SwitchHax v1.1 Tutorial


Dr. Wii, Ph.D
Sep 28, 2013
United States
We've been working hard on making SwitchHax best as can be. Here's a tutorial by Nintendult to use a different exploit than the one shown here.

Here's the tutorial.


SwitchHax is a revolutionary new exploit discovered by Varson Larsellio that allows all people young and old
to hack the Switch. SwitchHax is the future of exploits, being installable in a few easy steps. Let's go over


First things first, you need to download the SwitchHax Toolkit. This contains all the basic stuff you need
for running homebrew on the Switch. This is available at [INSERT URL HERE].

Next you need these things:

Homebrew Channel Installer Disc Beta 6
An exploitable DS VC game
An exploitable Wii VC game
A copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee (MUST BE Ver 1.0)
A copy of WarioWare Smooth Moves
3 Wii U systems
2 Wiis
1 GameCube
A magnet
Some duct tape
A 3DS with CFW
A 2DS without CFW
The Korean WiiWare version of Sonic 4 Episode 2 in Doom WAD format
A Wii Mini with Bootmii as boot0
The 3DS Virtual Console version of Pokemon Blue
A real copy of Pokemon Blue
Pkemon Stadium 2
A Pikachu Edition N64
And a Switch, obviously


First things first, insert a microSD Card into your PC. Extract the contents of the SwitchHax Toolkit to the
SD root. Put the microSD Card into your Switch.

Then, get a full size SD Card. Copy Bannerbomb, Letterbomb, and Betterbomb to the SD Root. Put your exploitable VC games
into the "install" folder. Place the Sonic 4 WAD into a folder named "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior".

Insert the SD Card into your Wii Mini. From the Bootmii Menu, select the Bommerbomb Channel.
Press enter. You should see a Bomb Selection Screen. Select the "Full Bomb Package" and press B.
Wait 3 seconds, then shut down the Wii Mini. Insert the Homebrew Channel Installer Disc and turn on the console.
If your Wii Menu isn't glowing red and spewing satanic chants, Format System Memory and try again.
If it is, turn off the console. Move the SD Card to one of the 2 Wiis. Place the magnet in the Disc Drive and
seal it with the duct tape. Grab your other Wii, insert WarioWare Smooth Moves and Smash Bros Melee simultaneously.
Running both games at once tricks the Wii into running Arbitrary COde Execution and running Hackmii Installer in
"Friend Mode". Be sure that you have exchanged friend codes between Wiis beforehand.

you should get a Wii Mail on the other Wii. It will contain an image. Open it. Study it.
After studying the image for an unknown amount of time, the exploit will launch and proceed to activate the
Wii U System Transfer Unlock Code which was secretly added to the Wii in a system update sometime in 2011.
Proceed to boot up one of the Wii U consoles. Attempt a system transfer between the Wii and Wii U.
The Wii will send the unlock code, causing the vWii to jailbreak and be able to modify the Wii U NAND.

It will proceed to install the PermaSigPatch and 3DSDPHax programs. Let it install.
Boot into the Wii U Menu and boot up 3DSDPHax. It will ask you to turn on 2 other Wii Us in the area.
Proceed to boot up the 2 other Wii Us you prepared.
They will begin sending the brown note through 3DS Download Play, which allows Download Play to write to NAND.
Launch 3DS Download Play on your 3DS and 2DS. Choose the "Browntendo Letter Box" application on the 3DS and
the "Brownnote" application on the 2DS. DO NOT OPEN THE "Browndoodle" APPLICATION.
Wait 3312 seconds. Shut off the Wii U systems.

On the 3DS, open up Pokemon Blue. Look up a Pokemon Blue ACE exploit. Do it, and proceed to inject the NAND Flasher
into the save by typing the code into the game with botton presses. The required button presses are on this 32,000 page PDF.
Save & Quit. Open the BrownNote application from the Home Menu and select the "Save Transfer" mode. Insert your Pokemon Blue cart
using the GB2DS Adapter. Select "Transfer"

Ensure that the 64DD is set up. Place the Pkmn Blue cart in the Transfer Pak and boot up Pokemon Stadium 2. Transfer the Mew into
your Stadium save file. Start a battle with Mew as the only Pokemon. This will activate StadiumHax and begin transferring the exploit to the Randnet Disk.
Use a flashcart to move the exploit from the Randnet Disk to the SD Card. Put the SD Card in one of the two Wiis. make sure the Sonic 4 WAD is also on the SD Card.
Install the Sonic 4 WAD with a WAD Manager. Boot up Sonic 4. Get to the Sylvania Castle Boss and then lose all your lives. On the continue screen press
Up Up Down Dows Left Left Right Down Up A B 1 2 Plus Minus, then do a flip while holding the Wii Remote in an upright position. SpinDashHax will launch.
On the SpinDashHax screen, press B three times and misspell a word on the registration screen. This will launch SpinDashHaxHax. Click the "Dump CMOS" button.
Insert the SD Card into a GameCube using a USB Gecko. Insert the mutilated Melee disc. Choose Pichu and Pokefloats. NotTourneyLegalHax will boot.
Type "1335 + 2" into the prompt. Unplug the GameCube and use the spinning disc to cut your toe.

Go back to your 3DS, launch "Serial Killer Channel", and press #. Your 3DS will explode. This is normal.

Now, grab some gasoline, set everything except the Switch on fire, go to the Switch, and launch the Screenshots application.

And presto, Switchbrew Launcher 1.0.2 will be installed on your Switch! Just be careful, as if you boot any game other than Othello, your system will
be permabanned and remotely bricked.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2017
United States
We've been working hard on making SwitchHax best as can be. Here's a tutorial by Nintendult to use a different exploit than the one shown here.

Here's the tutorial.


SwitchHax is a revolutionary new exploit discovered by Varson Larsellio that allows all people young and old
to hack the Switch. SwitchHax is the future of exploits, being installable in a few easy steps. Let's go over


First things first, you need to download the SwitchHax Toolkit. This contains all the basic stuff you need
for running homebrew on the Switch. This is available at [INSERT URL HERE].

Next you need these things:

Homebrew Channel Installer Disc Beta 6
An exploitable DS VC game
An exploitable Wii VC game
A copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee (MUST BE Ver 1.0)
A copy of WarioWare Smooth Moves
3 Wii U systems
2 Wiis
1 GameCube
A magnet
Some duct tape
A 3DS with CFW
A 2DS without CFW
The Korean WiiWare version of Sonic 4 Episode 2 in Doom WAD format
A Wii Mini with Bootmii as boot0
The 3DS Virtual Console version of Pokemon Blue
A real copy of Pokemon Blue
Pkemon Stadium 2
A Pikachu Edition N64
And a Switch, obviously


First things first, insert a microSD Card into your PC. Extract the contents of the SwitchHax Toolkit to the
SD root. Put the microSD Card into your Switch.

Then, get a full size SD Card. Copy Bannerbomb, Letterbomb, and Betterbomb to the SD Root. Put your exploitable VC games
into the "install" folder. Place the Sonic 4 WAD into a folder named "Toot Toot Sonic Warrior".

Insert the SD Card into your Wii Mini. From the Bootmii Menu, select the Bommerbomb Channel.
Press enter. You should see a Bomb Selection Screen. Select the "Full Bomb Package" and press B.
Wait 3 seconds, then shut down the Wii Mini. Insert the Homebrew Channel Installer Disc and turn on the console.
If your Wii Menu isn't glowing red and spewing satanic chants, Format System Memory and try again.
If it is, turn off the console. Move the SD Card to one of the 2 Wiis. Place the magnet in the Disc Drive and
seal it with the duct tape. Grab your other Wii, insert WarioWare Smooth Moves and Smash Bros Melee simultaneously.
Running both games at once tricks the Wii into running Arbitrary COde Execution and running Hackmii Installer in
"Friend Mode". Be sure that you have exchanged friend codes between Wiis beforehand.

you should get a Wii Mail on the other Wii. It will contain an image. Open it. Study it.
After studying the image for an unknown amount of time, the exploit will launch and proceed to activate the
Wii U System Transfer Unlock Code which was secretly added to the Wii in a system update sometime in 2011.
Proceed to boot up one of the Wii U consoles. Attempt a system transfer between the Wii and Wii U.
The Wii will send the unlock code, causing the vWii to jailbreak and be able to modify the Wii U NAND.

It will proceed to install the PermaSigPatch and 3DSDPHax programs. Let it install.
Boot into the Wii U Menu and boot up 3DSDPHax. It will ask you to turn on 2 other Wii Us in the area.
Proceed to boot up the 2 other Wii Us you prepared.
They will begin sending the brown note through 3DS Download Play, which allows Download Play to write to NAND.
Launch 3DS Download Play on your 3DS and 2DS. Choose the "Browntendo Letter Box" application on the 3DS and
the "Brownnote" application on the 2DS. DO NOT OPEN THE "Browndoodle" APPLICATION.
Wait 3312 seconds. Shut off the Wii U systems.

On the 3DS, open up Pokemon Blue. Look up a Pokemon Blue ACE exploit. Do it, and proceed to inject the NAND Flasher
into the save by typing the code into the game with botton presses. The required button presses are on this 32,000 page PDF.
Save & Quit. Open the BrownNote application from the Home Menu and select the "Save Transfer" mode. Insert your Pokemon Blue cart
using the GB2DS Adapter. Select "Transfer"

Ensure that the 64DD is set up. Place the Pkmn Blue cart in the Transfer Pak and boot up Pokemon Stadium 2. Transfer the Mew into
your Stadium save file. Start a battle with Mew as the only Pokemon. This will activate StadiumHax and begin transferring the exploit to the Randnet Disk.
Use a flashcart to move the exploit from the Randnet Disk to the SD Card. Put the SD Card in one of the two Wiis. make sure the Sonic 4 WAD is also on the SD Card.
Install the Sonic 4 WAD with a WAD Manager. Boot up Sonic 4. Get to the Sylvania Castle Boss and then lose all your lives. On the continue screen press
Up Up Down Dows Left Left Right Down Up A B 1 2 Plus Minus, then do a flip while holding the Wii Remote in an upright position. SpinDashHax will launch.
On the SpinDashHax screen, press B three times and misspell a word on the registration screen. This will launch SpinDashHaxHax. Click the "Dump CMOS" button.
Insert the SD Card into a GameCube using a USB Gecko. Insert the mutilated Melee disc. Choose Pichu and Pokefloats. NotTourneyLegalHax will boot.
Type "1335 + 2" into the prompt. Unplug the GameCube and use the spinning disc to cut your toe.

Go back to your 3DS, launch "Serial Killer Channel", and press #. Your 3DS will explode. This is normal.

Now, grab some gasoline, set everything except the Switch on fire, go to the Switch, and launch the Screenshots application.

And presto, Switchbrew Launcher 1.0.2 will be installed on your Switch! Just be careful, as if you boot any game other than Othello, your system will
be permabanned and remotely bricked.
This must be a joke, as it's in EOF.......Right?


Sent from my Z963VL using Tapatalk


Nova's Guardian
Dec 30, 2013
Biblically accurate Hell

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