The Definitive Guide to prevent YLOD
The Sony PlayStation 3 was a truly marvelous piece of technology. From the innovations that were brought forth from introducing Blu-Ray as a standard, to the CELL Processor, to the massive catalog of games you could play with the first models having backwards compatibility with PS2 and PS1 Games, it's a machine that even today is still recognized as one of the most powerful consoles of all time. Unfortunately the PS3 (Mainly the early Fat Models) suffers from overheating issues. This guide is going to show you exactly how you can keep your original FAT Model PS3 alive for a very long time. Please note this guide will still work regardless of what model you have however it's primarily aimed at the 60GB Hardware Based BC PS3. Either one of these solutions will aid you in keeping your PS3 System alive for a long time and for the best results I highly recommend doing both. Now, Lets get started.
PART ONE - Hardware Solution
When Sony shipped the original 60GB and 20GB PS3 they used very cheap thermal paste. As a result this has turned many PS3's into a ticking time bomb. If you wish to keep your PS3 operating for the long run, you need to replace the thermal paste inside of the console. For this I recommend picking up Artic Silver 5 Thermal Paste, a microfiber cloth, and cleaning alcohol. Once you have all of the necessary supplies you are ready to begin. Below I have linked videos that show the entire process in detail.
Watch this first - Console Disassembly
Watch this last - Applying New Thermal Paste
PART TWO - Software Solution
The Second thing you will need to do is to adjust the fan speed on your PS3 Console. For some odd reason the stock fan settings on the older PS3's are for lack of a better word complete garbage. The reason most PS3's overheat is a combination between thermal paste drying up and improper cooling causing the RSX and or CELL to literally cook themselves. The first thing you will need to do in order to improve your cooling via fan speed is you need to install custom firmware on your PlayStation 3. I understand this isn't something that everyone will or wants to do and even if all you do is just apply new thermal paste you're still extending the life of your system for quite some time. However if you want to keep your PS3 running well into the distant future and beyond then I highly recommend applying this method in combination with replacing the old thermal paste. Below I have linked two videos. One which shows how easy it is to get custom firmware installed on to your PS3, the second shows you how you can improve the cooling in your PS3 via adjusting the fan speed for optimal performance and cooling.
Watch this first - Installing CFW
Watch this last - Configuring your Fan Settings via Webman
Personally I recommend setting the fan to Auto at 55° C in webman. Make sure that the setting "Enable dynamic fan control" is checked with a green check mark. Once done just save and reboot. If you've done all of that then congratulations you now have a PS3 that will last you for many years to come. Contrary to popular belief you can own an original model PS3 and not have to worry about YLOD. You just need to take proper precautions to ensure overheating doesn't happen. I hope this guide has helped you. May you enjoy your PS3 for many years to come.
It has come to my attention from multiple members of the community that the "NEC" Capacitors are also very much to blame for YLOD issues. If you're a complete beginner I DO NOT recommend attempting this part yourself as it is requires some intermediate to advanced level of technical skill. If you're interested in learning more, I have a link below for an excellent tutorial that was written on the matter.
Props to the following peeps,
@Dark Ronin
Last edited by wiired24,