Hello fellow Temper's.
I'm not sure whether or not to post this here, but I've decided to start translating YSMENU to Portuguese, and possibly more languages when I have the time.
Because, there are only a select few languages for the YSMENU available (only 6, in fact), and the ones that we do have are a bit... Engrish, so to say. My goal is to perfect the vocab of YSMENU to make it into the best alternative in the homebrew community for the DS!
I'm simply editing the YSMENU.INI. It's vital for us to actually use YSMENU, since we can the understand what the hell is going on when something goes wrong/right. It has a set of commands, and when something happens, be it good or bad, it tells us with one of it's messages, like "Cannot find SAV. Create a new one?".
How can I help?
If you actually know the languages I've translated it to, correct me through a PM, or on this very thread, and I'll get right onto recompiling the .INI file. If you have any suggestions regarding what languages to translate to, or if you've made a translation already, send it in to me so I can recompile the YSMENU in this thread to make a better one for everyone! I will put credit where it is due.
Sadly, I'm not sure if it will work on all DS's, so I need a few testers who can try it out (since I already know it mostly works for my DS). I have an edited YSMENU.INI here, for anyone who has the time to try it out. All you have to do is put this .INI-file in the "YSMENU" folder in you microSD, and replace your old .INI-file, then edit the semicolons to one of the new languages.
I am NOT liable for any damage this code may cause your DS or any other related hardware!
EDIT: Changed all the ã's, é's, í's, ç's, and other portuguese symbols to normal "a","e","i","o","c", etc. They weren't working on the latest YSMENU build I was trying it out on. I will start on a Swedish build now.
EDIT2!: My first Swedish build has been added to the YSMENU.INI link above. Download, edit the semicolons to your preference, and try it out! I'll make more edits if I make more language builds, if I have the time.
I'm not sure whether or not to post this here, but I've decided to start translating YSMENU to Portuguese, and possibly more languages when I have the time.
Because, there are only a select few languages for the YSMENU available (only 6, in fact), and the ones that we do have are a bit... Engrish, so to say. My goal is to perfect the vocab of YSMENU to make it into the best alternative in the homebrew community for the DS!
I'm simply editing the YSMENU.INI. It's vital for us to actually use YSMENU, since we can the understand what the hell is going on when something goes wrong/right. It has a set of commands, and when something happens, be it good or bad, it tells us with one of it's messages, like "Cannot find SAV. Create a new one?".
How can I help?
If you actually know the languages I've translated it to, correct me through a PM, or on this very thread, and I'll get right onto recompiling the .INI file. If you have any suggestions regarding what languages to translate to, or if you've made a translation already, send it in to me so I can recompile the YSMENU in this thread to make a better one for everyone! I will put credit where it is due.
Sadly, I'm not sure if it will work on all DS's, so I need a few testers who can try it out (since I already know it mostly works for my DS). I have an edited YSMENU.INI here, for anyone who has the time to try it out. All you have to do is put this .INI-file in the "YSMENU" folder in you microSD, and replace your old .INI-file, then edit the semicolons to one of the new languages.
I am NOT liable for any damage this code may cause your DS or any other related hardware!
EDIT: Changed all the ã's, é's, í's, ç's, and other portuguese symbols to normal "a","e","i","o","c", etc. They weren't working on the latest YSMENU build I was trying it out on. I will start on a Swedish build now.
EDIT2!: My first Swedish build has been added to the YSMENU.INI link above. Download, edit the semicolons to your preference, and try it out! I'll make more edits if I make more language builds, if I have the time.