Hacking Wood R4 Language files


New Member
Aug 26, 2010
Hello all. I am Long, i'm from VietNam. I see on forum your team have add language for System of wood-R4. Can you help me and Vietnamese add "System language setting" to System language setting of wood R4. I and me temp support to you. My english isn't good expect you to quit too.
Some thing under is demo my translation you can see and you can comment:
QUOTE said:
[start menu]
Copy = Sao chép
Cut = C?t
Paste = Dán
Delete = Xóa
Setting = Cài ??t
Info = Thông tin
Help = Tr? giúp
Tools = Công c?

[message box]
yes = Có
no = Không
ok = OK
cancel = H?y b?

[progress window]
processing save = Ti?n hành ti?t ki?m ?i?n n?ng
processing copy = Sao chép t?p tin, ??ng t?t ngu?n, %c h?y b?
first use sd = Ki?m tra th? nh? tr??c khi s? d?ng
gba load = ?ang vào trò ch?i gba
gba save load = ?ang tru c?p l?u tr? gba
gba save store = ?ang l?u tr? trò ch?i gba, ??ng t?t ngu?n
erase nor = Xóa b? th? nh?

[copy file error]
title = L?i
text = T?p tin không th? truy c?p

[copy file exists]
title = C?nh báo
text = Có m?t t?p tin cùng tên ?ã t?n t?i, ghi ?è nên nó?

[copy dest is directory]
title = L?i
text = Có m?t th? m?c cùng tên ?ã t?n t?i, không th? sao chép t?p tin g?c.

[move dest is directory]
title = L?i
text = Có m?t th? m?c cùng tên ?ã t?n t?i, không th? di chuy?n t?p tin g?c.

[no copy dir]
title = L?i
text = Th? m?c này hi?n t?i không h? tr? saochép/dichuy?n.

[stop copying file]
title = Ng?ng sao chép t?p tin
text = B?n có mu?n ng?ng sao chép?

[confirm delete file]
title = Xác nh?n
text = T?p tin không th? ph?c h?i sau khi xóa, ti?p t?c xóa "%s"?

[do not delete directory]
title = C?nh báo
text = Th? m?c ?ang ???c s? d?ng, không th? xóa b?.

[restore save fail]
title = L?i
text = Không th? khôi ph?c d? li?u l?u tr?.

[language changed]
title = Câu h?i
text = H? thông ngôn ng? có s? thay ??i, Kh?i ??ng l?i h? th?ng ?? s? d?ng ngôn ng? m?i? Ch?n "Không" ?? khi khác thay ??i.

[ui style changed]
title = Câu h?i
text = Giao di?n b? ???c thay ??i, Kh?i ??ng l?i h? th?ng ?? s? d?ng giao di?n m?i? Ch?n "Không" ?? ti?p t?c s? d?ng giao di?n hi?n hành.
If have good comment i can do next
Thank for read it.
Thank you very much.


Dec 18, 2010
Visit site
My translation to basque language:
main = liberation.pcf
language = 1

[start menu]
Copy = Berridatzi
Cut = Moztu
Paste = Itsasi
Delete = Ezabatu
Setting = Opzioak
Info = Informazioa
Help = Laguntza
Tools = Herramintak
START = Hasiera

[message box]
yes = Bai
no = Ez
ok = Baieztatu
cancel = Ezeztatu

[progress window]
processing save = Kargatzen...
processing copy = Berridazten... Sakatu %c ezeztazteko.
first use sd = Antolatzen micro SD-a lehenengo erabiltzarako...
gba load = GBA jokua kargatzen...
gba save load = GBA-ko save-a kargatzen...
gba save store = Biltegiratzen GBA-ko save-a...
erase nor = NOR memoria ezabatzea

[copy file error]
title = Errorea
text = Zehaztu duzun artxiboa ez da existitzen.

[copy file exists]
title = Oharpidea
text = Izen hori daukan beste artxibo bat existitzen da. Ordezkatu nahi duzu?

[copy dest is directory]
title = Errorea
text = Izen hori daukan beste direktorio bat existitzen da. Jatorrizko artxiboa ezin da berridatzi.

[move dest is directory]
title = Errorea
text = Izen hori daukan beste direktorio bat existitzen da. Ezin da mugitu jatorrizko artxiboa.

[no copy dir]
title = Errorea
text = Direktorioak berridaztea eta/edo mugitzea ezin da oraindik.

[stop copying file]
title = Oharpidea
text = seguru zaude berridazketa geldi nahi duzula?

[confirm delete file]
title = Oharpidea
text = Artxiboa behin ezabatzean, ezingo duzu eskuratuko. Ezabatu "%s" bai ala bai?

[do not delete directory]
title = Errorea
text = Direktorioa ez dago hutsik. Ezin da ezabatu.

[restore save fail]
title = Errorea
text = Gorde dauden datuen restaurazioa huts egin du.

[language changed]
title = Abisua
text = Sistemaren hizkuntza aldatu da. Firmwarea berpistu behar duzu aldaketak gordetzeko. Orain egin nahi duzu? Ezeztatu gero hori egiteko.

[ui style changed]
title = Abisua
text = Interfaz grafikoa aldatu da. Firmwarea berpiztu behar duzu aldaketak gordetzeko. Orain egin nahi duzu? Ezeztatu orain duzun interfaza ez aldatzeko.

[setting window]
ok = OK
savetype = Opzioak
cancel = Ezeztatu
confirm = Abisua
confirm text = ¿Ajusteak gorde nahi dituzu?
close = Itxi
system = Sistema
interface = Interfaza
filesystem = Archibo sistema
gba = GBA
patches = Partxea

[save type]
title = Opzioak
text = Save mota
Unknown = automatikoa
No Save = ez gordetu
4K = 4K
64K = 64K
512K = 512K
1M = 1M
2M = 2M
4M = 4M
8M = 8M
16M = 16M
32M = 32M
64M = 64M
default = por defecto
save slot = Gordetzeko Slot-a
tab1 = Konpatibilitatea
tab2 = Ezaugarriak

[system setting]
title = Sistema ajusteak
safe mode = Aseguru egoteko mota

[rom info]
title = Artxiboaren informazioa.
file date = Azken aldaketa: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d(GMT).
file size = Tamaina: %s.
save type = Save mota: %s
game code = Jokuaren ID-a: %s.
copy slot = Slot-a berridatzi.

[disk info]
total = Edukiera: %s.
used = Toki erabilia: %s.
free = Toki librea: %s.

[no free space]
title = Errorea
text = Unitatean ez dago beharrezko espazioa.

[unsupported sd]
title = Errorea
text = Micro SD txarteka hau (modelo: %s) ROM-ak edo homebrew-ak kargatzeko ez da egokia. Acekard R.P.G. aren barne memoriaren beste exekutable edo egingarri batekin saiatu.

[sd card error]
title = Errorea
text = Micro SD-ako datuak ezin dira erabili. Agian gaizki sartuta dago Flashcard-a.

[no sd for save]
title = Errorea
text = Ezin da micro SD-ra iritsi. Duela gutxi exekutatu duzun artxiboaren gordetutako datuak, idatziko egingo dira "%S" an.

[no gba card]
title = Errorea
text = SLOT-2-ko flashcard-rik ez dago (EZ Flash 3-in-1 bezalakoa) Nintendo-an. Ezin da jarraitu.

[filelist type]
text = Erakusteko artxibo motak
item0 = NDS
item1 = NDS y SAV
item2 = Denak

[rom trim]
text = ROM-ak trimmeatu berridatzitakoan.
item0 = ez
item1 = bai

text = Idioma
ja = ???
en = ingelera
fr = frantzesa
de = alemaniera
it = italiera
es = gaztelania

[ui style]
text = Interfaz grafikoa

[help window]
title = Laguntza informazioa
item0 = %c Menuan zehar mugitzea / opzioak aukeratu
item1 = %c Hasi / kargatu / baieztatu
item2 = %c Atzera / ezeztatu
item3 = %c Artxiboaren informazioa ikusi / save mota aukeratu
item4 = %c Micro SD eta Gogokoen artean alternatu
item5 = %c Atzeko direktoriora bueltatu
item6 = %c Retroiluminazioa ajustatu
item7 = %s Hasierako menua
item8 = %s Artxibuen listaren moldea aldetu

[exp window]
button = 3 en 1
title = 3 en 1 expansioaren ajusteak
ram = RAM
sram = SRAM
off = desaktibatua
low = txikia
mid = ertaina
high = altua
strength = Fuerza de vibración
flash to nor = NOR modura
copy to psram = RAM modura

[abort save]
title = Abisua
text = Prozesua geldi nahi duzu?

[gba warn]
title = Errorea
text = 32MB baino gehiagoko ROM-ak ezin dira kargatu.

download play = DS DESKARGA
cheating system = Cheats / azpijokoak (AR)
reset in game = Jokuan berpizketa
dma = DMA modua
protection = Protekzioa salatzea
linkage = GBA-rekin Enlazar con GBA
sd save = SD-an gorde direktuki

Enable = bai
Disable = ez
Global = global (%s)

[ram allocation]
title = Errorea
memory allocation error = Memoria aukeraketako errorea.

fast = azkarra
medium = erdikoa
slow = motela

[file settings]
title = Artxib sistemaren ajusteak
show hidden files = Artxibo ezkutuak erakutsi
save extension = Save-en extensioa

[interface settings]
title = Interfazaren ajusteak
scrolling speed = Lekualdaketaren azkatasuna
filelist style = Artxibo listaren estiloa
oldschool = antzinakoa
modern = modernoa
internal = zehatza
animation = Ikonoen animazioa
12 hour = 12 orduko sistema

[gba settings]
title = GBA ajusteak
sleephack = Atseden unibertsala (sleep)
autosave = Save-a hasierara mugitu
mode = SLOT-2 mota
modegba = gba
modends = nds
modeask = galdetzea
modetext = SLOT-2-a kargatu nahi duzu NDS moduan?

[sd save]
title = Errorea
text = Jokua ezin da kargatu Axekard R.P.G barneko flash memoria. Zure micro SD tzartelan kopiatu eta proba ezazu.

icon = Ikonoa erakutsi.
transparent = gardena
as is = den bezala
firmware = DS menukoa

title = Cheats
info = Info gehiago
deselect = Dena desaktibatu

title = Oraingo gordekuntza Slota-a
confirm = Slot berri honetan berridatzi nahi duzu save-a?
target slot = Gordetzeko destinu slot-a

flash memory = Flash memoria
microsd card = Micro SD txartela
slot2 card = SLOT-2-ko flashcard-a
favorites = Gogokoak



Feb 15, 2011
Hello.I made the Turkish translation:

main = liberation.pcf
language = 1

[start menu]
Copy = Kopyala
Cut = Kes
Paste = Yap??t?r
Delete = Sil
Setting = Ayarlar
Info = Dosya Bilgisi
Help = Yard?m
Tools = Araçlar

[message box]
yes = Evet
no = Hay?r
ok = Tamam
cancel = ?ptal

[progress window]
processing save = ??leniyor, Lütfen cihaz?n?z? kapatmay?n!!
processing copy = Dosya Kopyalan?yor, Cihaz?n?z? kapatmay?n!!, %c for cancel
first use sd = ?lk Kullan?m için SD Kart kontrol ediliyor..
gba load = Gba oyunu yükleniyor…
gba save load = Gba kay?d? yükleniyor…
gba save store = Gba kay?d? i?leniyor… Cihaz?n?z? kapatmay?n!!
erase nor = NOR flash siliniyor…

[copy file error]
title = Hata
text = Dosya Bulunamad?

[copy file exists]
title = Uyar?
text = Ayn? isimli dosya bulundu, üzerine yaz?ls?n m??

[copy dest is directory]
title = Hata
text = Ayn? isimli dosya bulundu, kaynak dosya kopyalanam?yor.

[move dest is directory]
title = Hata
text = Ayn? isimli dosya bulundu, kaynak dosya ta??nam?yor.

[no copy dir]
title = Hata
text = ?u anda Dizin Kopyalama/Ta??ma desteklenmiyor.

[stop copying file]
title = Kopyalamay? durdur
text = Kopyalamay? durdurmak istiyormusunuz?

[confirm delete file]
title = Onayla
text = Dosya silindikten sonra geri al?namaz, silma i?lemine devam edilsin mi "%s"?

[do not delete directory]
title = Uyar?
text = Dizin bo? de?il, Silinemez.

[restore save fail]
title = Hata
text = Kay?t verileri geri al?n?rken hata.

[language changed]
title = Soru
text = Sistem dili de?i?ti, ayarlar?n geçerli olmas? için yeniden ba?lat?n. Daha sonra yeniden ba?latma için "Hay?r" tu?una bas?n.

[ui style changed]
title = Soru
text = Kullan?c? arayüz stili de?i?ti, yeni stil için yeniden ba?lat?n. ?u anki stil için "Hay?r" tu?una bas?n.

[setting window]
ok = Tamam
savetype = Ayarlar
cancel = ?ptal
confirm = Onayla
confirm text = Ayarlar kaydedilsin mi?
close = Ç?k??
system = Sistem
interface = Arayüz
filesystem = Dosya sistemi
gba = GBA
patches = Patchler

[save type]
title = Ayarlar
text = Kay?t tipini seçiniz
Unknown = bilinmiyor/otomatik
No Save = kay?t yok
4K = 4K
64K = 64K
512K = 512K
1M = 1M
2M = 2M
4M = 4M
8M = 8M
16M = 16M
32M = 32M
64M = 64M
default = varsay?lan
save slot = Kay?t slotunu seçin
tab1 = Uyumluluk
tab2 = Özellikleri

[system setting]
title = Sistem ayarlar?
safe mode = Güvenli mod

[rom info]
title = Dosya bilgisi
file date = Son de?i?iklik: %d/%d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d(GMT)
file size = Dosya boyutu: %s
save type = Ky?t tipi: %s
game code = Kod: %s
copy slot = Kopyalama slotu

[disk info]
total = Disk kapasitesi: %s
used = Kullan?lan alan: %s
free = Bo? alan: %s

[no free space]
title = Hata
text = Diskte yeterli yer yok.

[unsupported sd]
title = Desteklenmeyen SD kart
text = Bu SD kart(Model:%s) resmi DS programlar? için uygun de?il ,lütfen program? SD karttan Acekard Internal Flash Memory'e kopyalay?ptekrar deneyin.

[sd card error]
title = SD kart hatas?
text = SD karta eri?ilemiyor, Kart düzgün tak?lmam?? olabilir.

[no sd for save]
title = SD kart hatas?
text = SD karta eri?ilemiyor, önceki ça??an programa ait veriler ?u dosyaya yaz?ld?: "%s".

[no gba card]
title = Bildirim
text = SLOT-2 de cihaz yok!

[filelist type]
text = Dosya listeleme tipini seçiniz
item0 = NDS
item1 = NDS + SAV
item2 = HEPS?

[rom trim]
text = Rom'u kopyalarken trimle
item0 = Hay?r
item1 = Evet

text = Dil
ja = ???
en = english
fr = français
de = deutsch
it = italiano
es = español
tr = türkçe

[ui style]
text = Kullan?c? arayüz stili

[help window]
title = Yard?m
item0 = %c Programlar? seç
item1 = %c Ba?lat/Tamam/Evet
item2 = %c Geri/?ptal/Hay?r
item3 = %c Dosya bilgisini göster/Kay?t tipini seçin
item4 = %c De?i?tir: SD/FLASH
item5 = %c Ana dizine geri dön
item6 = %c Parlakl??? ayarla
item7 = %s Ba?lang?ç Menüsü
item8 = %s Menü stili yeni/klasik

[exp window]
button = 3in1
title = 3in1 expansion pack ayarlar?
ram = RAM
sram = sRAM
off = dü?ük
mid = orta
high = yüksek
strength = Rumble gücü
flash to nor = to NOR
copy to psram = to RAM

[abort save]
title = Kay?t i?lemini durdur
text = Kay?t i?lemini durdurmak istiyormusunuz?

[gba warn]
title = Uyar?
text = 32M'den büyük Gba romlar? desteklenmiyor!

download play = Tek kart oyunu
cheating system = Oyun içi hile(AR)
reset in game = Oyun içi reset
dma = DMA modu
protection = Korumay? geç
linkage = GBA ile linkle
sd save = Direkt SD ye kaydet

Enable = aç?k
Disable = kapal?
Global = global(%s)

[ram allocation]
title = Hata
memory allocation error = Bellek ay?rma hatas?

fast = H?zl?
medium = Normal
slow = Yava?

[file settings]
title = Dosya sistemi ayarlar?
show hidden files = Gizli dosyalar? göster
save extension = Uzant?lar? kaydet

[interface settings]
title = Arayüz ayarlar?
scrolling speed = Kayd?rma h?z?
filelist style = Dosya listeleme tipi
oldschool = Klasik
modern = Modern
internal = Do?al
animation = Animasyon
12 hour = 12-hour clock

[gba settings]
title = GBA ayarlar?
sleephack = Evrensel uyku
autosave = Ba?lang?çta kayd? yedekle
mode = Slot-2 modu
modegba = gba
modends = nds
modeask = sor
modetext = Slot-2 NSD modunda ba?lat?ls?n m??

[sd save]
title = Uyar?
text = Bu oyun Acekard Internal Flash Memory ile ba?lat?lamaz, Lütfen oyunu Acekard Internal Flash Memory den SD karta kopyalay?p tekrar deneyin.

icon = ?konlar? göster
transparent = ?effaf
as is = as is
firmware = firmware

title = Hileler
info = Daha fazla…
deselect = Hiçbirini seçme

title = Kay?t slotunu kopyala
confirm = Kay?t slotunu kopyalamak istiyormusunuz?
target slot = Hedef kay?t slotu

flash memory = Flash Haf?zas?
microsd card = microSD kart
slot2 card = Slot2 kart
favorites = Be?enilenler


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