Homebrew Three questions: NesDS, Gameboy, and GBA related


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
United States
1. So I'm using NesDS for NES emulation. Only problem is when I compile my ROMs into a list to export the .nds file for my DS, it has to be under 3mb. That's not enough for me, and there are still a few more games I'd like to have. Is there any way around this or am I boned/have to use PocketNES?

2. I use Lameboy for Game Boy/GBC emulation, and it typically works great except for saving games. Some games that have anywhere or mostly anywhere saving like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon are fine, but games that require you to save at certain areas, or autosave like Super Mario Land 2 and 3, and Super Mario Bros Delux, it's really fiddly. I've literally had it save a game right where I was, then came back to it later and it was at a save quite sometime earlier and I lost a lot of progress.

3. Not sure if it's technically emulation related, but I have a slot 2 device (EZ Flash 3-n-1, my slot 1 is a CycloDS), and I wanted to know if there was any way to remap controls. I don't like the outward diagnol feel of the GBA buttons, and prefer to have it line up with my thumb placement so my two main buttons are more comfortable to use. The same setup you see in DS games like New Super Mario Bros is what I'd like to have for GBA games like the Mario Advance collection of remakes/ports. This would be a super easy and simple thing to fix if I could somehow map my y button, which is useless otherwise, to function as an a button. Is this possible?



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2009
Town of Rainstorm
Jharp said:
1. So I'm using NesDS for NES emulation. Only problem is when I compile my ROMs into a list to export the .nds file for my DS, it has to be under 3mb. That's not enough for me, and there are still a few more games I'd like to have. Is there any way around this or am I boned/have to use PocketNES?

2. I use Lameboy for Game Boy/GBC emulation, and it typically works great except for saving games. Some games that have anywhere or mostly anywhere saving like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon are fine, but games that require you to save at certain areas, or autosave like Super Mario Land 2 and 3, and Super Mario Bros Delux, it's really fiddly. I've literally had it save a game right where I was, then came back to it later and it was at a save quite sometime earlier and I lost a lot of progress.

3. Not sure if it's technically emulation related, but I have a slot 2 device (EZ Flash 3-n-1, my slot 1 is a CycloDS), and I wanted to know if there was any way to remap controls. I don't like the outward diagnol feel of the GBA buttons, and prefer to have it line up with my thumb placement so my two main buttons are more comfortable to use. The same setup you see in DS games like New Super Mario Bros is what I'd like to have for GBA games like the Mario Advance collection of remakes/ports. This would be a super easy and simple thing to fix if I could somehow map my y button, which is useless otherwise, to function as an a button. Is this possible?


1. What is your problem? My DS can handle over 100MB game total. And NES game size is always below 512kb per game

2. My Lameboy works as it does

3. X and Y button is useless when emulate GBA (I think). it's build to pointing button as same button on the original GBA


The GBAtemp Pichu
Sep 13, 2008
Visit site
Jharp said:
1. So I'm using NesDS for NES emulation. Only problem is when I compile my ROMs into a list to export the .nds file for my DS, it has to be under 3mb. That's not enough for me, and there are still a few more games I'd like to have. Is there any way around this or am I boned/have to use PocketNES?

2. I use Lameboy for Game Boy/GBC emulation, and it typically works great except for saving games. Some games that have anywhere or mostly anywhere saving like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon are fine, but games that require you to save at certain areas, or autosave like Super Mario Land 2 and 3, and Super Mario Bros Delux, it's really fiddly. I've literally had it save a game right where I was, then came back to it later and it was at a save quite sometime earlier and I lost a lot of progress.

3. Not sure if it's technically emulation related, but I have a slot 2 device (EZ Flash 3-n-1, my slot 1 is a CycloDS), and I wanted to know if there was any way to remap controls. I don't like the outward diagnol feel of the GBA buttons, and prefer to have it line up with my thumb placement so my two main buttons are more comfortable to use. The same setup you see in DS games like New Super Mario Bros is what I'd like to have for GBA games like the Mario Advance collection of remakes/ports. This would be a super easy and simple thing to fix if I could somehow map my y button, which is useless otherwise, to function as an a button. Is this possible?

2.in the bottom screen check your save state slots,if you started on ss0,and right now its grayed out(written "None)and change it


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
1) You must be using an ancient version, get a DLDI one and use that instead.

2) It has always worked fine for me as well.

3) No way to do it in software, I saw a hardware kit to do it once though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
United States
QUOTE said:
1. So I'm using NesDS for NES emulation. Only problem is when I compile my ROMs into a list to export the .nds file for my DS, it has to be under 3mb. That's not enough for me, and there are still a few more games I'd like to have. Is there any way around this or am I boned/have to use PocketNES?

I suggest you to look for an updated version of NesDS, since it can handle the ROM's at a directory instead of building them inside the NDS file. I had used YSmenu and it can use PocketNES (if you have a Slot-2 device) just by selecting the NES ROM, does anyone know how to do this?

QUOTE said:
2. I use Lameboy for Game Boy/GBC emulation, and it typically works great except for saving games. Some games that have anywhere or mostly anywhere saving like Legend of Zelda or Pokemon are fine, but games that require you to save at certain areas, or autosave like Super Mario Land 2 and 3, and Super Mario Bros Delux, it's really fiddly. I've literally had it save a game right where I was, then came back to it later and it was at a save quite sometime earlier and I lost a lot of progress.

I am not sure if your problem is the version, but you can always have the newest at GBATemp or official web page. I have heard that people is unaware that you can use the option of "Save" so it can save the in-game progress (or RAM as stated in the Readme), or you could use the save states.

3. Not sure if it's technically emulation related, but I have a slot 2 device (EZ Flash 3-n-1, my slot 1 is a CycloDS), and I wanted to know if there was any way to remap controls. I don't like the outward diagonal feel of the GBA buttons, and prefer to have it line up with my thumb placement so my two main buttons are more comfortable to use. The same setup you see in DS games like New Super Mario Bros is what I'd like to have for GBA games like the Mario Advance collection of remakes/ports. This would be a super easy and simple thing to fix if I could somehow map my y button, which is useless otherwise, to function as an a button. Is this possible?

I have not hear of a patch to do that, but I know of the patch for GBA for the use of SNES controller. I remember it was made by loopy (from Pocket Heaven) for a emulator called SNES Advance. Maybe you could ask him or point a programmer with the information loopy gives to you so someone can make a patch.


aka Ricochet Otter
Jun 2, 2007
United States
With Lameboy, your in-game saves are not finalized until you press the X button or go back to the rom listing, both of which update the *.sav file on your card with the updated save data. If you don't do either of these (or use savestates), you will lose any progress you make.

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