So I was modding a friends brand new red wii for him.
Installed HBC > Trucha bug > Darkcorp 1.1 > Setup USB Loaders/Emulators for him and installed Startpatch 4.3 hacks. It rebooted i tested out the startpatch hacks and all was working well so i played a game in WiiFlow make sure it worked, it did, tested Emulators they worked great so i turned it off unplugged it gave it back to him, he calls me and says the wii is broke it does nothing but black screen no sound/video nothing just black screen on the T.V. Only thing that had happend between then is taking it from my house to his, I got it back from him and tested it back at my house with both A/V and Component cables and same result, Bootmii was only installed as an IOS (obviously) and i had applied startpatch recovery menu by pressing y on 4th gamecube pad, but neither bootmii or recovery menu worked. I've never seen this issue before on a wii (I've modded 50-75 of them now at least). Whats odd too is the wiimote will actually sync but no sound/vibration from it or the T.V. Anyone have any idea what could have caused this? Or possibly a way to fix this? It almost seems to me like the video hardware just crashed but in all my time modding wii's I've never had it happen, so is this common?
Thanks for any help/replies!
Installed HBC > Trucha bug > Darkcorp 1.1 > Setup USB Loaders/Emulators for him and installed Startpatch 4.3 hacks. It rebooted i tested out the startpatch hacks and all was working well so i played a game in WiiFlow make sure it worked, it did, tested Emulators they worked great so i turned it off unplugged it gave it back to him, he calls me and says the wii is broke it does nothing but black screen no sound/video nothing just black screen on the T.V. Only thing that had happend between then is taking it from my house to his, I got it back from him and tested it back at my house with both A/V and Component cables and same result, Bootmii was only installed as an IOS (obviously) and i had applied startpatch recovery menu by pressing y on 4th gamecube pad, but neither bootmii or recovery menu worked. I've never seen this issue before on a wii (I've modded 50-75 of them now at least). Whats odd too is the wiimote will actually sync but no sound/vibration from it or the T.V. Anyone have any idea what could have caused this? Or possibly a way to fix this? It almost seems to me like the video hardware just crashed but in all my time modding wii's I've never had it happen, so is this common?
Thanks for any help/replies!