass no problem.
So yeah congrats if It worked, and sorry for wasting your time if it didn't.
Also if the game switch didn't work you still can technically connect to the server with just the browser by
Making an AR code or patching the Rom for a flashcart, then enter the addresses and stuff in the settings,
And if that worked then now here is where things get...
Funny? You can connect to the custom server now,
But only sorta, as you won't be able to play the game
Not shure if that part was much use though